Студопедия — Grammar Study. Exercise 1. Form degrees of comparison of the following adjectives:
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Grammar Study. Exercise 1. Form degrees of comparison of the following adjectives:


Exercise 1. Form degrees of comparison of the following adjectives:

close, cold, large, steep, new, old, big, easy, great, strong, heavy, hot

good, bad, little, many, far

useful, interesting, difficult, important, reliable, powerful, famous, comfortable


Exercise 2. Compare according to the given modals.

Model I: Moscow is larger than our city.

A plane, a car (faster)

Steel, wood (stronger)

Paper, plastics (older)

Asia, Europe (larger)

Days in winter, in summer (shorter)

Model II. This car is more (less) efficient than yours.

Mathematics, biology (difficult).

Steel bridges, wooden bridges (reliable).

The power plants on the Siberian rivers, on the Volga. (powerful).

This new engine, that motor (efficient).


Exercise 3. Translate the following sentences. Pay attention at “the … the”

The longer the telephone calls, the more you have to pay.

The more expensive the hotel, the better the service.

The more technology develops, the greater the role of machines in our life is.

The higher we go into the atmosphere, the thinner the air becomes.

The wider we use computers, the easier our labour becomes.

The farther we go into the outer space, the more complicated equipment we need.


Exercise 4. Show the highest degree of the given qualities.


1) The Volga is (long) river in the European part of our country. –

The Volga is the longest river in the European part of our country.

It was (difficult) experiment – It was the most difficult experiment.


The Sun is our (close) star.

London is (large) city in Great Britain.

M.V. Lomonosov was one of (great) scientist in his time.

The Sun is (important) body in the Universe for mankind.

The Trans-Siberian railway is (long) in the world.

The 104th element is (heavy) element in the periodic system.


Exercise 5. Fill in the blanks with as … as, so … as.

The temperature to-day is … high … it was yesterday.

This street is … wide … the next one.

His radio set is not … powerful … mine.

Plastics may be … strong … metals.

This model is not … efficient … that one.

Mars is not … remote from the Sun … Pluto.

Petrol is twice … expensive … it was a few years ago.

This house is three times … big … ours.

Exercise 6. Translate into English.

Здание Московского университета на Воробьевых горах одно из самых высоких в Москве.

Земля больше Луны.

Февраль - самый короткий месяц в году.

Московское метро лучшее в мире.

Плутон – это самая удаленная от Солнца планета.

Лекция будет посвящена новейшим (последним) достижениям науки.

Чем выше температура, тем быстрее движутся молекулы.

Эта модель дороже, чем та, которую мы производили в прошлом году.


Exercise 7. Each of these sentences contains one grammatical mistake. Find the mistakes and correct them.

Canada doesn’t produce as many cars than France.

More cars are manufactured in Japan as any other country.

Much many cars are made in Germany than in Poland.

Japan is largest manufacturer of cars in the world.

3 million less cars are made in Spain than in Germany.

Prompts for correction work: fewer, the, than, as, far more.


Exercise 8. Read and translate the following sentences. State tense and voice.

Our students are given a lot of homework to do every day.

The latest scientific achievements were discussed at the conference.

The article has been translated into Russian.

These rules will be revised at the next lesson.

In 1831 Charles Darwin sailed on a five-year scientific expedition around the world.

The products of science are facts and ideas that have been discovered and organized.

A clear statement of the problem must be made, so it can be understood and investigated.

Scientists have discovered many facts about our world.

Have you been shown the new machine?

This experiment is being carried out at high temperatures.


Exercise 9. Put the verbs in brackets into the proper Tense and Voice form. Then translate the sentences.

This house (to build) in 1895.

The world’s first man-made satellite (to launch) in 1957.

We (to inform) about this discovery at the conference next week.

We can’t use this room. It (to clean) at the moment.

This model looks different. It (to improve) since we were last here.

M.V. Lomonosov (to found) the first Russian university.

By the middle of the 19th century about 60 elements (to discover).

Electronics (to make) a rapid progress in the last twenty years.

Many operations which formerly (to perform) by skilled workers now (to perform) by computers.

A hypothesis (to test) by performing and making new observations.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 1272. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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