Студопедия — There are no journals on tin problems in our library. (to go to the public library)
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There are no journals on tin problems in our library. (to go to the public library)



Раздел 2


Прочитайте, дайте письменный перевод текста №1.

Judges in Great Britain

In Britain the vast majority of Judges (that is the people, who decide what should be done with the people who commit crimes) are unpaid. They are called “Magistrates”, or “Justices of Peace” (JPs). They are ordinary citizens who are selected not because they have any legal training but because they “sound common sense” and understand their fellow human beings. They give up time voluntarily.

A small proportion of judges are not Magistrates. They are called “High Court Judges” and they deal with the most serious crimes, such as those for which the criminal might be sent to prison, for more than a year. High Court Judges unlike Magistrates are paid salaries by the State and have considerable legal training.

Magistrates are selected by special committees in every town and district. Nobody, not even the Magistrates themselves, knows who is on the special committee in their area. The committee tries to draw Magistrates from as wide a variety of professions and social classes as possible.

In this interview, a Magistrate describes the sort of people who come before him, gives examples of a few typical cases and finally talks about difficulty of deciding between when to help a person and when to punish him.


Ответьте на вопросы:


1. What kind of people are Magistrates?


2. Why are they selected?


3. Who would judge a person who had committed a crime like murder?


4. Who selects Magistrates and what is unusual about the system?


5. What does the Magistrate talk about in the interview?



Прочитайте, дайте письменный перевод текста № 2, выполните задания к тексту:


1. Attorney general is the chief law officer of a state or nation and the legal adviser to the chief executive. The office is common in almost every country in which the legal system of England has taken root. The office of attorney general dates from the European Middle Ages, by the 15th century an attorney general for the crown was a regular appointee. In time, he became a figure of great influence as new courts and political institutions evolved.

2. Today the British attorney general and his assistant, the solicitor general, represent the crown in the courts and are legal advisers to the sovereign and the sovereign's ministers. The attorney general is a member of the government but not of the cabinet. He is consulted on the drafting of all government bills, advises government departments on matters of law, and has a wide range of court-related duties.

3. By virtue of his position, the attorney general is recognized by the bar as the leader of the legal profession. He has control of the office of public prosecutions, which gives advice on and often conducts criminal
prosecution s. Certain offenses can be prosecuted only with the consent of either the attorney general or the director of public prosecutions. The attorney general also has the right to stay criminal proceedings in the
superior courts

4. In the United States the attorney general, a member of the cabinet, is appointed by the president and is the head of the Department of Justice. The attorney general has complete control over the law business of the government, all its other law officers being subordinate to him, though other departments have lawyers on their staffs who are not under his specific direction. He also acts as the legal adviser of the president and of the heads of other cabinet departments. Even U.S. state has an elected attorney general with duties similar to those of the federal attorney general. He is usually elected by the voters at me same time and for the same term as the governor.


1. Attorney – прокурор; 2.Executive – исполнительный; 3. Office – ведомство; 4. Evolve – развиваться; 5. sovereign – монарх; 6. Drafting – проект; 7. by virtue – в силу; 8. the bar –- адвокатура; 9. prosecution – обвинение; 10. conduct – вести (дело); 11. Subordinate – подчиненные.

Определите, являются ли утверждения:

  • Истинными
  • Ложными
  • В тексте нет информации

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