Студопедия — Structure Study.
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Structure Study.

Present Simple Tense
Used Example
For permanent or long-lasting situations. She works in New York.
For regular actions in the present. The scientist usually checks statements carefully.
For stating facts and general truths. The Sun sets in the West.
For describing processes in a general way. A scientist observes accurately, utilizes the facts he observes to the fullest extent, analyzes data patiently, etc.
For a future action if planned beforehand (to a timetable, schedule). The train leaves at 12 tomorrow.


A) Make up sentences by using an appropriate word in each case:

1) Affirmatives

I A scientist Researchers We You An engineer always often generally usually sometimes occasionally seldom never use(s) apply(s) check(s)   reliable instruments accuracy of statements successful methods   in his in my in their in our work.


2) Negatives

You I Physicists An investigator does not do not use; ague; apply unverified techniques; the importance of science; incomplete evidence.  


3) Questions

Does Do they scientific workers a specialist she s biologist often sometimes use need accept   unreliable new objective information? ideas? techniques? data?


B) Put the verbs in brackets into their correct forms:

1) You generally (modify) a theory?

2) A researcher often (conduct) an experiment?

3) I always try to (obtain) reliable information.

4) Scientists (not accept) inaccuracy of statements.

5) We need to (design) a new instrument?

6) A mathematician (put forward) an incomplete hypothesis.

7) Investigators always (observe) objectively?

8) The river Dvina (not flow) into the Black Sea.

9) The lecture always (begin) at 10 a.m.

10) If you need assistance, why (you not ask) for it?


Simple Present Passive
Form Use
to be + the Past Participle When one has little knowledge of or interest in the doer of the action and is more interested in what is done to, or happens to, or who or what is affected.
The Active The Passive
  Scientists obtain   knowledge. information. evidence. results. Knowledge Information Evidence Results   is are   obtained.


A) Make the following sentences Passive:

1) An engineer takes a lot of measurements.

2) Scientists always write down all data.

3) People make mistakes every day.

4) People use computers in many different activities.

5) It is easier to solve the problem if we choose the most efficient procedure.

6) He usually finds the ratio between the numbers very quickly.

7) Researchers receive pictures of the surface of the planet Venus.

8) We know his style of research.


Note: if the doer of the action is needed or rather important to complete the sense of the sentence: The apparatus is set up by best technicians every month. Word order: object-verb in the Passive-subject-rest of the sentence:
Statistical methods are often used by specialists in their work.


B) Make the following sentences Passive, mentioning the doer of the action:

1) Most scientists use passive voice either out of habit or to make themselves seem scholarly, objective or sophisticated.

2) Wind disperses plant seeds.

3) The population increase causes severe stresses in the economies of developing regions.

4) If this journal rejects your paper, it is better to submit it to another one.

5) The organizers accept the applications in the order they receive them.

6) Scientists use experimental observations to search for relationship between items.

7) Mr. Day investigates the response of a different kind of cell.

8) The body produces antibodies whenever a disease threatens it.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 573. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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