Студопедия — The legal profession 2
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The legal profession 2

The legal profession in England is really two separate professions: solicitors and barristers. The solicitor is probably the more ancient profession. He descends from the notaries of Elizabethan times and indeed even earlier. A solicitor and a barrister are lawyers, but the work they do is quite different. It is not difficult to understand the difference if you know what they do. Let's take solicitors first.

A SOLICITOR is a member of the legal profession competent to advise clients on legal matters and prepare cases for barristers. Solicitors are the office lawyers, whose advice to clients and preparations of cases is equally important.

Suppose you want to make a will or buy a house. You'd go to a solicitor. He'd probably be a member of a firm of solicitors, and you'd go to his office. You can't buy a house without the help of a solicitor.

Then there is the work that solicitors do in the courts. Solicitors can appear in the lower courts of justice and can speak for their clients. In such a situation solicitor corresponds to the Russian адвокат; защитник, выступающий в судах низшей инстанции.

If a man is drunk while in charge of a car he has to appear in one of these lower courts, a magistrate court. A solicitor can speak for him there. A solicitor can't appear for his client in the higher courts of justice. This is done by a barrister.

A BARRISTER is an expert who has studied law for many years and has passed certain examinations. After admission to the Bar and a short period of apprenticeship barrister must practice on his own. The barrister examines witnesses, makes legal arguments, etc. there are no firms of barristers, each individual is economically independent.

If someone needs a barrister in the High Court, he does not go to a barrister himself. He goes first to a solicitor. Only on the introduction of a solicitor can a client employ a barrister. The solicitor connects any evidence that is needed. Then he writes a short account of the case, called a ‘brief’, and sends it to a barrister, noting on the brief the fee that is offered. The barrister can accept or refuse. If the barrister accepts, he will appear in the High Court and will speak there on behalf of his client. He wears a wig and a black gown and is referred to as counsel.

After ten years of practice a successful barrister can ask to be made a Queen’s counsel or Q.C., which is an honorary rank of barristers. That means that he can be called upon for the prosecution in criminal cases. He wears a silk gown, rather than a cotton one. A Queen's Counsel gets higher fees than ordinary barristers.

JUDGES are not themselves a separate profession; they are chosen from the ranks of the barristers. In criminal trials by jury the judge decides the interpretation of the law. After all the evidence has been given the judge summarizes the case, both law and facts, for the benefit of the jury. This is called his summing up. The judge acquits the accused or passes sentences according to the verdict of the jury. The judge wears a wig and a scarlet gown.

A JURY is a group of 12 persons of different trades and professions, of different social classes. The members of the jury (the jurors) are drawn from the men or women, young and old, black and white. People are liable for jury service between 18 and 65.

In serious criminal cases there is always a jury unless the defendant pleads guilty. In court the jury sit in an enclosure called the jury box, which is usually situated, at the side of the courtroom. The jurors have to decide only questions of facts: whether a person accused of a crime is guilty or innocent. Questions of law are for the judge. In England the jury in a criminal case can bring in only one of two verdicts: Guilty or Not Guilty. Verdicts need not necessarily be unanimous; in certain circumstances majority verdicts of ten to two may be accepted by the court. If the jury bring in a verdict of not guilty, the prosecution has no right of appeal and the defendant cannot be tried again for the same offence.

Until 1948 a defendant could normally challenge 20, but sometimes up to 35 jurors. Then, in that year, the number was reduced by the Attlee government to seven. Under the Criminal Law Act of 1977 the number of the challenged jurors was reduced to a mere three.


Task 2. Paraphrase the following and think of Russian equivalents:

1. Courts of justice

2. In charge of a car

3. Magistrate

4. The Bar

5. Gown

6. Q.C.

7. The prosecution

· to appear for the Prosecution

· to appear for the Defence

8. Verdict

· to bring in a verdict (of guilty)

9. To be liable for the jury service

10. To plead (not) guilty (TO a crime)

11. Appeal

12. Defendant

13. To challenge a juror


Task 3. Speak on the following:

1. When do people need the service of a solicitor?

2. What work do barristers do in the Higher Courts?

3. What should a person do if he needs a barrister?

4. What is an honorary rank of a barrister?

5. What are the functions of the judge in criminal trials by jury?

6. Who can serve on a jury? Speak of the functions of jurors.


Task 4. Make up more factual questions (like those in Task 3) and discuss them with the group.


Task 5. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Многие свидетели были вызваны в суд для дачи показаний.

2. Судья предупредил свидетеля, что перед дачей показаний ему придется принять присягу говорить только правду и ничего кроме правды.

3. Он совершил тяжкое преступление и ему придется предстать перед судом.

4. М-р. К. выступил в качестве защитника на процессе. Когда защитник закончил свою речь, в зале судебного заседания раздались бурные аплодисменты.

5. Двум присяжным был дан отвод.

6. Подсудимый не признал себя виновным в подлоге.

7. Если бы я был обвинителем на судебном процессе, я бы потребовал 10 лет тюремного заключения для обвиняемого.

8. Его признали виновным в преступлении, которого он никогда не совершал.

9. Улики были слишком веские, и вскоре присяжные вынесли приговор 'виновен'. Судья приговорил преступника к семи годам тюремного заключения.


Task 6. Put these actions in the correct order.

If you commit a crime you may be:







sent to prison


tried (for)


Task 7. Match the criminal with the definition.

1) an arsonist 2) an assassin 3) a deserter 4) an embezzler 5) a forger 6) a fraud or conman 7) a hooligan 8) a mugger 9) a poacher 10) a racketeer 11) a smuggler 12) a terrorist a) tries to enforce his political demands by carrying out or threatening acts of violence b) pretends or claims to be what he is not c) makes money by dishonest business methods, e.g. by selling worthless goods d) steals from his own company e) attacks and robs people especially in public places f) sets fire to property g) kills for political reasons or reward h) brings goods into one country from another illegally i) hunts illegally on somebody else's land j) makes false money or documents k) a soldier who leaves the armed forces without permission l) causes damage or disturbance in public places

Task 8. Match each punishment with its description.

1) capital punishment 2) corporal punishment 3) eviction 4) a heavy fine 5) interment 6) penal servitude 7) a prison sentence 8) probation 9) solitary confinement 10) a suspended sentence a) a period of time in jail b) being made to do especially hard work while in prison c) death d) a punishment imposed only if you commit a further crime e) a large sum of money to pay f) whipping or beating g) regular meetings with a social worker h) removing (a person) from a house or land by law i) limiting the freedom of movement especially for political reasons j) being imprisoned completely alone


Task 9. Read some accounts of the crimes. What were the crimes?

A. Dave Short stole a typewriter from his boss's office.

B. Mr. Stone leaves his van at a bus stop near two yellow lines in a busy street.

C. Joe Sharkas and his gang stopped a car outside a big city with their guns and forced an American general to go with them.

D. Paul Jones drove the stolen car quickly and carelessly. Suddenly it went out of control, mounted the pavement and killed an old man.

E. Harry Lee held a gun in front of a clerk in a bank and demanded ten thousand pounds.

F. Anne Murphy walked round a large department store, made sure no one could see and put two watches in her handbag.

G. Vincent Small took out a gun and told the pilot to fly to Cuba.

H. When the lift stopped, Ted and Lenny suddenly hit the old woman next to them. Then they knocked her to the ground and ran off with her handbag.

I. Ron Hardly climbed through one of the windows of Mr. and Mrs. Payne's flat and ran away with Mrs. Payne's jewellery.

J. Ron Sykes picked up a gun and shot the guard many times in the head.

K. Alan Hill pretended he was starting a business and persuaded a few people to lend him money. However he spent the money on the holiday.



Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 1278. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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