Студопедия — Young People's Eating Habits.
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Young People's Eating Habits.

Food for Thought

Year 2 Term 4

Listening Comprehension Tasks


Listening 1 (New English File_Intermediate – CD 1 Track 2)

  1. Tell your partner about your eating habits.
  2. Listen to Rumiko Yasuda, a magazine editor from Tokyo, living in Great Britain now and answer the questions:

2.1.What does she usually have in the morning?

2.2.Where does she usually have lunch and dinner?

2.3.Why doesn’t she cook often?

2.4.Does she eat or drink something unhealthy?

2.5.Is she cutting down on anything at the moment? Why (not)?

2.6.What’s happening to the Japanese diet at the moment?

2.7.Does she think this is a completely bad thing?

  1. What are your answers to the same questions?

Listening 2 (New English File_Intermediate – CD 1 Track 5)

  1. Put down the phrases and utterances you will hear. Translate them into Russian.


Listening 3 (Upstream_Intermediate B2 – Unit 8, ex. 35 p. 124)

  1. Listen to the text and fill in the gaps:


Young People's Eating Habits.


Most young people today unfortunately have very unhealthy eating habits. Studies have shown that teenagers today eat more processed foods than ever before. When eating out they choose for the obvious reasons. They are …, noisy and usually filled with people their own age. However, fast food restaurants are not their only source of... The modern day family usually has both parents working outside the home and this means parents don’t have the time to prepare for their family. Supermarkets today are filled with prepackaged, instant foods. For example, you can get mashed potatoes in a packet (just add water), as well as a large variety of such as lasagna, meat pies and many others. Therefore even home cooked meals might not be that...

Another contributing factor to young people's unhealthy eating habits is the fact that there seem to be no regular meal times these days. Most people because they don't have time or, if they do have something, it is usually of little nutritious value such as toast and jam or a doughnut or croissant. Lunch also a problem, if you have a lunch break a lot of people use their lunch hour to socialise or run errands and they don't want to spend a lot of time eating. As a result the most popular foods at lunchtime are... These come in the form of burgers, fries, hotdogs or sandwiches which are usually on white bread with plenty of mayonnaise or butter and processed foods, such as cheese or luncheon meats. After school, most young people are hungry so they fill up on biscuits, crisps or other unhealthy snacks. If they end their day with a meal of pizza or some other ready made food they have not had anything fresh or nutritious to eat all day. Combined with … the average young person's diet is unhealthier now than it has ever been!


  1. Explain the meaning of the bold words.
  2. Make up a survey about young people’s eating habits using the information from the text and some of your own ideas on this point.


Listening 4 (New English File_Elementary – CD 3 Track 8)

1. Discuss with your partner: who is better at cooking – men or women.

2. Listen to a TV cooking programme. What nine ingredients does Colin use to make spaghetti bolognese?

3. Are there some expert cook among the men you know?

Listening 5 (New English File_Elementary – CD 3 Track 27)

1. Discuss with your partner:

1.1. What products don’t do any harm to our health?

1.2. How often do you eat them?

1.3. Who buys food in your family?

1.4. How often to you go shopping for food?

1.5. Do you prefer making purchases in big shops or local markets as Komarovsky Market. Why (not)?

2. Listen to the woman buying fruit and vegetables and say, what she has bought.

Carrots; peas; strawberries; grapes; pears; oranges; onions; tomatoes; mushrooms;

3. What nutrients are these products rich in?


Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 3365. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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