Студопедия — Dear Candidate!
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Dear Candidate!



Organizing Committee President




L anguage S chool



Dear Candidate!


Thank you for being interested in applying for OCP of Language School. This questionnaire is an opportunity for our LC to get to know your ideas and profile. Make sure this application reflects you, your perspectives and personality. This application form is also made to find out if you have enough self-confidence and desire to become a person who wants to make a huge impact in development of AIESEC in KR.

I wish good luck and let the power be with you!

You absolutely can do it!

I believe in you!

Sincerely and with huge love,

Your LCP 2012-13


Job description:

· OC team selection and management.

· Creation together with his team members the identity of his team including vision, principles and way of working.

· Organization of weekly meetings with project team.

· Identifying resources needed and dividing responsibilities.

· Tracking and evaluation team’s activity on a weekly basis.

· Management of a project budget together with finance responsible.

· Keeping project team well informed of changes within the organization.

· Motivation of a team to work together in the most efficient manner.

· Run feedback sessions at least twice during the project.

· Reward best performing members in the team.

· Make final evaluation of the project.

Working as OCP you can develop:

· Effective communication (strong)

· Work in team (strong)

· Personal management (strong)

· Creative thinking (average)

· Personal effectiveness (strong)

· Presentation skills (average)

· Problem-solving skills (average)

· Strategic thinking skills (average)

Application form information:

Application procedure:

· send your application form (maximum 200 words for each question) to LCP Victoriya Kamyenyeva to e-mail: [email protected]

· name your application according to following pattern: Language_School_OCP_AF_ Name_Surname

· application deadline: 17.03.2011, 23:59

· You will get confirmation of receiving your application within 24 hours.



For any questions or clarification please, contact LCP Victoriya Kamyenyeva

Application form content:


Personal Information:


1. Provide your personal information:


First Name  
Permanent Address  
Current Position  
Mobile Number  


Languages and level:

Language Level (Native, Excellent A, Good B)


AIESEC Experience:

Period Position Results Achieved



1. Why are you applying for the OCP of “Language School” and how is it connected to your future?



2. What of your skills and abilities would help you to do well in this project? What skills and abilities you want to improve while working in this project?



3. Describe how you envision the realisation of this project.What are the three main objectives have to be achieved by this project?



4. Why do we need to organize this project?



5. What is the main role of the OCP?



6. Where will your OC take money for realization of the project?



7. Imagine the situation when after formation of the OC, creation of work plan for the team, one of OC members does not perform exact results. Time is passing, the realization date is coming quickly, but you still do not see execution of full plan of this person and you don’t have people resources to delegate these tasks. How would you overcome this and increase the quality of plan execution of this OC member?


8. How can you insure successful matching of your EPs?


9. Write down your first steps of your future OC management and project preparation, please.


Thank you for applying!

Good luck!!!

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