Студопедия — Complete these predictions about the world in 2020 by putting the verbs in brackets either in the Future Perfect or the Future Continuous.
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Complete these predictions about the world in 2020 by putting the verbs in brackets either in the Future Perfect or the Future Continuous.

1 people (use) solar energy extensively

2 people (use) up all natural resources of oil

3 people (travel) into space on a regular basis

4 people (eat) only genetically engineered food

5 traditional farms (disappear)

6 many new galaxies (discover)

7 Mars and Venus (investigate) and (describe) in detail

8 scientists (study) chances of people setting down in other galaxies

& Read the text and choose the best title for it.

I confess I am obsessed with the future – and I am not the only one. Over the centuries, people have used the stars, cards, crystal balls and even tea-levels to look into the future. I still read my horoscope every day: ‘When you get home on Friday, you will have a pleasant surprise.’ I never do have a pleasant surprise in the supermarket car park, but who knows? One day I might!

This weekend, however, we will get a surprise because hundred of futurologists are meeting at Newcastle University. The conference starts on Thursday and the experts will be discussed the impact of technology on the future. The future is now big business. I logged on to the websites of some professional futurologists and found these predictions:

The technology already exists, so very soon all of us are going use our voices to give instructions to computers.

In the next few years, we will be communicating with our friends around the world using life-sizes video images on large screens in our living rooms.

By the year 2020, computers will already have became more efficient and powerful than the human brain, both in terms of intelligence and amount the information they can store.

By the year 2030, genetic engineering nanotechnology will enable us to live for at least 150 years. Using nanotechnology, tiny, insect-like robots may be send around our bodies to carry out repairs and keep us healthy.

By the middle of the century, computers, millions of times smarter than us will have been developed. By this time we will be linking our brains with ‘ultra smart’ computers. A new specie might have developed - ‘Homo Cyberneticus’.

By the end of the century, we will have colonized our solar system and will be looking for ways to colonise deep space.

Much more interesting than horoscopes, I am sure you will age. I’ve decided I’m going to give up astrology and take up futurology – I’ll be there in Newcastle this weekend. At nine o’clock on Saturday morning, I’ll be sitting in the front row and listening the great Duke Willard talking about the future of my brain. If you can’t beat the future, join it!

  1. Match the sentences from the text (1-8) with the uses (a-g)

1 I might get a pleasant surprise one day

2 This weekend hundreds of futurologists are meeting at Newcastle University.

3 The conference starts on Thursday.

4 All of us are going to use our voices to give instructions to computers.

5 Tiny robots may be sent around our bodies.

6 I’m sure you’ll agree.

7 I’m going to give up astrology.

8 I’ll be there in Newcastle this weekend.

a an arrangement for the future

b a future fact

c a firm prediction based on speaker’s/writer’s opinion

d a weak prediction (x2)

e an intention

f a spontaneous decision

g a prediction based on observable evidence


  1. Which of these predictions expressed in the text:

a are definitely going to happen (we can see evidence now)?

b will probably happen (this is your opinion)?

c may happen in your lifetime (there is a chance they will happen)?

d might happen in your lifetime (there is a small chance that they will happen)?


) Speaking, please answer these questions.

What will you have done by nine o’clock tomorrow morning?

will have V3 take a shower

cook breakfast

water the flower

wash dishes

sweep the floor

send the linen to the laundry

? Writing Переведите на английский язык:

Что Вы думаете, произойдет в мире через 100 лет?

Люди обнаружат (найдут) жизнь на других планетах. Они начнут строить заводы в космосе и жить на других планетах.

Машины будут выполнят многие работы, которые люди выполняют сегодня. Автоматизация решит проблему безработицы и предоставит людям больше свободного времени для проведения досуга.

Люди начнут изучать много новых предметов. Компьютеры заменяет преподавателей. Ученые найдут новые источники энергии. Люди начнут использовать энергию более эффективно.

Проблема с обеспечением людей продуктами улучшится. Все страны научатся жить в мире друг с другом. Все ядерные оружие будет уничтожено. Не произойдет никакой ядерной войны, которая уничтожит человечество.

U Listening[11, tapescript 11.3]

Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 680. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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