Студопедия — About myself and my future profession
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About myself and my future profession


1.simplify – 2.reference – 3.dealing – 4.prior – 5.derive – 6.supreme – 7.enthrone –   8.reign – 9.value – 10.varied – 11.fix – 12.guinea [dzini] – 13.current – 14.crone – 15.mint – 16.mane – упрощать ссылка распределение более важный получать верховный возводить на престол царская власть ценность различный дилемма гинея текущий крона чеканить грива 1.cease – 2.tender – 3.weight – 4.oppose – 5.currency – 6.in addition to – 7.unit – 8.remain –   9.curpo – 10.nickel – 11.dash – 12.cheque [ ek] – 13.clarity – 14.tends – 15.omit – 16.slang – прекращение слабый вес сопротивляться валюта, оборот примесь? единица оставаться в прежнем состоянии хлористая медь никель примесь чек чистота иметь тенденцию пропускать жаргон


Theme 1

About myself and my future profession


This year is the crucial one in my life because I have left school. Before people leave school, they should understand that the time to choose their future profession has already come. It's not an easy task to make the right choice.

Someone goes further in his education and enter an institute, university or college. Others can start their working career or go into business. Usually there are a lot of universities and institutes in every big city. Our city is not an exception.

There are a huge number of professions to choose. But we should take our time while choosing our future career. Some teenagers make their choice according to their parents will, others do it in their own way and there are some boys and girls, who want nothing. Anyway it is a dilemma for all the family.

Fathers usually want their children to follow their footsteps. Mothers don't want their sons and daughters to leave the native town or city. So, sometimes they persuade their kids to enter local colleges. But only hard work and personal life experience can help us to find out the best from the best that is to separate the wheat from the chaff.

To make the right choice, we should consider our possibilities, character traits and routine aspects of the future job. To become a good doctor, you must be patient, easygoing and smart. A graduate from the Medical Academy may choose his place of work and occupation from a number of possible ones. He can be either a therapeutist or a surgeon; he can also be a dentist, a paediatrician, an emergency doctor, etc. As for me, I always wanted to become a doctor. I think it is a very prestigious and noble profession. I was good at biology and zoology at school. I want to help people, who have health problems. I know that a doctor should be kind and attentive to people, honest and prudent. A doctor who is selfish and dishonest can't be successful in his profession. So I’ll try to do my best to develop my personality this way.

More and more people realize now that every educated person should know a foreign language. That is why all students of our academy study one foreign language and Latin. For instance, I study English. I liked it from the first lesson we started learning it at school and it is still my favourite subject. English is to help us communicate with our foreign collegues and comprehend English and American professional literature. Latin is considered to be the basis of international medical terminology so its importance for future doctors can scarcely be overestimated.

As a rule, young people should study five years at universities or institutes to become specialists. If you want a bachelor’s degree, you have to study four years. But medical student study six years. When your final exams have been passed, you get a diploma of a qualified specialist. Some students keep studying and enter post-graduate courses to follow an academic career. Some university graduates take up teaching and return to their Alma Mater as tutors.

So, choosing a career and then getting a job are two things any person does in his lifetime. If we don't think about the future, we won't have the one.

Task 1. Learn the following words by heart:

to leave school [li:v] [sku:l] заканчивать школу
to go into business [gəu] ['ɪntə] ['bɪznɪs] заняться бизнесом
a huge number of [hju:ʤ] ['nʌmbə] огромное число (количество) чего-л.
to take one’s time [teɪk] [wʌnz] [taɪm] не спешить
dilemma [dɪ'lemə] дилемма, затруднительное положение
to follow smb.’s footsteps ['fɔləu] ['futsteps] следовать по чьим-л. стопам
to persuade [pə'sweɪd] убеждать, уговаривать
to consider [kən'sɪdə] считать, полагать
patient (n, adj.) ['peɪʃ(ə)nt] пациент, больной; терпеливый
easygoing ['i:zɪˌgəuɪŋ] легко ладящий с людьми
smart [smɑːt] разумный, умный
prestigious [pres'tɪʤəs] престижный
noble ['nəubl] благородный, замечательный, выдающийся
attentive [ə'tentɪv] внимательный
honest ['ɔnɪst] честный
prudent ['pru:d(ə)nt] благоразумный, предусмотрительный
selfish ['selfɪʃ] эгоистичный
dishonest [dɪs'ɔnɪst] нечестный
to develop [dɪ'veləp] развивать, совершенствовать
to comprehend [kɔmprɪ'hend] понимать, постигать, осмысливать
bachelor’s degree ['bæʧ(ə)lə] степень бакалавра
post-graduate courses [pəust'græʤuət] [kɔːsəs] зд. аспирантура
to graduate from ['græʤueɪt] [frɔm] заканчивать вуз
Alma Mater [ælmə'meɪtə] альма-матер, университет, в котором обучался говорящий или тот, о ком идёт речь (букв. лат. «кормящая мать»)
tutor (n) ['tju:tə] преподаватель, руководитель группы (в университете)

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