Студопедия — SYNONYMS
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The speaker resorts to synonymic nomination of the same notion due to a number of reasons. These reasons become obvious if we turn to functional predestination of synonyms. Communicative functions.

1. Compositional function. If the same word is repeated a number of times in a limited fragment of speech, the speech becomes clumsy, monoto­nous and stylistically crippled:

John came into the room. John was excited. John threw himself into the arm-chair...

The clumsiness is removed by means of contextual synonyms: John = he = the man = Sam's brother = the victim of the situation, etc.

В кінці вулиці з 'явився якийсь чоловік. Він чогось озирався назад і поспішав.

2. Specifying function. To describe the object in a thorough, profound
and detailed way, the speaker composes a chain of synonymic words of the
same syntactic function:

Oswald's life was fading, fainting, gasping away, extinguishing slowly.

Edgar was such a scoundrel, such a blackguard, such a villain, such

a rascal.

А яка вода в Основі! Лагідна, ласкава, м'яко-шовкова.

Зелений світ, вмитий росами, лящав, висвистував, видзвонював

лунко, переливався розмаїтістю акордів, ладів і тонів.

3. Intensifying function. A chain of synonyms is a potent means of
expressing human feelings and emotions. Scores of subjective modal mean­
ings may be rendered with the help of synonymic repetition: request, invita­
tion, gratitude, gladness, impatience, certainty, hatred, irritation, disgust, hor­
ror, indignation, fury, etc. For example:

Could you leave me now, Rupert. I'm exhausted, tired, weary of the whole thing!

Kill him, Johnnie! Murder him! Slaughter him like a pig! Вони знов давай його просить, давай його благати. Ну й перелякався я, отетерів з ляку.

> synonyms

Synonyms are usually referred to by linguists as 'near synonyms', be­cause they argue that no two words mean exactly the same. If they did, one would probably disappear from use.

English is a language which has 'borrowed' from many varied sources during the course of its history. This has created a wide and heteroge­neous lexicon. For example, terms which were originally French cur­rently coexist with their Anglo-saxon equivalents:


petite small
tour tnp
chauffeur driver
aperitif drink
promenade front (as in sea-front)
escritoire desk

m The French term usually carries a prestige value over that of the English equivalent, which is often seen as basic and even crass. This is because of the history of French dominance over the English as a result of the Norman Conquest.

• During the period of French rule after 1066, a state of diglossia existed throughout the south of England. Diglossia means that two languages are used by one society, but applied to two discrete functions. French was used for matters of church and state, whereas English was used by the common people for personal and family discourse.

• The legacy of this diglossia is that we have a multitude of synonyms or near-synonyms at our disposal.

• However, it is usually preferable to state the same idea in a variety of styles, rather than to repeat one definitive term for one specific phe­nomenon.

• In Shakespeare's King Lear, the king confesses to being a 'foolish fond old man'. The use of two near synonyms has a poetic and dramatic effect, as one adjective has the effect of intensifying the other.

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