Студопедия — Overall assessment of the knowledge
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Overall assessment of the knowledge

A teacher analyses competencies: knowledge, self-education on the theme, analyses mistakes that were done by students at the passing of tests. At the end of the lesson corresponding points are put.


1. Regularity of the rhythm on cardiogram is determined by the equality of intercyclic intervals:

A) P - Q

B) Q –T

C) S – T

D) P – P

E) R – R

2. Time intervals between the prongs of the same name of neighbouring cycles are called:

A) intervals;

B) segments;

C) amplitudes;

D) frequencies;

E) periods.

3. Time of the excitation propagation in ventricles that is determined by the width of QRS complex is:

A) 0.06 – 0.1sec;

B) 0.12 – 0.2 sec;

C) 0.7 – 0.9 sec;

D) 0.18 – 0.34 sec;

E) 0.9 – 1.2 sec.

4. Biopotential that is taken from the surface of a body is measured in:

A) milliampere;

B) millivolt;

C) nanometer;

D) micrometer;

E) Farad.

5. Standard bipolar leads fix … between two points of the body surface:

A) potential difference;

B) impedance;

C) changing of signal frequency;

D) membrane resting potential;

E) action potential.

6. Are in cardiogram (3 answers):

A) prongs;

B) segments;

C) frequencies;

D) membrane potentials;

E) intervals.

7. The first standard lead corresponds to the placing of electrodes on:

A) right and left hands;

B) right hand and left leg;

C) left leg and left hand;

D) right leg and right hand;

E) right and left legs.

8. The second standard lead corresponds to the placing of electrodes on:

A) right and left hands;

B) right hand and left leg;

C) left leg and left hand;

D) right leg and right hand;

E) right and left legs.

9. The third standard lead corresponds to the placing of electrodes on:

A) right and left hands;

B) right hand and left leg;

C) left leg and left hand;

D) right leg and right hand;

E) right and left legs.

10. Ventricular complex on cardiogram includes prongs:






11. Which of the intervals does have the longest duration (in sec):





12. Heart biopotentials directly reflects the processes of excitation and conduction of impulses in:

A) myocardium;

B) pericardium;

C) neurolemma;

D) sarcolemma;

E) dendrite.


13. The great importance for EEG genesis has:

A) interrelation of electrical activity of pyramidal neurons;

B) interrelation between cerebral cortex and electrodes;

C) interrelation between electrodes;

D) totality of current electrical details of separate neurons;

E) arithmetic mean of the potential differences.

14. Is used for the modeling of the cerebral cortex electrical activity:

A. Franck model;

B. Gibbs energy;

C. Einstein model;

D. Zhadin model;

E. Stoletov model.

15. Main indexes of EEG value are (2 answers):

A) frequency of these oscillations;

B) changing of the potential difference;

C) amplitude of these oscillations;

D) standard deviation of these oscillations;

E) arithmetic mean of the potential differences.

16. Generation of exciting postsynaptic potential in the area of dendrite trunk without the branching leads to the emergence of:

A) quadrupole;

B) dendrite dipole;

C) action potential;

D) resting potential;

E) somatic dipole.

17. Registering and analysis of heart biopotentials is used in medicine in:

А) in diagnostical purposes at cardiovascular diseases;

В) in treatment methods at cardiovascular diseases;

С) in diagnostical purposes at neurological diseases;

D) in diagnostical methods for the determination of heart sizes;

Е) in diagnostics of impedance of living tissue.

18. Electrocardiography is based on:

А) Einthoven theory that allows to evaluate the heart biopotentials;

В) Faraday theory;

С) Doppler phenomenon;

Д) Peltier phenomenon;

Е) Einstein theory.

19. ECG prongs are donoted in sequence:

А) P-Q-R-S-T-U

В) U-P-R-S-T-Q

С) U-Q-P-R-S-T

Д) P-Q-S-R-T-U

Е) P-Q-R-S-U-T

20. At the pathological changes in heart is observed:

А) changing of the height and intervals of the ECG;

В) changing of the height of ECG prongs;

С) changing of the ECG intervals;

Д) form of ECG doesn’t change;

Е) absence of R-prong.

21. Method of the registering of brain bioelectrical activity:

А) encephalography;

В) electrography;

С) echoencephalography;

D) electromyography;

Е) electrocardiography.

22. Method of the registering of muscle bioelectrical activity:

А) encephalography;

В) electrography;

С) echoencephalography;

D) electromyography;

Е) electrocardiography.

23. Electric voltage that emerges in cells and tissues of biological objects is called:

А) electrical field;

В) electromagnetic waves;

С) biopotentials;

Д) biological membranes;

Е) electroconductivity.

24. Muscle fibers in a slice have the structure:

А) regular hexagonal;

В) irregular hexagonal;

С) cubic;

Д) quadratic;

Е) irregular cubic.

25. In which vessels the probability of turbulent flow occurrence is higher?

А) in large;

В) in small;

С) emergence of turbulency doesn’t depend of vessel diameter;

Д) in capillaries;

Е) in veins.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 599. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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