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To a large extent process of creating this book stimulated the desire to help people relax, do not worry about the huge number of household challenges that we all face every day. Do not suffer of everyday little things - what could be better!

For each event should see the laws of nature - the laws of physics, chemistry, astronomy and biology - and in case of any failures (or rather, what is considered to be failures) "shift the blame" for these laws, and do not reproach yourself.

When you realize a huge, immense, all-encompassing sweep of happening - you cease to suffer from any kind of negligence or because of what appears to be misstep for others.

You begin to appreciate those times when you managed to do everything correctly. After all, all of us living on the planet, every moment has to fight with a lot of the Universal Laws, which has been steadily and making no exceptions, dominate the all of our existence (for example, we have to fight with the influence of gravity field of the planet).

Let's say you dropped the cup and brushed it off the table. She fell to the floor and shattered into pieces.

This is followed by our usual reaction: "Oh, what a shame! It was such a beautiful thing! What have I done! ".

How often we react so, especially when the cup was really loved.

But it would be good to see yourself a little bit from the side - a creature of small size on the huge planet hurtling in open spaces of boundless universe - "victim" of unforgiving laws of nature.

It helps to recognize in happened a whole series of mechanical phenomena.

And in the head lines up a number of questions: 1) What happened in the time of impact of hand with a cup on the edge of the table (or it slipped from hands, because they or a cup was wet)?

2) Why the cup wasn’t left standing on the table, and began to move after impact, and then dropped, when the table surface is over?

3) Why a cup has fallen when the table surface is over and not hovering, for example, in the air?

4) Why a cup has smashed when faced with a hard floor surface?

5) Why the parts into which it smashed, do not fell right there in the place collision with the floor, and scattered all over the kitchen (room)?

And so on. The number of questions you can ask yourself, analyzing every minute event in your life can be overwhelming.

In addition, you can pay attention to the chemical composition of the cup, the chemical composition of the air through which the cup was falling, the chemical content of the table on which it stood, the chemical elements of the hand that shot it down, chemistry of the floor on which it fell, etc.

And all of this will give you more information about what happened, and establish are any regularities.

You can think about the state of own organism, and to analyze the reasons for which you has shot down (has been dropped) cup. Maybe you were in a hurry to somewhere or have been too scattered and immersed in your own thoughts and maybe you were angry or offended by something, or maybe just tired. Or you were filled with joy, and you were not up to the plate.

The conclusions will help you to figure out at least roughly, what happens to your body and how it reacts to what is happening to you in life in general.

How much interesting and useful information we can extract from a simple falling the cup on the floor, instead banal: "Oh, what I'm awkward!".

Perhaps after that you are so interested in the process of falling cups on the floor that you buy a dozen at a bargain price at the sale, and will take what will become of their brush away from tables, drop from wet hands, just drop, throw, throw on the wall, to throw from balcony... And enthusiastically watch what happens with cup, with you and with others (especially with them)...

That's why we're writing this book - in order that it will be interesting for you to drop the cups.

And also for the fact that you have not felt guilty when you drop anything, smash, when you spoil the things. When not work out any processes that you planned.

We want you to dissect the surrounding reality, reveal the lowdown of traditions and analyze the rituals - what lies behind them, and whether you should follow them blindly.

We want people to not live automatically, without thinking about what they do, how do, why they do what they do, and also about what happens around them... Life without analysis - the road to prejudice.

Although it is recognized that the habits, traditions which make life much easier, let go with the flow, which helps to relax and unwind.

If you have something go wrong, as it should be, or as prescribed, do not blame yourself and analyze what is happening. If you have something go wrong, as it should be, or as prescribed, do not blame yourself and analyze what is happening. And if others will look at you askance and with disapproval, do not be shy and try to understand why they behave this way. Likely that most of them are still in the thrall of thinking, is not prone to analysis. In other words, in front of you the people far from science. Do not judge them for it strictly and take this fact for granted. Maybe many of them yet in the future will take the path of the researcher and the experimenter.



Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 487. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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