Студопедия — Questions to the text above
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Questions to the text above

1. What are some of the jobs in the bar and cocktail lounge of a hotel?

2. How does food service in a hotel bar usually differ from food service in the restaurant?

3. What is involved in providing hotel room service? How do many hotels cut down on orders for ice and soft drinks?

4. What amount of room service is customarily provided at night?

5. What meal is the most frequently ordered from room service? How can this meal be ordered in some hotels?

6. Why do most hotels have only one central kitchen? How is food for different restaurants prepared in this case?

7. What additional space is needed by the food and beverage department?

8. What kind of food and beverage facility is often not connected with the main kitchen? What kind of food and beverage service does it provide?

9. Do hotel food and beverage departments employ a large or a small number of employees?

10. Which employees of the food and beverage department have frequent contact with guests? What standards must they adhere to?


Reading comprehension

Say what statements are true and what ones are false. Comment on the true statements and correct the false ones. Prove with the text.

1. In a very busy bar one bartender fills orders for the waiters, takes care of the guests at the bar and acts as a cashier.

2. A hotel’s room service menu isalways the same as the one for the dining room.

3. Many hotels have ice and soft drinks dispenser machines on each floor to cut down on room service orders for these items.

4. All hotels are prepared to provide sandwiches even during late night hours.

5. More room service orders are for supper than for any other meal.

6. A snack bar usually has its own staff of cooks and waiters and may be not connected with the main hotel kitchen.


Find English equivalents from the text above to the following:

1. подавать напитки –

2. барная стойка –

3. обычный, рядовой –

4. услуга, предоставляемая большинством отелей –

5. для облегчения подготовки и обслуживания –

6. для сокращения заказов на лед и безалкогольные напитки –

7. заказать завтрак в номер, заполнив заказ-уведомление –

8. завтрак подается в указанное посетителем время –

9. пользоваться спросом –


Dialogue Patterns

Read, memorize and dramatize the following dialogues:

Ordering a Meal

Peter and Mary Almar are having a meal at a restaurant in Athens after their first day in the city. They are examining the menu and choosing what to order.

Waiter: Are you ready to order now?
Peter: Yes, I think so. Could you tell us what “dolmadakia” is, please?
Waiter: It’s vine leaves stuffed with meat and onions and served with lemon sauce.
Mary: It sounds delicious. I’ll try this, please.
Waiter: And for the main course?
Mary: I’ll have the chicken and rice with tomatoes.
Waiter: And for you, sir?
Peter: I’ll have the fish and vegetable soup and the roast lamb with a salad, please.
Waiter: What dressing would you like on the salad?
Peter: French dressing, please.
Waiter: Would you like anything to drink?
Mary: I’d like some white wine. Is there a Greek wine you can recommend?
Waiter: Well, the Santa Helena is very nice.
Peter: Yes, a bottle of the Santa Helena, please.
Waiter: Would you like a dessert?
Mary: Not for me, thank you.
Peter: No, thank you. Just two coffees. And could we have the bill, please.
Waiter: Yes, sir.


At the Bar

Bar-waiter: Good evening, madam. Good evening, sir. Would you like to sit at a table or at the bar counter?
Lady: I don’t feel like sitting at the counter. I don’t fancy a bar-stool. It’s pretty uncomfortable.
Bar-waiter: This way, then, please. Will this table do?
Lady: That’s fine. I like it.
Bar-waiter: What may I offer you?
Gentleman: What would you like to drink?
Lady: Some mixed drink, I think. Can you mix a Margarita for me?
Bar-waiter: Yes, M-m. Frozen? Salt?
Lady: Yes, please.
Bar-waiter: And you, sir?
Gentleman: I’ll have beer, please.
Bar-waiter: Any special brand?
Gentleman: I’d like your local brew.
Bar-waiter: Will the Carlton do?
Gentleman: Yes, I’ll try that one.
Bar-waiter: Bottled or draught?
Gentleman: The draught, please.
Bar-waiter: Fine. One Margarita. One draught Carlton. Any snacks?
Gentleman: No, thanks.



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