Студопедия — Exercises. 1. Introductions can become repetitive
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Exercises. 1. Introductions can become repetitive

1. Introductions can become repetitive. It’s important to have a choice of words and expressions at your fingertips. Use the following expressions to replace each of the expressions in italics in the introduction.

don’t hesitate a chance I take care

I’m delighted sections go through

in more depth my purpose is divide


Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. It’s a pleasure to be with you today. My name’s Gordon Matthews and I’m in charge of corporate finance at our headquarters here in Brussels. We are here today to review some key figures and to outline financial strategy over the next five years. So what I intend to do is to break down this presentation into three parts: first, the financial review, second, the options facing us; and finally, the strategy I propose. If you have any questions, please feel free to interrupt me, but I should also say there’ll be an opportunity to discuss issues at greater length after my talk


2.Match a sentence or phrase on the left with one from the right.

1 Please help yourselves a. describe the new proposal.
2 If we're all here, b. Thank you Geoff. It's good to be here.
3 I'd like to start by c. to the brochures at the back.
4 I have a handout with the statistics on. d. let's make a start.
5 I'd like to welcome Geoff Maxwell. e. Please take one as I pass them around.
6 After that I'd like to f. please feel free to ask me.
7. Today, I'd like to talk about g. outlining the plan for the day.
8 If you have any questions h. the success we've had with after-sales

3. Choose a verb from the box to complete each of the sentences below.


Example: If we're all here, I'll begin

a. It's good to.......................... Mr Maxwell here from the Head Office.

b. I have the figures for the last three months to............. to you.

c. Would you like to........................ a handout?

d. I'd.............................. to talk today about last year's sales figures.

e. I plan to ………………….about twenty minutes for questions at the end.

f. I'd like to........................... our speaker today.


4. The following sentences are mixed up. Put the words into the correct order.

example: for / to / thank / like / all / you/ coming

I’ d like to thank you all for coming........................................................

1 points / handout / of / have / with / my / the / a / main / presentation


2 customer/care/here/explain/to


3 Malaysian / I'm / office / the / Mohammed / from

Good morning....................................................................................

4 the / read / interesting / day / something / other


5 outline / begin / I'd / proposal / to / with / like / the


6 leader/you /sure/ I'm / I'm/ know/ project/the


5. Complete the sentences with the correct word.


example: It's good to................... meet you. have / take / meet
a Did everyone....................... a handout? give/ get/ go
b Don't.......................... about taking notes. worry/forget/think
с Please.......................... yourselves. meet/ have/help
d Please feel......................... to stop me. expensive/free/open
e I'd like to......................... the past. let/ happen / describe
f I want to.......................... on the results first. look / worry / focus

6. Complete the following introduction with appropriate words from the unit.

Well, If everyone's......................................... start. It's great to have Liu Wei here...................................................... the office in Beijing. As you ……………., he is the Director of Marketing and has achieved excellent results.

Good afternoon. Thank you, Sam. I'm....... to be here today. OK, today I'd ………………..to talk about the developments in the Beijing office. We've had to develop quickly to meet the demands of the market and it's been hard work but very rewarding. In my presentation this afternoon I'd like to ……………three main points. ……………, I'll briefly outline our small beginnings two years ago; …………………I'll explain how we adapted the RB409 range to suit the local market and …….……I'll show our success. If you have any questions, there'll be ………… at the end.

Before I start, I ………………..a handout for you. It has the graphs and main notes on it. Would you like to..................................... one? Here you are.

7 Make a presentation on one of the topics studied in the module.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-18; просмотров: 985. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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