Студопедия — EXERCISES ON PREPOSITIONS AND ADVERBS. Ex. 7. Study the following phrases
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EXERCISES ON PREPOSITIONS AND ADVERBS. Ex. 7. Study the following phrases

Ex. 7. Study the following phrases. Recall the sentences in which they are used in the text and use them when retelling the text.

in the headlines; in the dock; in court; hurry (move, step, run, etc.) away from; in fear; run smb down: in broad daylight; speak with an accent; hang on smb's words; up to a point; depend on smth/smb; make out smth/smb; at the back of; look from one to the other; for lack of evidence (knowledge, money, etc.); get caught in the crowd (the rain, the rush hour, etc.); leave by a back way (door); get on one's feet.


Ex. 8. Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs.

A. 1. Good health depends... good food, regular hours and fresh air. 2. Though gentle... manner and speech, she was a woman... firm and independent character. 3. I'd been correct... my suspicions... the sad role he had played... the incident, but only...... a point, as I was later to find....4. The child had to be taken... hospital and the mother was beside herself... anxiety. 5. Anxious... the success... our team we cheered them as loudly as we could. 6. She was strict but fair... the chil­dren, so when she happened to punish them... disobedience they didn't seem to mind it much. 7. We all knew that when the old man was...... temper, we'd better keep...... him. 8. His luck was.... there was no doubt... it. He never seemed to succeed... anything he did any more. 9. The boy was pale and weak... lack... fresh air and exercise. 10. The stranger spoke... such a heavy accent that... times I caught myself wondering if I'd ever be able to make... what he wanted. 11. He was still uncertain... the line he should take... defending his point of view. 12. He would have never cleared himself... the suspicion if a witness hadn't turned...... the last moment to prove his alibi. 13. He could not have acted differently... the circumstances. 14. She was ashamed to admit she was still dependent... her parents... help. 15. I asked him to repeat his request, I couldn't make... what he was.... 16. There were several cases... scarlet fever... our neighbourhood and we lived... fear that our children might have it, too. 17. You could have heard a pin drop... court when the counsel... the defence said: "I firmly believe the accused to be innocent... the crime. I'll do everything... my power to see that he is acquitted." 18. I wonder what everybody finds... him, What is there so remarkable... him that people will hang... his every word? 19.... an attempt to clear himself... suspicion he said he had an alibi... the time... the accident. 20. It was called a "Hit and Run" case... the headlines. The article was... a drunken driver who ran... a cyclist and drove...... the place... the accident never stopping to give the man help or report... the police. 21. It's quite unbelievable that she shouldn't have said anything... her defence. 22. What he said was,... fact, an admission... guilt.



Holmes was hanging... the Doctor's words, interrupting him only to bring... this or that detail... the case.

Finally Dr. Mortimer said: "These are the public facts, Mr. Hol­mes,... connection... the death... Sir Charles. Now permit me to tell you some private ones."

"I well remember driving...... his house... the evening, some three weeks before the fatal event and finding him... the steps... the house.

"As I stood talking... front... him I saw his eyes fixed... some­thing over my shoulder... an expression... terror. I turned... just... time to catch a glimpse... something, which I took... a large black calf, moving away on the other side... the road. I couldn't make... what it was. Sir Charles was so excited and frightened that I hurried... the di­rection... the wood where the animal had been and looked around... it. It was gone, however, and the incident appeared to make the worst impression... Sir Charles' mind. It gave him quite a shock and I felt he wouldn't be able to get... it... some time.

"So I stayed... him all the evening and it was... this occasion that he told me the legend... the Hound of the Baskervilles. I wouldn't have mentioned this small episode but for Sir Charles' tragic death. His body was found lying flat... the ground.... first I didn't observe any foot­prints... the ground... the body. But some little distance... I saw fresh and clear footprints... a gigantic hound."


(after "The Hound of the Baskervilles", by A. Conan Doyle)


Ex. 9. Give the English for the following phrases, using the preposition "of" in its different meanings. Use the phrases in sentences of your own.

І. а) город Москва; порт Севастополь; деревня Холмогоры; остров Шпицберген; озеро Байкал;

б) президент страны; председатель комиссии; начальник отдела; автор книги; редактор газеты; столица республики;

в) имя владельца; роль Гамлета; портрет героя; цель визита; обложка книги; заголовок статьи; середина дороги; конец года; дру­гая сторона улицы; свет фонаря; размер ковра; цвет материала.

II. а) запах цветов; вкус меда;

б) чашка чая; стакан молока; килограмм конфет; пригорошня ягод; тарелка супа; кусок хлеба (сахара, мыла); коробка спичек; ящик апельсинов.

III. а) сделанный из металла; построенный из кирпича; сшитый из шелка;

б) человек слова (действия); человек с характером.

IV. а) из всех вещей (книг, фильмов); из моих друзей; один из трех; каждый из них; они оба; все остальные; лучший (худший, пер­вый) из людей; основная часть группы (студентов);

б) малое (большое) количество чего-л; множество; десятки тысяч; сотни книг.

V. а) знать (слышать, говорить, думать, иметь представление) о чем-л;

б) быть уверенным (не уверенным) в чем-л; уверять (убеждать) кого-л в чем-л; быть убежденным в чем-л; подозревать кого-л в чем-л.

VI. избавиться от кого-л/чего-л; очистить от снега; вылечить от болезни.

VII. мило (внимательно, любезно, предусмотрительно, глупо) с чьей-л стороны.

VIII. гордиться чем-л; любить что-л; быть независимым от кого-л; стыдиться чего-л; бояться кого-л/чего-л.


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