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- Good morning.

- Good morning, sir. Can I help you?

- Yes, I think so. I would like to open an account.

- What kind of are you interested in?

- You see, I have some spare money to put into the bank.

- Then you should open either a savings or a checking account.

- I'm afraid I know nothing about either of them. Could you tell me the difference between these two accounts?

- A small initial deposit is necessary to open a savings account at our bank. If it is more than five hundred dollars and you maintain this amount, then you won't be charged for banking services. Oth­erwise you will be charged five dollars a month.

- So, I must keep a minimum balance of $500, is that correct?

- Yes, that's right. Our computers check your average daily balance.

- And will I get a banking card after opening an account?

- Yes, certainly. And then you can get your money through machine services. You can make deposits, cash withdrawals and balance inquiries with your card. The machine is at work 24 hours a day.

- Oh, it's very convenient. And may I ask what a checking account means?

- Certainly, sir. After opening a checking account you are supposed to maintain an average daily balance of $1,000.

- And what if I fall below this limit?

- Then you would have to pay a service charge of six dollars a month, and besides you will be charged 25 cents for each check and the same amount for each cash withdrawal.

- Hmm, I see. And can I avoid it somehow?

- Yes, of course. It may be done by keeping your $1,000 in your checking account.

- And how much interest do you pay?

- Interest of 6,5% is paid when your average daily balance is over $2,500. We credit the interest you've earned automatically to your account.

- Well, it's clear enough, but I intended to put only $1,000 into the account.

- Then it would be more profitable for you to open a savings account.

- Okay. I've made up my mind. I will open a savings account with a deposit of one thousand dollars.

- Fine. Will you fill out this application? (The client fills out the application)

- Is everything correct?

- Yes, everything is all right. And now you need to write a deposit ticket for $1,000.

- Just a moment.

- Thank you, sir. Here is your pass-book. The bank will pay you 5,5% interest.

- Thank you. You were most helpful.


2. Дайте відповіді на запитання.

1. What is savings account?

2. What is required in order not to be charged for banking services?

3. How large is an initial deposit?

4. How much is the charge?

5. What is the minimum daily balance?

6. How could you get your money?

7. When is the machine at work?

8. What is the checking account?

9. What is the average daily balance for checking account?

10. And what if you fall below this limit?

11.How much interest is paid if the daily average balance is over $2,500?

12.What is the payment for each check made out and for each cash withdrawal?

13.How can you avoid it?

3. Перекладіть англійською:

ощадний рахунок; вільні гроші; початковий вклад; банківські операції; середній щоденний баланс; знімання грошей; уникати; більш вигідно; в іншому разі; прибутковий ордер; давати проценти; мати намір; заповнювати форму; ощадна книжка; приймати рішення.


4. Вставте прийменники, де це необхідно. Перекладіть речення українською.

1. What kind... account are you interested...? 2.1 know nothing... it.

3. What is the difference... them?

4. You would be charged... banking services.

5. I'll get my money... machine services... my card.

6. You should not fall... this limit.

7. You would have to pay a service charge... six dollars.

8. Can I avoid it... somehow?

9. It may be done... keeping it.

10. And now fill... this application.

5. Встановіть відповідність між термінами та їх визначенням.


1. loan a. put money into a bank account

2. interest b. take money from a bank account

3. check account c. money which is lent

4. deposit d. account used for investment

5. mortgage e. piece of business done

6. withdraw f. loan to buy property

7. savings account g. account used for day-to-day banking

8. transaction h. money earned from investments

or paid on a loan

6. Перекладіть англійською.

1. Я хотів би відкрити банківський рахунок.

2. Мені більш вигідно відкрити ощадний рахунок.

3. Ви повинні внести лише невеликий початковий внесок.

4. Якщо на вашому рахунку виявиться менше, ніж 500 доларів, з вас будуть утримувати по 5 доларів на місяць.

5. Наш банк вимагає, щоб ви зберігали мінімальну суму.

6. Це називається щоденним балансом.

7. Коли я зможу отримати картку для банківського автомата?

8. Я вже прийняв рішення. Я зроблю внесок у розмірі тисячі доларів.

9. Заповніть, будь ласка, форму і прибутковий ордер.

10. Якщо у вас є питання стосовно форми, я з радістю вам допоможу.


ІІ. Граматичний матеріал. Тема: The Present Perfect ContinuousTense


I / we / you / they (= I’ve …) he / she / it (= he’s …)   been doing


HaveI / you / we / they Hashe / she / it   been doing?


I / you / we / they have not (haven’t) he / she / it has not (hasn’t)   been doing

Дивіться більше на http://artsdarts.com/uk/english/textbooks/en_grammar_in_use/unit16.php або у будь-якому граматичному довіднику на Ваш розсуд.


Вправа 1. Вставте дієслова у теперішньому доконаному тривалому часі.

1. He …. English for two years. (to learn)

2. You are out of breath. …. you …..? (to run)

3. He …. computer games since morning. (to play)

4. Your friend looks tired. …. he …. a lot? (to work)

5. Your Spanish has improved. …. you.… it the whole summer? (to learn)

6. I wonder whether he … for her for an hour? (to wait)

7. Who … for information for the report since Monday? (look)

8. Children…..tennis since afternoon. (to play)

Вправа 2. Перекладіть, вживаючи усі вивчені часи.

1. Вона читала книгу з ранку. Вона прочитала книгу. Вона читає книгу зараз.

2. Він розмовлятиме по телефону, поки не приїде дружина. Він говорить по телефону вже годину.

3. Ми знайшли документи. Ми шукали документи годину.

4. Він грає у футбол кожної середи. Він грає у футбол, поки не приїдуть друзі. Він грає у футбол уже дві години.

5. Вона не пише електронні листи часто. Вона пише листа зараз. Вона з ранку пише електронні листи.

Вправа 3. Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дієслова у: Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous).

1. He (to run) now. He (to run) for ten minutes without any rest.

2. What they (to do) now? – They (to work) in the reading-room. They (to work) there for already three hours.

3. Where he (to be) now? – He (to be) in the garden. He (to play) volley-ball with his friends. They (to play) since breakfast time.

4. I (to live) in St. Petersburg. I (to live) in St. Petersburg since 1990.

5. She already (to do) her homework for two hours; but she (not yet to do) half of it.

6. I (to wait) for you since two o’clock. Where …. You …..? (to be)

7. What you (to do)? – I (to read). I (to read) for already two hours. I already (to read) sixty pages.

8. This man (to be) a writer. He (to write) books. He (to write) books since he was a young man. He already (to write) eight books.

9. What you (to do) here since morning?

10. Lena is a very good girl. She always (to help) her mother about the house. Today she (to help) her mother since morning. They already (to wash) the floor and (to dust) the furniture. Now they (to cook) dinner together.

ІІІ. Робота над текстом за професійним спрямуванням.

1. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст.

Working conditions

Working conditions may be quite different in institutional and commercial workplaces. Because commercial establishments like hotels and many restaurants are open around the clock, it is usual to work early morning, night, holiday and weekend shifts. Hours in institutional settings such as factory or school cafeterias may be more regular. Low wage growth, overtime, and the part-time or seasonal nature of much hotel and catering work—the bulk of which is done in small- to medium-sized enterprises—leads to high levels of employee turnover. This is one of the most important difficulties faced by employers and employees alike in the sector.

Skilled workers receive better wages in modern hotels and restaurants, but wages for less skilled workers remain low. In catering companies, restaurants, and institutions, the use of pre-prepared food products requires less training of kitchen staff, resulting in cost savings. In some hospitals for example, frozen prepared food is loaded into a thermo-cart for its final preparation. The resulting deskilling of the labour force will lead to lower wages.

2. Вивчіть наступні слова:

Working conditions – умови праці

Workplaces – робочі місця

Commercial establishments – комерційні заклади

Weekend shifts – зміни у вихідні дні

Low wage growth – низькій рівень росту заробітної плати

Overtime – працювати понаднормова

Part-time job – робота з частковою зайнятістю

Employee turnover – оббіг працівників

To face - зіштовхуватися

Less skilled workers – менш кваліфіковані робітники

Pre-prepared food products – заздалегідь приготовані харчові продукти

Less training – менш навчений

Cost saving – збереження (економія) витрат

Frozen prepared food – заморожені харчові продукти

Thermo-cart – термічний пакет (коробка)

Final preparation – кінцеве приготування

Deskilling - некваліфіковані

3. Складіть опис Вашого ідеального місця роботи та умов праці.

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