Студопедия — Declarations
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Declarations in a C# program define the constituent elements of the program. C# programs are organized using namespaces (§9), which can contain type declarations and nested namespace declarations. Type declarations (§9.6) are used to define classes (§10), structs (§10.14), interfaces (§13), enums (§14), and delegates (§15). The kinds of members permitted in a type declaration depend on the form of the type declaration. For instance, class declarations can contain declarations for constants (§10.4), fields (§10.5), methods (§10.6), properties (§10.7), events (§10.8), indexers (§10.9), operators (§10.10), instance constructors (§10.11), static constructors (§10.12), destructors (§10.13), and nested types(§10.3.8).

A declaration defines a name in the declaration space to which the declaration belongs. Except for overloaded members (§3.6), it is a compile-time error to have two or more declarations that introduce members with the same name in a declaration space. It is never possible for a declaration space to contain different kinds of members with the same name. For example, a declaration space can never contain a field and a method by the same name.

There are several different types of declaration spaces, as described in the following.

· Within all source files of a program, namespace-member-declarations with no enclosing namespace-declaration are members of a single combined declaration space called the global declaration space.

· Within all source files of a program, namespace-member-declarations within namespace-declarations that have the same fully qualified namespace name are members of a single combined declaration space.

· Each class, struct, or interface declaration creates a new declaration space. Names are introduced into this declaration space through class-member-declarations, struct-member-declarations, interface-member-declarations, or type-parameters. Except for overloaded instance constructor declarations and static constructor declarations, a class or struct cannot contain a member declaration with the same name as the class or struct. A class, struct, or interface permits the declaration of overloaded methods and indexers. Furthermore, a class or struct permits the declaration of overloaded instance constructors and operators. For example, a class, struct, or interface may contain multiple method declarations with the same name, provided these method declarations differ in their signature (§3.6). Note that base classes do not contribute to the declaration space of a class, and base interfaces do not contribute to the declaration space of an interface. Thus, a derived class or interface is allowed to declare a member with the same name as an inherited member. Such a member is said to hide the inherited member.

· Each delegate declaration creates a new declaration space. Names are introduced into this declaration space through formal parameters (fixed-parameters and parameter-arrays) and type-parameters.

· Each enumeration declaration creates a new declaration space. Names are introduced into this declaration space through enum-member-declarations.

· Each method declaration, indexer declaration, operator declaration, instance constructor declaration and anonymous function creates a new declaration space called a local variable declaration space. Names are introduced into this declaration space through formal parameters (fixed-parameters and parameter-arrays) and type-parameters. The body of the function member or anonymous function, if any, is considered to be nested within the local variable declaration space. It is an error for a local variable declaration space and a nested local variable declaration space to contain elements with the same name. Thus, within a nested declaration space it is not possible to declare a local variable or constant with the same name as a local variable or constant in an enclosing declaration space. It is possible for two declaration spaces to contain elements with the same name as long as neither declaration space contains the other.

· Each blockor switch-block, as well as a for, foreach and using statement, creates a local variable declaration space for local variables and local constants. Names are introduced into this declaration space through local-variable-declarations and local-constant-declarations. Note that blocks that occur as or within the body of a function member or anonymous function are nested within the local variable declaration space declared by those functions for their parameters. Thus it is an error to have e.g. a method with a local variable and a parameter of the same name.

· Each block or switch-block creates a separate declaration space for labels. Names are introduced into this declaration space through labeled-statements, and the names are referenced through goto-statements. The label declaration space of a block includes any nested blocks. Thus, within a nested block it is not possible to declare a label with the same name as a label in an enclosing block.

The textual order in which names are declared is generally of no significance. In particular, textual order is not significant for the declaration and use of namespaces, constants, methods, properties, events, indexers, operators, instance constructors, destructors, static constructors, and types. Declaration order is significant in the following ways:

· Declaration order for field declarations and local variable declarations determines the order in which their initializers (if any) are executed.

· Local variables must be defined before they are used (§3.7).

· Declaration order for enum member declarations (§14.3) is significant when constant-expression values are omitted.

The declaration space of a namespace is “open ended”, and two namespace declarations with the same fully qualified name contribute to the same declaration space. For example

namespace Megacorp.Data
class Customer

namespace Megacorp.Data
class Order

The two namespace declarations above contribute to the same declaration space, in this case declaring two classes with the fully qualified names Megacorp.Data.Customer and Megacorp.Data.Order. Because the two declarations contribute to the same declaration space, it would have caused a compile-time error if each contained a declaration of a class with the same name.

As specified above, the declaration space of a block includes any nested blocks. Thus, in the following example, the F and G methods result in a compile-time error because the name i is declared in the outer block and cannot be redeclared in the inner block. However, the H and I methods are valid since the two i’s are declared in separate non-nested blocks.

class A
void F() {
int i = 0;
if (true) {
int i = 1;

void G() {
if (true) {
int i = 0;
int i = 1;

void H() {
if (true) {
int i = 0;
if (true) {
int i = 1;

void I() {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)

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