Студопедия — Прочитайте текст и выполните задания. 1. In the 1960’s, researchers began experimenting with linking computers
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Прочитайте текст и выполните задания. 1. In the 1960’s, researchers began experimenting with linking computers


1. In the 1960’s, researchers began experimenting with linking computers. They wanted to see if computers in different locations could be linked using a new technology known as packet switching. This technology, in which data meant for another location is broken up into little pieces, each with its own “forwarding address” had the promise of letting several users share just one communications line. Their goal was not the creation of today’s international computer-using community, but the development of a data network that could survive a nuclear attack.

2. Previous computer networking efforts had required a line between each computer on the network, sort of like a one-track train route. The packet system allowed to create data highway. Each packet was given the computer equivalent of a map and a time stamp, so that it could be sent to the right destination, where it would then be reassembled into a message the computer or a human could use.

This system allowed computers to share data and researchers to exchange electronic mail, or e-mail. In itself, e-mail was something of a revolution, offering the ability to send detailed letters at the speed of a phone call.

3. As this system grew, some college students developed a way to use it to conduct online conferences. These started as science-oriented discussions, but they soon branched out into virtually every other field, as people recognized the power of being able to “talk” to hundreds, or even thousands, of people around the country.

4. In the 1980’s, this network of networks, which became known as the Internet, expanded at a phenomenal rate. Hundreds, then thousands of colleges, research companies and government agencies began to connect their computers to this worldwide Net. Some companies unwilling to pay the high costs of the Internet access (or unable to meet strict government regulations for access) learned how to link their own systems to Internet, even if “only” for e-mail and conferences. Some of these systems began offering access to the public. Now anybody with a computer and modem, persistence and a small amount of money could tap into the world.


28. Определите, является ли утверждение:

Students can reach library resources through the Internet.

· истинным;

· ложным;

· в тексте нет информации. *


29. Определите, является ли утверждение:

E-mailing gave people the opportunity to send letters at the speed of a phone call.

· истинным; *

· ложным;

· в тексте нет информации.


30. Определите, является ли утверждение:

Some college students began experimenting with linking computers in the 1960’s.

· истинным;

· ложным; *

· в тексте нет информации.


31. Определите, является ли утверждение:

A packet switching technology was designed to create a computer-using community.

· истинным;

· ложным; *

· в тексте нет информации.


32. Укажите, какой части текста (1, 2, 3, 4) соответствует следующая информация

Highway systems created, worldwide Net could be expanded at a phenomenal rate. (4)


33. Укажите, какой части текста (1, 2, 3, 4) соответствует следующая информация:

Some systems of public access to Internet are not too expensive for their users. (4)


34. Ответьте на вопрос:

What is the main advantage of the packet system?

1. The main advantage of this system is in the fact that it doesn’t allow numerous users to share a communication line.

2. The main advantage of this system is in the fact that it serves as a means of surviving nuclear attacks.

3. The main advantage of this system in the fact that it helped to create many-track data route. *

4. The main advantage of this system is in the fact that it supports the development of new projects.


35. Определите основную идею текста:

1. E-mail service provided by the Internet nowadays.

2. The development of the Internet in the 20th century. *

3. “Talking” around the country.

4. Online conferences as science-oriented discussions.

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