Студопедия — Time for fun. 7.8.1. Read and then tell it in Russian
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Time for fun. 7.8.1. Read and then tell it in Russian

7.8.1. Read and then tell it in Russian. Believe it or not, but...

...when a masked man tried to rob the post office at Darley Abbey, Derbyshire, an official just threw a cup of hot tea in his face and the bandit fled.

...The governor of Indiana signed a law banning riding in a public bus for persons who have had a meal seasoned with garlic. The law breakers may be sentenced to confinement or a fine of 10 dollars.

? *7.8.2. And now try to solve this crossword.

ACROSS: 1. With anger. 6. The pronoun «we» in the objective case. 7. The number 1. 8. Prefix, meaning «against». 9. Antonym of «far». 11. To make use of the eyes. 13. A preposition. You can guess it from the following sentences: «The Mediterranean Sea is... Europe and Africa». «A river flows... its banks». 15. An antonym of «clever, bright». 16. To flow back from land to sea (speaking of the tide). 17. An enthusiastic supporter of a football team, for example. 18. In this (that) way; thus.

DOWN: 1. A sound or signal giving a warning of danger. 2. Destruction; serious damage. 3. The verb «to be» in the Present Indefinite, 3d person singular. 4. The reflexive and emphatic pronoun in the 2d person. 5. Making deaf, especially by a loud noise (the Present Parti­ciple). 10. Clever, showing knowledge or skill. 12. You will form the plural of «toot, goose, tooth» by replacing «oo» by these letters. 14. Napoleon lived on this island in 1814-1815.


Фонетика: sounds [u:], [u]

Словообразование: суффиксы глагола -fy, -ate, -en

Грамматика: будущее время Simple Future, срав­нительные конструкции as...as; not so...as

Текст: «Elections»

Sound right

8.1.1. Listen, look, say:

too tomb tooth tool due junior

boo booed boot cool view prudent

rue rude route rule hue wounded

who whom hoot fool new whooping

coo cooed coot pull few balloon

sou soon soup spool pew protrude

Lou lose loose stool stew include

8.1.2. Listen, look, say:

1. Who'll do the rooms?

2. Do as I do.

3. Sue's true blue.

4. Ruth can't say boo to a goose.

5. You are a nuisance, too.

6. Don't you be too soon, Bruce.

7. Lou grew too big for his boots.

8. Prue knew who's who.

9. I see Prudie once in a blue moon. 10. Read the newspaper review through and through.

8.1.3. Listen and look. Pay attention to the sound [u]: [u] as in good, [u:] as in boot.


A. Who would he choose?

B. He'd choose you.

A. He wouldn't choose me — I'm much too young. He doesn't think I could do it.

B. Well, if he wouldn't choose you, who would he choose?

A. He'd choose Wood. Wood's very good.

B. Mm-much too good to be true.


A. We should be there by two.

B. Yes. It's a full moon. And the route's good.

A. I'll put the things in the boot.

B. The boot's full.

A. What has that fool put in the boot?

B. I wouldn't look if I were you...

A. Or I should say... who's he put in the boot?

8.1.4. Listen, look, say. Pay attention to the intonation.

8.1.5. Read the dialogues in pairs.

8.1.6. Listen, look, say:

good look woman full

could put sugar bull

would foot pudding wool

should book butcher wolf

room push woolen wolves

hood cook cushion pulpit

wood puss bullet pullman

8.1.7. Listen, look, say:

1. It looks good.

2. Put your foot down.

3. Keep a good look out.

4. Fuller took good aim.

5. I wouldn't put it past Foots.

6. Woolner refused to put foot out.

7. It wouldn't look good, would it?

8. Wolf is put to the push.

9. Would you help the woman, if you could?

10. I couldn't help looking, could I?

11. If only Foot should pull through.

12. Pull devil! Pull baker! Bully for you!

8.1.8. Listen and look. Pay attention to the sound [u]: [u] as in foot, [ö] as in cut.


A. I've cut my foot.

B. Let me look. Ummm... Not much of a cut. No blood. Just put a plaster on it. Cover it up.

A. It's the other foot actually.


A. Could you come for lunch? B. I wish I could come, but... A. I'm cooking a duck.

B. A duck? Mmmm...

A. I've just made the pudding.

B. Oh! A pudding?

A. With nuts!

B. Nuts? Mmmm... A wonderful lunch! Wonder­ful!

A. It would be lovely if you could come.

B. I'd love to come mother...

A. Good. Come at once.

B. But...

8.1.9. Listen, look, say. Pay attention to the intonation.

8.1.10. Read the dialogue in pairs.

*8.1.11. Try to read the toungue-twister as fast as you can.

A tutor who taught on the flute,

Tried to teach two young footers to toot.

Said the two to the tutor:

«It is harder to toot, or To tutor two tooters to toot?»

8.2. Word-building: -ify, -ate, -en

8.2.1. Paraphrase the following word-combinations us­ing -ify:

make or become more intense; arrange in classes; make simple; make pure; unite (form into one).

8.2.2. Make pairs of antonyms:

complicate purify

pollute horrify

separate simplify

please nullify

establish unify

8.2.3. Give Russian equivalents for the following verbs with suffix -en:

darken, broaden, tighten, sweeten, deepen, strengthen, threaten, sharpen, blacken, redden.

8.2.4. Answer the questions:

1. When. do the days begin to lengthen?

2. What did the fascists threaten to do?

3. What heightens your interest in your studies?

4. What can you do to brighten the classroom?

5. What strengthens the world peace?

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