Студопедия — Ex. 11. Define the function of Participle I.
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Ex. 11. Define the function of Participle I.

1. The returning troops marched up Fifth Avenue. (F. F.) 2. It was a pleasant room overlooking the garden with French windows that opened on it. (A. Chr.) 3. And isn't it always alarming — one's first contact with the natives? (P. W.) 4. Ashenden, standing in front of the fire to warm himself, a cigarette between his lips, made no reply. (S. M.) 5. "Sit down, sit down," she said, waving her hand towards one of the couches. (D. Rob.) 6. Using a direct outside line, Mel dialled his home number. (A. H.) 7. Turning to his sister, he grasped her hand and said in a tone of command: "Well, Juley." (Galsw.) 8. It was a small oil painting representing a pale pink house standing adjacent to a canal....(A. Chr.) 9. Coming out of the dining-room, we met the other day nurs­es coming in for the ordinary breakfast. (M. D.) 10. There were fleecy white clouds, hovering above Table Mountain, and nestling on the slopes below, right down the sea was the sleeping town gilded... by the morning sunlight. (A. Chr.) 11.Being an actress, she was able to make her point. (A. Chr.)

12. I put on my hat and went out intending to buy a few souvenirs. 13. He sat for a long time watching the flames leap up into the darkness. (Cus.) 14. From it you looked down on the big waves lashing against the black rocks. (A. Chr.) 15. Desolate, he stood in front of the automobile gate with a crowd of staring children, feeling that he had reached the end at last. (F. F.) 16. In this instance my attention wandered to the four people sitting at the next table. (A. Chr.) 17. But this morning he viewed it (his medal) less with pride than with a queer secret entreaty as though trying to restore his condifence in himself. (Cron.)


Ex. 12. Recast the following sentences so as to use con­structions with Participle I instead of attributive clauses.

1. To hide the tears which were coming from her eyes she turned away and walked homewards. 2. Going upstairs she woke the woman who lived on the floor above her. 3. She went with her long, rigorous stride to the steps that led down from Oxford Street. 4. They got into the car which smelt of hot leather and petrol. 5. It was very dark with a gusty wind and a fine spatter of rain, which blew into their faces at street corners. 6. I don't suppose he ever lived in a house that had a bathroom till he was fifty. 7. I noticed as we walked along the street that sometimes the men who passed us stared at my girl-friend. 8. It was a long, wide, straight street that ran parallel with the Vauxhall Bridge. 9. He followed her across the lawn to the table which stood in the shade of a fine tree. 10. He saw in the garden a solemn young man in a brown suit who was striding up and down the lawn. 11. The ship, which had arrived at the dock that afternoon, had taken fourteen days to cross the Atlantic. 12.1 caught sight of a lean man of mourn­ful appearance, who was moving in the opposite direction. 13. In the interval which had elapsed since his parting from Mr. Brown a striking change had taken place in his appear­ance. 14. He looked up. Over the fence which divided the garden from the one next door a familiar face was peering. 15. The photograph which had so excited the young man was the large one that stood in the centre of the mantelpiece. 16. I had said all that I had to say on the subject that had brought me there. 17. He was never at a loss for a remark;.he could discourse on the topics of the day with an ease that prevent­ed his hearer from experiencing any sense of strain.


Ex. 13. Recast the following sentences so as to use con­structions with Participle I instead of adverbial clauses.

1. While Alec had many loyal friends, he also had enemies. 2. Liza, when she was left alone, began to turn things over in her mind. 3. I saw a light in your window as I was passing. 4. Though I felt sorry for him I could not help laughing. 5. When I heard he was in town, I used to send a boy to find him and make him come to dinner with me. 6. When he had finished his tea, Andrew left the kitchen. 7. When Jack reached Andrew he gave a theatrical start of recognition. 8. When he got to Euston he paid off the taxi and inquired for the next train to Dover. 9. When I went upstairs, I found him asleep, with all his clothes on. 10. "I knew Tom well," he said, as he leaned back in his chair and lit the cigar, I had offered him. 11. When I arrived, a little late, I found the party already complete. 12. When his first picture was exhibited they came to Amsterdam to see it, his father and his sister and his mother, and his mother cried, when she looked at it. 13. And while she waited for him to come, her pride began revolting. 14. After we left the bears, we left the Zoo and crossed over this little street in the park. 15. As Andrew pulled on his coat he reflected miserably that he had not exchanged a word with Ada. 16. After the uncle had once concented to the boy's going out with the Browns, he made no further objection to his association with them.


Ex. 14. Complete the following using participial con­structions from the list below.

1. I remained in the garden.... 2. She came into the kitch­en.... 3. He shook my hand.... 4. Suddenly she rose and went to the front door.... 5. He held out his hand.... 6. I could not help laughing.... 7. He left the room.... 8. He laughed merrily.... 9. He got up.... 10. He grasped her hand.... smiling happily; enjoying the gayety of the day; having nothing more to say; putting on her apron; while reading that story; fancying that she heard a knock; feeling that the interview was over; turning to his sister; advancing towards me; shutting the door behind him


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