Студопедия — БИЛЕТ №10
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3. Mind the text“The Mystery of the Blue Jar” by Agatha Christie (part 5) and with the help of the questions describe the events in 10-15 sentences.

1. Why did Jack fully trust doctor Lavington?

2. Why did Felise come to Jack one day?

3. In what way was the blue jar connected with her story?

4. Who revealed the truth to Jack Hartington?

After explanation of Lavington that some people can see and hear what other people can’t. Jack believed him completely.

He found his new friend waiting for him in the hall when he came down for dinner, and the doctor suggested that they should dine together at the same table.

Lavington collected the life history of Heather Cottage. It was tenanted first by an old gardener and his wife. The old man died, and the old woman went to her daughter. Then a builder got it, and modernised it with great success, selling it to a city gentleman who used it for week-ends. About a year ago, he sold it to some people called Turner – Mr. and Mrs. Turner. They seem to have been rather a curious couple.. They lived very quietly, seeing no one, and hardly ever going outside the cottage garden. The local rumour went that they were afraid of something. And then suddenly one day they departed and never came back. The agents here got a letter from Mr. Turner, written from London, instructing him to sell up the place as quickly as possible. The furniture was sold off, and the house itself was sold. The people who had it then were a French professor and his daughter. They have been there just ten days."

One day,–“ the pansy girl”, as he always called her in his own mind came to Jack’s place. She was very nervous and confused. She said her name was Felise Marchaud." Felise was dressed in dark green that day, and the beauty and charm of the proud little face was more evident than ever. She said their sweet little house was haunted. Felis had had the same dream. A lady stood there – she was beautiful, tall and very fair. In her hands she held a blue china jar. But the night before the woman and the blue jar faded away", and suddenly Felise heard her voice crying out –Monsieur, the words she said were those Jack spoke to Felis that morning. "Murder – Help! Murder!" She awoke in terror. Felise's face was terrified. Jack pretended to look calm and promised to help Felise. Jack went off in search of Lavington. He returned with him a few minutes later.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 5093. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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