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(Способы производства и экономические системы)


Методическая разработка по закреплению терминологической лексики

для студентов II курса экономических специальностей

Астрахань - 2003

Составители: доцент кафедры “ИЯГЕНО”, к.ф.н. Дроздова Т.В.,

доцент кафедры “ИЯГЕНО” Акифьева Н.С.,

доцент кафедры “ИЯГЕНО” Жигульская Л.М.

Рецензент: доцент кафедры “ИЯГЕНО” Шмойлова Н.Ю.


Методическая разработка утверждена и одобрена на заседании кафедры “ИЯГЕНО”

Протокол №____ от ________________







I. Remember the pronunciation of the following words. Translate them and learn their meanings.

mankind [m@n´kaInd] handicraft(pl. -s)[ ´h@ndIkra:ft]

feudal [´fju:dl] communal [´kOmjun{l]/[k{´mju:n{l]

organisation [,O:g{naI´zeIS({)n] commune(n) [k{´mju:n]

bourgeoisie [,bu:{Zwa:´zI:] subsistence [s{b´sIst{ns]

bourgeois [,bu:{Zwa:] purchase [´p{:tS{s]

acquire [{´kwaI{] ownership [´{un{Sip]

manufactory [,m@nju´f@kt({)rI]

manufacture [,m@nju´f@k tS{]

manufacturer [,m@nju´f@k tS{r{]

manufactured [,m@nju´f@k tS{d]

manufacturing [,m@nju´f@ktS({)rI4]


II. Read and understand the text.


The history of mankind knows the following methods of production: the primitive communal, slave-owning, feudal and commodity production (simple, capitalist or communist).

The primitive communal mode of production was the lowest and historically the first form of organisation of people. Man used objects found in nature and he himself made primitive implements of production. The extremely low level of development of the productive forces determined the corresponding relations of productions which were relations of cooperation based on public ownership of the means of productions and equal distribution of products (i.e. independent of the quality and quantity of labour).

Slowly, however, the productive forces grew. As people acquired production experience, labour productivity increased. This created conditions not only for natural but also for social division of labour (e.g. cattle breeding from crop cultivation). Private ownership came into being. Man learned to produce more than he needed for subsistence. There arose the possibility of exploitation and slave-owners and slaves appeared.

Under the slave-owning mode of production there existed economic exploitation of the slaves who had no rights whatever. Slave-owners possessed both the means of production and the slaves, and also the product they made. For a certain period of time production relations promoted the development of the productive forces, but gradually they came to hinder their development, because production demanded constant improvement of the instruments of production and growth of labour productivity.

The slave-owning mode of production was replaced by feudal one, which is characterised by further development of handicrafts, invention of the first mechanical tools, expansion of trade, growth of towns and advance in agriculture. New productive relations were based on the ownership by feudal lords of the land and other means of production and their incomplete ownership of working people (serfs).

With the development of productive forces the shop of an individual handicraftsman was replaced by the manufactory. By concentrating a large number of workers under one roof the manufactory promoted the further division of labour and sharply raised productivity. A new class - the bourgeoisie (or capitalists) - appeared and with it a new mode of production.

The commodity production is characterised by productive forces based on large-scale machine production. Production relations are based on the private ownership of the means of production. They may belong either to an individual, a group of individuals or even to a state. Products of labour and labour itself acquire the form of commodity and can be sold and purchased.


III. Find the correct translation of words and word combinations.


A. 1) Labour, 2) productive forces, 3) quality, 4) shop, 5) division of labour,

6) mode of production, 7) to promote, 8) production experience, 9) implements of production, 10) to hinder, 11) branch of production, 12) quantity, 13) commodity production, 14) expansion of trade, 15) labour productivity, 16) distribution, 17) method of production, 18) manufactory, 19) owner, 20) large-scale, 21) advance, 22) land.


B. 1) Разделение труда; 2) мешать, препятствовать; 3) фабрика, завод; 4)

производительность труда; 5) способ производства /2 варианта/;

6) качество; 7) товарное производство; 8) улучшение, развитие;

9) а. содействовать, стимулировать; б. продвигать, поощрять;

10) орудия производства; 11) количество; 12) труд; 13) собственник;

14) отрасль производства; 15) производственный опыт; 16) мастерская,

цех; 17) расширение торговли; 18) производительные силы; 19) земля;

20) крупномасштабный; 21) распределение.


IV. Read the following words and word combinations and give their Russian


1) public ownership of the means of production; 2) private ownership of

the means of production; 3) to promote the development of smth.; 4) to belong either to an individual or to a state; 5) gradually; 6) for a certain period of time; 7) to come into being.


V. Increase your vocabulary.


A. a) produce (n. v.) - 1. продукция, изделия; 2. результат; 3.

производить, вырабатывать, приносить


b) producer (n) - производитель, изготовитель, продуцент

c) product (n) - 1. продукт, продукция, изделие;

2. (мат.) произведение

d) production (n) - 1. производство, изготовление;

2. производительность, выработка;

3. продукция, продукт, изделие

e) productive (adj) - производительный, продуктивный

f) productiveness (n) - производительность, продуктивность

g) productivity (n) - производительность, продуктивность


B. Read and translate the following sentences:


1. In the past English industrial prosperity rested on a few important products, such as textiles, coal and heavy machinery.

2. The Midlands, or the central counties of England, are famous for the production of machinery, coal, motor cars and chemicals.

3. Leeds is a centre of clothing industry producing woolen articles.

4. Things produced on a farm are produce, things produced by industry are products.

5. Britain produces high quality expensive goods, which has always been characteristic of its industry.

6. To make the farmers work more productive scientific methods of farming are employed.

7. In a market economy it is a consumer who decides what is to be produced.


C. Fill in the gaps with the words given below:

Productivity, production, productive, produce (n. v.), products


1. There is also a general feeling that employees who are well looked after by the employer be more....

2.... of iron has increased in the last few months.

3. The market sells a variety of fresh....

4. It is characteristic of Britain’s industry... articles requiring skilled labour.

5. New advanced... and low prices are good ways to increase sales and profits.

6. Scientific and technological Revolution caused the increase in the... of labour.


VI. Form nouns from the following verbs:


to organize, to develop, to determine, to relate, to cooperate, to improve, to distribute, to divide, to invent.


VII. Analyse the morphological structure of the following words. State to what

part of speech they belong.

Feudal, capitalist, extremely, implement, ownership, independent, possibility, gradually, sharply, constant, exploitation, agriculture.


VIII. Check your Grammar.


A. Study these charts:

a) There + to be

there is - имеется, существует

there will be - будет существовать

there were - имелись, существовали

there must be - должно быть, должно существовать

there could be - могло (бы) существовать

there would be - имелось бы, могло бы существовать

there would have been - существовало бы

there being - так как существует

b) There + to appear - появляться

there + to exist - существовать

there + to follow - следовать

there + to occur - иметь место, происходить

there + to result - получаться

there + to remain - оставаться

there + to seem - казаться

there + to take place - иметь место, происходить

There + to be formed - образовываться, получаться

there + to be observed - наблюдаться

there + to be left - оставаться


B. Translate the following sentences:


1. There must be something wrong.

2. There’s nothing wrong, is there?

3. There are plenty of people getting promotion.

4. There is a new point of view on this problem.

5. There still remained much work to do.

6. There existed some other way out.

7. Was there any discussion on the problem?

8. Have there been attempts to make this process more systematic?

9. Did there exist any other way out?

10. Did there appear another form of service?


IX. a) Supply prepositions where necessary.


The Industrial Revolution in England

One 1 the most significant things about the industrial development

2 the eighteenth century was the requirement of extensive capital to carry on industrial undertaking 3 the larger scale which now became the rule. It is obvious that a factory could not be built 4 a huge amount of capital

5 the building, the expensive machinery, the supplies, materials, and wages. This capital was largely created in the industry itself 6 the unflagging activity of the new entrepreneurs who stinted themselves to the limit, worked like slaves, and lived like slave-masters. Some of the new industrialists married 7 fortune from the country, and still others received their start by advances from the London commercial houses, which, faced by heavier demand 8 goods than they could supply, advanced money to set up factories and shops. The new captains of industry had to possess 9 great abilities. They had to be able to gather, organize, and discipline their labour forces, invent and build their machinery, understand the sources of their raw materials and the state of foreign and domestic markets, secure working capital, and, above all, they had to meet 10 the competition of their rivals, and to save 11 the extension of their plants.


b) Say what you have learned about the most significant things concerning

the industrial development in England.

X. Find definition to each of the given terms:


1) division of labour a) - the systematic making of goods from raw materials.


2) subsistence b) - the right to hold a thing entirely as one’s own,

including complete and permanent control over it.

3) ownership c) - the relation between the output or amount produced

in a given period and one unit of the factors of

production employed in producing that output.

4) manufacture d) - the bare cost of keeping alive; a supply of goods

that is just enough to cover the basic necessities of

life, i.e. food, clothing and shelter.

5) productivity e) - the basic system of obtaining economies in

production and increasing the total output of

economy by organizing the manufacture of

an article so that each worker gives all his

time and attention to performing a single

operation instead of performing the many different

operations needed to produce the article.


XI. Ask your group-mate questions about different modes of production.


XII. Describe one of the modes of production and add more information about

it from additional sources.


XIII. Translate the sentences given below from Russian into English.


1. Возможно, что среди африканских племен еще существует первобытнообщинный способ производства.

2. Я не имею никакого производственного опыта, поэтому производительность труда у меня очень низкая

3. Рабовладельцы использовали рабов в качестве средств производства, которые не могли быть усовершенствованы.

4. Мануфактуры создавались на основе ремесленных цехов, в которых применялись механические станки.

5. Товарное производство характеризуется наличием крупномасштабных механизированных предприятий и частной собственности как на средства производства, так и на продукт труда.


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