Студопедия — Article 12. Types of Taxes and Fees in the Russian Federation
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Article 12. Types of Taxes and Fees in the Russian Federation

1. The following types of taxes and fees shall be imposed in the Russian Federation: federal taxes and fees, taxes and fees of Russian Federation member territories (hereinafter referred to as regional taxes and fees), and local taxes and fees.

2. Federal taxes and fees shall be defined as taxes and fees imposed by this Code and payable throughout the Russian Federation.

3. Regional taxes and dues shall be recognized to be the taxes and dues established by this Code and the laws of the subjects of the Russian Federation, carried into effect in accordance with this Code, the laws of the subjects of the Russian Federation and subject to obligatory payment on the territories of the respective subjects of the Russian Federation. With the introduction of a regional tax by the legislative (representative) bodies of the subjects of the Russian Federation it is necessary to define the following elements of taxation: the tax rates within the limits fixed by this Code, the procedure and the terms of payment of the tax, and also the forms of reporting on the given regional tax. Other elements of taxation shall be established by this Code. With the introduction of the regional tax by the legislative (representative) bodies of the subjects of the Russian Federation it is possible to provide tax concessions and grounds for their use by a taxpayer.

4. Local taxes and dues shall be recognized to be those established by this Code and the normative legal acts of the representative bodies of local self-government and those carried into effect in conformity with this Code by the normative legal acts of the representative bodies of local self-government and subject to obligatory payment on the territories of the respective municipal entities.

Local taxes and dues in the cities of federal importance - Moscow and St.Petersburg - shall be established and carried into effect by the laws of the said subjects of the Russian Federation.

With the introduction of a local tax by the representative bodies of local self-government the normative legal acts define the following elements of taxation: the tax rates within the limits set by this Code, the procedure and the terms of the payment of the tax, and also the forms of accounting on this local tax. Other elements of taxation shall be established by this Code. Upon the establishment of the local tax the representative bodies of self-government may also provide for tax concessions and grounds for their use by a taxpayer.

5. No regional or local taxes (fees) may be imposed which are not provided for by this Code.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 401. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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