Студопедия — Metre, derived, foot, system, pound, power, speed, weight, set).
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Metre, derived, foot, system, pound, power, speed, weight, set).

1. A system of measurement is a … of units which can be used to specify anything which can be measured. 2. Fundamental quantities in most systems are length, …, and time. 3. Other quantities such as …, … are derived from the fundamental set. 4. SI is the world’s most widely used … of units. 5. There are two types of SI units, Base and … units.

6. The Imperial unit for distance is the … and for weight is the …. 7. The … is the basic metric unit of length.


Exercise 44. Make the following sentences interrogative.

1. A system of measurement is a set of fundamental units. 2. Mass has been accepted as a basic parameter, instead of weight. 3. Imperial units were used in Britain. 4. Derived units are made of base units. 5. Many imperial units remain in use in Britain. 6. The SI was developed in 1960. 7. Scientists developed International System of Units from MKS system. 8. The ampere indicates the amount of electric current. 9. In future scientists will improve the system of measurement.


Exercise 45. Work in pairs. Make a question for each answer below with reference to the text. Use the question word given in brackets.

1. A system of measurement is a set of units which can be used to specify anything which can be measured (What?) 2. All measurements have some degree of uncertainty associated with measuring instruments. (Why?) 3. Examples of measuring instruments include the thermometer, speedometer, weighing scale and voltmeter (What kind?) 4. In order to measure accurately, measuring instruments must be carefully constructed and calibrated. (Why?) 5. A measurement is a real number and is never exact. (What kind?) 6. Measurement is fundamental to most fields of science, including physics, chemistry and biology. (What?) 7. In the USA, commercial measurements are regulated by the National Institute of Standards and Technology. (Where?) 8. The metre was standardized as the unit for length after the French revolution. (When?) 9. The USA and the UK are in the process of converting to the SI system. (What?)


Exercise 46. Put the verbs in brackets into correct form of Present Simple, Past Simple, Present Perfect or Past Perfect.

1. Both the Imperial units and US customary units (derive) from earlier English units. 2. Prior to the widespread adoption of the metric system many different systems of official measurement (be) in use, many of these (remain) today, at least in part, in traditional use. 3. When the words (turn) to trade between city-states, better systems were needed to enable that mercantile activity. 4. Historically people (use) a wide range of units for the same quantity. 5. Some systems (change) to recognize the improved fundamental units. 6. Later science developments (show) that either electric charge or electric current must be added to complete the minimum set of fundamental quantities. 7. Metric systems of units (evolve) since the adaptation of the first well-defined system in France in 1791. 8. Every measurement is an estimate that (have) some uncertainty.


Exercise 47. Rewrite the following sentences in Passive.

1. Nowadays people use the International System of Units. 2. Students easily derive all other needed units from fundamental units. 3. Historically people used a wide range of units for the same quantity. 4. In the metric system and other recent systems we use a single basic unit for each fundamental quantity. 5. The British mostly used imperial units. 6. While Americans have made some steps towards metrication, the customary units have a strong hold due to the vast industrial infrastructure and commercial development. 7. American scientists prefer the metric system, especially in technology and medicine. 8. It is necessary to calibrate measuring instruments carefully.


Exercise 48. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Метрологія – це наука про вимірювання та шляхи досягнення необхідної точності. 2. Одна з головних проблем метрології – створення загальної теорії вимірювань та системи одиниць. 3. В основу старої метричної системи було покладено одиницю довжини – метр і одиницю ваги – грам. 4. Англійці й досі користуються у побуті такими одиницями, як фут, дюйм і фунт. 5. Вимірювальні прилади застосовуються для встановлення співвідношення між величиною і одиницею вимірювання. 6. Амперметр служить для вимірювання певних властивостей струму. 7. Міжнародна система одиниць (SI) була прийнята на міжнародній конференції у 1960 році. 8. В основу міжнародної системи одиниць фізичних величин покладено 7 основних одиниць вимірювання: метр, кілограм, cекунда, ампер, кельвін, кандела та моль. 9. Для вимірювання термодинамічної температури застосовується одиниця вимірювання кельвін, сили світла – кандела, а кількості речовини – моль. 10. При розрахунках, якщо всі величини виражені в одиницях SI, не потрібно вводити перехідні коефіцієнти.

Exercise 49. Answer the following questions.

1. What does metrology study? 2. What are the base units of the SI? 3. What units are derived? 4. Why was the SI introduced? 5. What are the Imperial units? Where are they still used?

Exercise 50. Learn the following words and word combinations.

Measuring device – вимірювальний пристрій

ohm – ом

ampere – ампер

volt – вольт

watt – ват

quantity – величина, параметр

electrostatic charge – електростатичний заряд

potential difference – різниця потенціалів

dissipate – розсіювати, розтрачувати

in honour (of) – на честь

invent – винаходити, створювати

voltaic pile – вольтов стовп

forerunner – попередник

steady – постійний

coil – котушка, виток, кільце

dissimilar – несхожий, відмінний

zinc – цинк

silver – срібло

approve – затверджувати

electromotive force (EMF) – електрорушійна сила

nominal voltage – номінальна напруга

single-cell – одноелементний

rechargeable – перезаряджувальний

alkaline battery – лужна акумуляторна батарея

main – електрична мережа, магістраль

lightning – блискавка

flight of stairs – марш сходів

incandescent light bulb – лампа розжарення

joule – джоуль (міжнародна ват-секунда)

contribution – внесок

advancement – успіх, прогрес

steam engine – паровий двигун

adopt – приймати, затверджувати

scale – шкала, масштаб

instrument – пристрій

strength – сила, міцність, опір

comparatively – порівняльно, відносно

multimeter – універсальний вимірювальний прилад

ammeter – амперметр

voltmeter – вольтметр

wattmeter – ваттметр

graduate – градуювати

low resistance coil – котушка низького опору

avoid – запобігати

appreciable – значний, помітний

transistor-transistor logic (TTL)–транзистор-транзисторна логіка


Exercise 51. Read text 5 and make the plan of key ideas.

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