Студопедия — Apart from his illegal activities in Ukraine, CASINI is wanted for questioning by authorities in Poland, EU, UK and US.
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Apart from his illegal activities in Ukraine, CASINI is wanted for questioning by authorities in Poland, EU, UK and US.



CASINI's whole life is a lie. He has totally invented and fabricated his "past".

CASINI is not Jewish. He is an imposter. A pretender. A fake. CASINI is uncircumcised. CASINI has been been often observed eating bacon, sausages and other pork products (blatantly non-kosher foods), without any apparent observation of Jewish dietary restrictions or traditions. CASINI also pretends variously to be Anglican, Roman Catholic and Muslim, depending on which is in CASINI’s best interests, and on the religious or cultural leanings of whoever happens to be his interlocutor or to be in his crosshairs as a victim at any given time. CASINI has often been seen entering Catholic Churches and genuflecting in the correct way. CASINI’s mother had a Catholic funeral at St Thomas’ Roman Catholic Church in Tean, Staffordshire, and is buried in the Roman Catholic Churchyard in CRESWELL, alongside CASINI’s father. CASINI considers Jews and Muslims to be the same people. CASINI’s heritage is 100% German and Italian. In fact, CASINI is a racist, a fascist and nazi supporter. When he is not browsing internet websites featuring transvestite and transsexual pornography, CASINI loves to listen to the speeches of "The Fuehrer" (Adolf HITLER), whom CASINI idolises as his hero (CASINI refers to these speeches as "inspiring"). CASINI also loves to listen to Nazi marching and inspirational music. CASINI’s favourite song is the "Horst Wessel Lied", the anthem of the Nazis and SS. CASINI is a HITLER worshipper and holocaust justifier. It is bizarre for an anti-semite such as CASINI to run around proclaiming he is Jewish. It would be equally bizarre and unthinkable that a bona-fide Jewish person could exhibit such an anti-semitic attitude as does CASINI.

CASINI claims to be of Jewish nationality, from both the mother’s and father’s side. CASINI also claims to have lived in Pakistan for an extended period, and to have some "businesses" in Turkey. He often boasts that he served in an intelligence capacity in Her Majesty’s forces in Northern Ireland, and to be a current operative for Secret Services from UK, Italy and Israel. He also claims to hold not just a British passport, (which has in fact been verified), but also Italian and Israeli passports (which have never been verified by anyone known to us). CASINI has claimed to be the beneficial owner of significant real estate assets in his ancestral town and region of Lucca in Italy, as well as in the UK. He uses Jewish-sounding names, such as David GREENBURGE, David J GOLDBURG, etc, claming "Paul CASINI" to be an adopted identity/name change so as to avoid sounding "too Jewish". None of this is true. In fact, Paul CASINI is his original name, according to his birth certificate and his passport.

Paul CASINI’s full brother Richard Edmund CASINI (who is ten years older than Paul CASINI) has informed us that their mother was born in Scotland, and that her mother was born in Italy...that there is absolutely no Jewish ancestry on the side of either the mother or the father...that the only roots are German on the father’s side and Italian on the mother’s side. Richard CASINI reports that his brother Paul CASINI has nevertheless since adolescence passed himself off as GOLDBLOOM or something like that in order to pretend to be Jewish. There has been no contact between Paul CASINI and his brother for decades. For reasons best known to himself, Paul CASINI continues to pass himself off as Jewish.

CASINI claims to have studied history at Cardiff University, graduating with a BA (Hons) in "the 90s". The residential address of 122 Saint Michael’s Avenue Houghton Regis Dunstable Bedfordshire LU55DH which CASINI has quoted during his studies is quite some distance from Cardiff. An address search reveals a Paul A CASINI at this address from 1992-1995, 1998-2000, and thereafter "Goneaway". The same address search reveals a David J GOLDBURG at the address from 2001-2002. We have reason to believe that this is an alias for Paul A CASINI. CASINI has failed to produce any documentary evidence of his qualifications, and has been quite vague and evasive about the years he claims to have attended Cardiff University. Additionally, he presents as dirty and scruffy, he has an abrasive, cocky and shifty demeanour, and his command of English appears to be very poor, and quite inconsistent with his claimed education or profession. Enquiries have now revealed that CASINI’s "degree" is from the University of Wales, and is a "degree" in Ancient History. This was awarded to him in 1996, at a time when the University of Wales was selling degrees, as revealed in a series of BBC investigations, which resulted in the University of Wales being completely re-structured:


CASINI passes himself off as a British solicitor, who had been disbarred at the very beginning of his career for contempt of court. He has claimed that after graduating from Cardiff University with a BA (Hons), he then proceeded to convert this degree into a qualification in Law which allowed him to practise as a Solicitor. However, enquiries have confirmed that the UK Law Society has no record of any person of this name ever having been a member or practised as a solicitor, disbarred or otherwise. CASINI has never been a solicitor.

CASINI has lived in Kiev, Ukraine for the better part of a decade. He repeatedly and massively overstays his 90-day term and chronically flaunts the cumulative 90/180 day Ukraine immigration laws. CASINI claims to be well-connected in high places in Ukraine, UK, EU and elsewhere, which allows him to do as he wishes with impunity, and to intimidate, bully and threaten (with serious consequences and violence) anyone who crosses him. In particular, he has boasted that his official "contacts" in various Special Branches, Immigration Departments, and Border Crossings allow him to procure documents such as visas, passports, residency permits etc for Ukraine, US, UK, EU etc, as well as to cross borders with contraband and undeclared goods such as cigarettes. CASINI has also on several occasions boasted that he smokes crack cocaine. CASINI has no such connections. He is a laughing stock.

CASINI has a widespread reputation in the Kiev community, among those who know him, as a sociopath, transvestite and homosexual, serial smuggler, forger, and fraudster, specialising in visa/document scamming. He dabbles in the occult, mysticism and black magic. He passes himself off as a British lawyer both in UK and Ukraine (he is not a lawyer, and never has been). CASINI makes a practice of passing himself off as being affiliated with organisations with which CASINI has no official connection or status. Among his other scams, frauds and deceptions, CASINI collects money in Ukraine by promising to procure foreign visas for Ukrainians, as well as Ukraine visas and immigration documents for foreigners. He seldom if ever delivers on his promises. CASINI collects money and documents from "clients", and then invariably does nothing to process or submit his clients’ requests. Time after time CASINI then proceeds to blame his failure to perform and deliver on some ficticious and imaginary transgression on the part of his "client". One of CASINI’s common petty schemes is to procure/produce and sell fake medical certificates to expats (foreigners in Ukraine) who have overstayed their allowed 90-day term in Ukraine, allowing them to cite phony medical issues as grounds to justify and excuse their overstay. CASINI lurks around synagogues and internet cafes looking for victims.

CASINI is variously referred to as a bully, boor, thug, predator, hustler, scammer, con artist, parasite and vagrant, with serious personality issues. CASINI has proven himself to be a blatant and incorrigible pathological and compulsive liar (albeit a consummate and accomplished liar), who will do anything for a few pence, and who is on offer to the highest bidder.

Aside from passing himself off as a lawyer, CASINI receives considerable sums of money in Ukraine by way of fees for his "services", without registering any businesses or paying tax either in Ukraine or UK. CASINI has no work permit for Ukraine, and he has no licence to act as an Immigration Agent. He provides marriage agency and "dating" services. He even misappropriates or embezzles money from clients/victims, ostensibly for the purpose of "investing" it, when in fact CASINI has no economic credentials, nor any qualifications or licence to act as a Financial Advisor. CASINI also teaches English in Ukraine, for which he has no qualifications, but which allows him access to victims including minors. Professional psychiatriasts have indicated that CASINI is a serious danger to the state of Ukraine and its people, and in particular to naïve and gullible individuals and minors. CASINI specifically targets, victimises, exploits and defrauds vulnerable persons, including those who are psychologically challenged, sick, desperate, and helpless. He takes advantage of people’s weaknesses. He intimidates, bullies and threatens. He abuses his victims physically, mentally, emotionally and financially. He forces his vulnerable victims to suffer extreme stress, hardship, discomfort, cold, starvation and humiliation. He causes crippling financial and emotional losses, and he is an insidious parasite who wastes and destroys the lives of his victims.



CASINI Paul Anthony Francis James






Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 2961. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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