Студопедия — I CARRY SOME THINGS ASHORE 2 страница
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With such tools as I had I began to dig the earth and stones away (выкапывать землю и камни). I carried them out through my tent and piled them up along (уложил их вдоль) the inside of my wall (внутренней стороны стены).

In a few days I had made quite a cave which would serve very well as a cellar to my castle (которая могла очень хорошо служить как подвал для моего замка).

I called the cave my kitchen (назвал пещеру моей кухней); but when I began my cooking I found it best to do most of that work outside (нашел, что лучше делать большую часть этого /готовки/ снаружи).

In bad weather (в плохую погоду), however (однако), the kitchen was an excellent place to live in (кухня была прекрасным местом для жизни).


halfway [‘ha:f’wei] ladder [lædə]



I LAY down on my bed, with my money and other precious things close at hand. All night long the wind blew and the rain poured.

Early in the morning I arose and looked out toward the sea.

The waves were rolling very high.

The ship was gone. The sea had swallowed it up.

As I could make no more visits to the ship, I now began to think of other things.

I was still afraid lest there were savage beasts on the island.

Savage men, too, might come that way.

If any of these should find me, how could I protect myself from them?

I must have a stronger house to live in. I must build me a little fort or castle.

The place I was in was flat and wet. My tent was on open ground and could be plainly seen from a distance. There was no fresh water near it.

I must find a better place than this for my castle.

A little way from the shore there was a rocky hill. I went to look at it.

Halfway up the hill there was a large level place, with a great rock rising behind it like the side of a house.

I climbed up to the level place. There was but one way to go, and that was by a steep and winding path.

I found the place much larger than I thought. It was more than a hundred yards long and almost half as broad.

It was, indeed, a green field, or plain, with steep cliff rising up behind it. You must think of it as a great shelf half way up the side of the hill.

"Here," I said to myself, "is the place for my castle."

It was no easy thing to carry all my goods up the steep path to this level plain. I worked hard for many days; but, then, there was nothing else to do, and I must needs keep busy.

At one place on the side of the great rock there was a break, or opening, like the door to a cave. But there was no cave there.

Just in front of this break I began to build my castle. First, I drew a half circle upon the ground, with the opening at the center. The space which it inclosed was about thirty feet across.

In this half circle I set up two rows of strong stakes, driving them deep into the ground.

The rows were not more than six inches apart. The stakes were about two inches apart and as high as my head.

Then between and around these stakes I laid the great ropes that I had brought from the ship. Among these I twined the slender branches of trees and long grapevines that I found in the woods.

When all was finished I had a wall nearly six feet high. It was so strong that nothing could break through it.

I made no door in the wall. The only way in which to get into the yard behind it was by going over the top. This was done by climbing a short ladder which I could lift up after me, and then let down again.

How safe I felt now, as I stood inside of my castle wall!

Over this wall I next carried all my riches, food, my tools, my boxes of clothing. Then, right against the great rock, I made me a large tent to shelter me from the rain.

Into this tent I brought everything that would be spoiled by getting wet. In the middle of it I swung the hammock that I had brought from the ship. For you must remember that I was a sailor, and I could sleep better in a hammock than on a bed.

The hollow place in the rock was just as I hoped. It was, indeed, a large cleft or crack, filled only with earth and small stones.

With such tools as I had I began to dig the earth and stones away. I carried them out through my tent and piled them up along the inside of my wall.

In a few days I had made quite a cave which would serve very well as a cellar to my castle.

I called the cave my kitchen; but when I began my cooking I found it best to do most of that work outside.

In bad weather, however, the kitchen was an excellent place to live in.


I GO A-HUNTING (я иду на охоту; to hunt — охотиться)

WEEKS and weeks passed before my castle was finished (недели и недели прошли до того, как мой замок был завершен).

I did not work at it all the time (не работал все время). Almost, every day I went out with my gun to see what I could find (почти каждый день я выходил со своим ружьем, чтобы увидеть, что я мог найти = поискать что-нибудь).


The very first day (в самый первый день) I saw a flock of goats (стадо коз). How glad I was (рад)!

But they were very shy and very swift (очень пугливыми и быстрыми). As soon as they saw me (как только они увидали меня) they ran away in great fright (убежали в большом страхе).

After that, I saw them nearly every day (почти каждый день). But it was hard to get near them (но было трудно подобраться к ним близко).

One morning I saw an old goat feeding (старую козу, кормящую) in the valley with a kid by her side (в долине с ребенком /козленком/ рядом с ней). I crept along among the rocks (пробрался между камнями) in such a way (так, таким образом) that she did not see me.

When I was close enough (близко достаточно), I raised my gun and fired (выстрелил). The mother goat fell (упала), being killed at once by the shot (будучи убитой выстрелом сразу).

It was a cruel deed (это был жестокий поступок), and I felt indeed sorry for the poor beast (я чувствовал жалость к бедному животному). But how else (но как еще) should I find food for myself in that lonely place (в этом уединенном месте)?

The kid did not run away (не убежал). It stood quite still (стоял совсем неподвижно) by its mother's side. When I picked up the old goat and carried her to my castle, the little one followed me (маленький пошел за мной).

I lifted it over the wall. I thought I would tame it (я думал, что смогу приручить его), and keep it as a pet (и держать как домашнее животное).

But it would not eat (он не хотел есть). I could do no better than kill it and use it for my own food (я не мог сделать ничего лучше, как убить его и использовать для моей еды).

The flesh (мясо) of these two goats lasted me a long time (служило: «продолжалось» мне долгое время); for I did not eat much meat (не ел много мяса), and I still had many of the biscuits (печенья) that I had saved from the ship.

About a month later I shot at a young goat and lamed it (выстрелил в молодую козу и покалечил ее, сделал хромой; lame — хромой). I caught it and carried it home (поймал и принес домой; to catch — ловить), dressed its wounded leg (перевязал раненую ногу), and fed it (и накормил; to feed).

Its leg was soon as well and as strong as ever (нога скоро была такой же здоровой и крепкой, как всегда). The little animal became quite tame (маленькое животное стало вполне прирученным) and followed me everywhere I went (следовало за мной, куда бы я не шел).

I thought how fine it would be if I could have a whole flock of such creatures (как хорошо было бы иметь целое стадо таких созданий, тварей, животных). Then I would be sure of food when my powder and shot were gone (тогда я был бы спокоен за еду, когда мой порох и дробь закончатся).


afterward [‘a:ftəwəd] creature [kri:tʃə] wounded [wu:ndid] fright [frait]





WEEKS and weeks passed before my castle was finished.

I did not work at it all the time. Almost, every day I went out with my gun to see what I could find. The very first day I saw a flock of goats. How glad I was!

But they were very shy and very swift. As soon as they saw me they ran away in great fright.

After that, I saw them nearly every day. But it was hard to get near them.

One morning I saw an old goat feeding in the valley with a kid by her side. I crept along among the rocks in such a way that she did not see me.

When I was close enough, I raised my gun and fired. The mother goat fell, being killed at once by the shot.

It was a cruel deed, and I felt indeed sorry for the poor beast. But how else should I find food for myself in that lonely place?

The kid did not run away. It stood quite still by its mother's side. When I picked up the old goat and carried her to my castle, the little one followed me.

I lifted it over the wall. I thought I would tame it, and keep it as a pet.

But it would not eat. I could do no better than kill it and use it for my own food.

The flesh of these two goats lasted me a long time; for I did not eat much meat, and I still had many of the biscuits that I had saved from the ship.

About a month later I shot at a young goat and lamed it. I caught it and carried it home, dressed its wounded leg, and fed it.

Its leg was soon as well and as strong as ever. The little animal became quite tame and followed me everywhere I went.

I thought how fine it would be if I could have a whole flock of such creatures. Then I would be sure of food when my powder and shot were gone.


I KEEP MYSELF BUSY (я держу себя занятым = нахожу себе занятия)

AMONG the things that I brought from the ship there were several which I have not told you about (среди вещей, который я принес с корабля, было несколько, о которых я не рассказал вам). I will name them now (назову их сейчас).



First I got from the captain's desk some pens, ink, and paper (сначала я взял с капитанского стола несколько карандашей, чернила и бумагу). These were afterward a great comfort to me (они были впоследствии большим подспорьем для меня = очень пригодились; comfort — утешение; поддержка, помощь), as you shall learn (как вы узнаете).

There were some charts and compasses (карт и компасов), and three or four books on navigation (книг по навигации). These I threw in a corner (их я бросил в угол), for I did not think I should ever need them (так как я не думал, что когда-нибудь они потребуются мне).

Among my own things there were three very old Bibles (среди моих собственных вещей было три очень старых Библии), which I had bought in England and had packed with my clothing (которые я купил в Англии и упаковал вместе с моей одеждой).

And I must not forget the dog and two cats (не должен забывать = должен упомянуть собаку и двух кошек) that came to shore with me (которые прибыли на берег со мной). I carried both the cats on my raft with my first cargo (я привез обеих кошек на своем плоту с первым грузом).

As for the dog (что касается собаки), he jumped off the wreck (спрыгнула с потерпевшего крушение корабля) and swam to the shore (доплыла до берега). He was my best friend for a long time (он /пес/ был моим лучшим другом долгое время). He followed me everywhere (ходил за мной все время; to follow smb – следовать за кем-то). He would run and fetch things (он бегал и приносил вещи) to me as I bade him (как я просил его). I wanted him to talk to me (я хотел, чтобы он говорил со мной), but this he could not do (но этого он не мог делать).

As for my pens, ink, and paper, I took the greatest care of them (я очень заботился о них). As long as my ink lasted (пока мои чернила были; to last — продолжаться, сохраняться), I wrote down everything that happened to me (я записывал все, что происходило со мной).

But when that was gone (но когда это кончилось), I could write no more for I did not know how to make ink (не мог больше писать, так как не знал, как делать чернила).

I soon found that I needed many things to make me comfortable (вскоре обнаружил, что мне нужно было много вещей, чтобы устроиться удобно, обеспечить комфорт).

First, I wanted a chair and a table (во-первых, я хотел стул и стол); for without them I must live like a savage (так как без них я должен жить, как дикарь).

So I set to work (принялся за работу). I had never handled a tool in my life (никогда не управлялся с инструментами в моей жизни). But I had a saw (пилу), an ax (топор), and several hatchets (несколько топориков, резаков); and I soon learned to use them all (вскоре научился пользоваться ими всеми).

If I wanted a board (доску), I had to chop down a tree (должен был срубить дерево). From the trunk (из ствола) of the tree I cut a log (бревно) of the length that my board was to be. Then I split the log (раскалывал бревно) and hewed it flat till it was as thin as a board (и обрубал его плоско, пока оно не было тонким, как доска).

All this took time and much hard work (все это занимало время и /требовало/ много тяжелой работы). But I had nothing else to do (не было ничего другого, чем заняться).

I made the table and chair out of short pieces of board (из коротких обрубков доски) I had brought from the ship (/которые/ я принес с корабля).

Of the large boards which I hewed from trees (из больших досок, которые я вырубил из деревьев), I made some wide shelves (широкие полки) along the side of my cave or kitchen (вдоль стен моей пещеры и кухни).

On these shelves I laid my tools, nails, and other things (положил мои инструменты, гвозди и другие вещи).

I had a place for everything (место для всего), and kept everything in its place (держал все на своем месте).

My cave looked like some stores you have seen where a little of everything is kept for sale (моя пещера выглядела как некоторые магазины/склады, которые вы видели, где всего понемногу хранится на продажу).

From time to time I made many useful things (время от времени я делал много полезных вещей).

From a piece of hard wood (из куска крепкой древесины) that I cut in the forest (которую я срезал в лесу) I made a spade to dig with (я сделал лопату, которой /можно/ копать, чтобы копать). The handle I shaped (ручке я придал форму) just like the handles you buy at the stores (совсем как ручки, /которые/ вы покупаете в магазинах). But the shovel part (лопатная часть) was of wood and would not last long (не продержалась бы долго).

While I was digging my cave (пока я копал пещеру), I found it very hard work to carry the earth and small stones away (я обнаружил, что очень тяжело таскать землю и маленькие камни). I needed a wheelbarrow very much (мне очень нужна была тачка).

I could make the frame part of this (я мог сделать каркас из этого), but I did not know how to make the wheel (колесо). I worked four days at it (четыре дня над этим), and then had to give it up (должен был бросить это, отказаться от этого).

At last I made me a kind of hod (подобие лотка /для подноса кирпичей/), like that which masons use (такие как каменотесы используют). It was better than a basket (лучше, чем ведро) and almost as good as a wheelbarrow (и почти такое же хорошее, как тачка).


wonder [wΛndə] hew [hju:] Bible [baibl]




AMONG the things that I brought from the ship there were several which I have not told you about. I will name them now. First I got from the captain's desk some pens, ink, and paper. These were afterward a great comfort to me, as you shall learn.

There were some charts and compasses, and three or four books on navigation. These I threw in a corner, for I did not think I should ever need them.

Among my own things there were three very old Bibles, which I had bought in England and had packed with my clothing.

And I must not forget the dog and two cats that came to shore with me. I carried both the cats on my raft with my first cargo.

As for the dog, he jumped off the wreck and swam to the shore. He was my best friend for a long time. He followed me everywhere. He would run and fetch things to me as I bade him. I wanted him to talk to me, but this he could not do.

As for my pens, ink, and paper, I took the greatest care of them. As long as my ink lasted, I wrote down everything that happened to me.

But when that was gone, I could write no more for I did not know how to make ink.

I soon found that I needed many things to make me comfortable.

First, I wanted a chair and a table; for without them I must live like a savage.

So I set to work. I had never handled a tool in my life. But I had a saw, an ax, and several, hatchets; and I soon learned to use them all.

If I wanted a board, I had to chop down a tree. From the trunk of the tree I cut a log of the length that my board was to be. Then I split the log and hewed it flat till it was as thin as a board.

All this took time and much hard work. But I had nothing else to do.

I made the table and chair out of short pieces of board I had brought from the ship.

Of the large boards which I hewed from trees, I made some wide shelves along the side of my cave or kitchen.

On these shelves I laid my tools, nails, and other things.

I had a place for everything, and kept everything in its place.

My cave looked like some stores you have seen where a little of everything is kept for sale.

From time to time I made many useful things.

From a piece of hard wood that I cut in the forest I made a spade to dig with. The handle I shaped just like the handles you buy at the stores. But the shovel part was of wood and would not last long.

While I was digging my cave, I found it very hard work to carry the earth and small stones away. I needed a wheelbarrow very much.

I could make the frame part of this, but I did not know how to make the wheel. I worked four days at it, and then had to give it up.

At last I made me a kind of hod, like that which masons use. It was better than a basket and almost as good as a wheelbarrow.


I HAVE A GREAT FRIGHT (я имею большой страх)


THE very next day after my cave was finished (на следующий день после /того как/ моя пещера была закончена) a frightful thing happened (страшная вещь случилась). I came near losing everything and my own life as well (я подошел близко = был на грани потери всего и моей жизни также).



I will tell you about it.

I was busy behind my tent (занят за навесом) when I heard a fearful noise (страшный шум) above my head (над головой). Before I could look up (посмотреть вверх), a great load of earth and stones came tumbling down (большой вес = куча земли и камней повалилась вниз).

It was a wonder that I was not buried alive (было чудо, что я не был похоронен заживо). I was scared (испуган), for I thought the whole top of the cave was falling in (так как подумал, что вся верхушка пещеры падала).

I ran out and climbed over my wall (выбежал и залез на стену). The great rock behind my castle seemed to be shaking (большая скала за замком, казалось, тряслась). Stones and earth were rolling down its side (катились вниз по ее склону).

"An earthquake! an earthquake (землетрясение)!" I cried.

The ground shook (земля затряслась). A tall rock (высокий камень) that stood between me and the seashore toppled over and fell (который стоял между мной и морским берегом, перевернулся и упал). The noise was the most frightful I ever heard (самым страшным, какой я когда-либо слышал).

There were three shocks (три тряски) about eight minutes apart (около восьми минут между = с перерывом в восемь минут). The strongest building you ever saw would have been overturned (самое крепкое здание, какое вы когда-либо видели, было бы перевернуто).

I was so frightened that I did not know what to do (был так напуган, что не знал, что делать). I sat on the ground and could not move (сел на землю и не мог пошевелиться). I could only cry, over and over again (мог только плакать, опять и опять), "Lord, have mercy on me (Господи, имей жалость ко мне)!"

After the third shock was over I began to grow braver (после /того, как/ третий толчок закончился, я начал становиться смелее). But still I sat on the ground, wondering what would come next (думая, что произойдет потом).

All at once the sky was overcast (небо было закрыто). Dark clouds rolled over the sea (темные облака набежали над морем). The wind began to blow (ветер начал дуть). A dreadful hurricane was at hand (смертельный ураган был близок).

The sea was covered with foam (покрыто пеной). The waves were mountain high (с гору высотой). On the shore, trees were torn up by the roots (деревья были вывернуты с корнем). If my tent had not been well sheltered behind the great rock (если бы мой навес не был хорошо укрыт за большой скалой), it would have been carried away (был бы снесен).

The hurricane lasted fully three hours (ураган длился полных три часа). Then the rain began to pour down (дождь начал лить).

All this time I sat on the ground outside, too much frightened to go back into my castle (все это время я сидел на земле снаружи, слишком сильно напуганный, чтобы вернуться назад в мой замок).

Toward night the rain slackened (к ночи дождь ослаб), and I ventured over my wall (отважился перелезть через стену). The tent was half beaten down (навес был наполовину снесен). So I crept through into the cave (пробрался в пещеру). I was half afraid that even it would tumble down on my head (я был наполовину напуган = немного опасался, что даже это могло упасть на мою голову).


damage [dæmidʒ] ground [graund] earthquake [‘ə:θkweik]




THE very next day after my cave was finished a frightful thing happened. I came near losing everything and my own life as well. I will tell you about it.

I was busy behind my tent when I heard a fearful noise above my head. Before I could look up, a great load of earth and stones came tumbling down.

It was a wonder that I was not buried alive. I was scared, for I thought the whole top of the cave was falling in.

I ran out and climbed over my wall. The great rock behind my castle seemed to be shaking. Stones and earth were rolling down its side.

"An earthquake! an earthquake!" I cried.

The ground shook. A tall rock that stood between me and the seashore toppled over and fell. The noise was the most frightful I ever heard.

There were three shocks about eight minutes apart. The strongest building you ever saw would have been overturned.

I was so frightened that I did not know what to do. I sat on the ground and could not move. I could only cry, over and over again, "Lord, have mercy on me!"

After the third shock was over I began to grow braver. But still I sat on the ground, wondering what would come next.

All at once the sky was overcast. Dark clouds rolled over the sea. The wind began to blow. A dreadful hurricane was at hand.

The sea was covered with foam. The waves were mountain high. On the shore, trees were torn up by the roots. If my tent had not been well sheltered behind the great rock, it would have been carried away.

The hurricane lasted fully three hours. Then the rain began to pour down.

All this time I sat on the ground outside, too much frightened to go back into my castle.

Toward night the rain slackened, and I ventured over my wall. The tent was half beaten down. So I crept through into the cave. I was half afraid that even it would tumble down on my head.


I EXPLORE MY ISLAND (исследую свой остров)


IT rained all that night (шел дождь всю ночь). But in the cave everything was warm and dry (но в пещере все было теплым и сухим), and little by little I lost my fear (мало-помалу утратил свой страх).



The earthquake and the hurricane had done great damage to my castle (причинили большой ущерб моему замку). I had to work hard for many days (должен был усиленно трудиться много дней) to put things to rights again (чтобы привести все в порядок).

I had now been on the island about ten months (был уже на острове около десяти месяцев). In all that time I had seen only a small part of it (за все это время я видел только малую часть его).

One morning I set out with my gun on my shoulder for a long walk (одним утром пустился с ружьем на плече на длительную прогулку).

I went up the little river (прошел вверх вдоль маленькой реки) where I had first landed with my rafts (где я впервые причаливал с моими плотами). I found that it was a very short river (я обнаружил, что это была очень короткая река). After about two miles (через примерно две мили), the tide did not flow any higher (прилив не приливал выше); and above that (кроме того), the stream was only a little brook of fresh water (над этим /местом/ поток был только маленьким ручьем пресной воды).

Along the brook there were pleasant meadows (красивые луга), covered with high grass (покрытые высокой травой).

In the dryer parts of these meadows (в более сухих частях этих лугов) I found tobacco growing wild (нашел табак, растущий диким = дикорастущий табак).

I looked for the roots of a plant which the Indians use instead of bread (искал корни растения, которое индейцы используют вместо хлеба), but could find none (не мог найти ни одного).

In one place, however (однако), I saw many tall sugar canes (много высоких /растений/ сахарного тростника) and some fair-looking plants of a kind that was strange to me (несколько красиво выглядящих растений вида, который был незнаком мне).

As I went back to my castle I wondered how I could learn something useful about the many objects I had seen (пока я шел обратно в мой замок, я думал, как я мог узнать что-то полезное о многих объектах, /которые/ я видел). But I had never taken much thought about such things (но я никогда много не думал об этих вещах), and now I had but little chance to learn (и теперь я имел лишь маленький шанс = не имел особой возможности узнать).

The next day I went up the same way, but much farther (на следующий день я пошел по тому же пути, но намного дальше).

Beyond the meadows (за лугами) I came to some beautiful woods (красивые леса).

Here I found several different kinds of fruits (несколько разных видов фруктов). There were grapevines covering the trees (были виноградные лозы, покрывающие деревья), and huge clusters of ripe grapes were hanging from them (огромные гроздья зрелого винограда свисали с них).

I was very glad of this (очень рад этому). I made up my mind to come another day (в другой день) and gather some of this fruit (собрать какие-то из этих фруктов). I would dry the grapes in the sun (я бы высушил = высушу виноград на солнце), and have some raisins (и имел бы = получу изюм).

Night came on (ночь пришла) while I was still in the woods (пока я все еще был в лесу), and I could not do better than stay there till morning (не мог сделать ничего лучше, как остаться там до утра). So I climbed into a tree and slept there quite well (залез на дерево и поспал там очень хорошо).

It was the first night that I had spent away from home (была первая ночь, которую я провел вне дома).

The next day I went on through the woods for nearly four miles (я прошел по лесу почти четыре мили).

At last I came to an open space where the land sloped to the west (наконец я пришел к открытому пространству, где земля клонилась к западу). The country was so fresh and green that it looked like a big garden (местность была такой свежей и зеленой, что выглядела, как большой сад).

I went down into a pleasant valley (красивую долину) where there were many beautiful trees (где было много прекрасных деревьев). There I found oranges, lemons, limes, and citrons (апельсины, лаймы /маленькие зеленые лимончики/, лимоны), besides many grapes (помимо множества винограда).

I loaded myself with fruit and started homeward (нагрузился фруктами и начал /идти/ домой). "I must come again and bring a sack (принести мешок)," I said.

It was three days before I reached my castle (только через три дня я достиг дома: «замка»). By that time the fruit had lost all its flavor (к тому времени фрукты потеряли весь свой вкус).

The next day I went back to the same valley (вернулся в ту же самую долину). I carried two small sacks to bring home my harvest (я нес два маленьких мешка, чтобы принести домой мой урожай).

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 340. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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