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Разделы: Автомобили Астрономия Биология География Дом и сад Другие языки Другое Информатика История Культура Литература Логика Математика Медицина Металлургия Механика Образование Охрана труда Педагогика Политика Право Психология Религия Риторика Социология Спорт Строительство Технология Туризм Физика Философия Финансы Химия Черчение Экология Экономика Электроника


Each cardiac cycle consists of three phases: physiologists have called the first phase of short contraction of both atria the atrial systole [" sistsli]. They have called the second phase of a more prolonged contraction of both ventricles the ventricular systole. The period of rest of the cardiac muscle is called the diastole [dai'cestali].

The left ventricle discharges the blood received by the left atrium from the pulmonary circulation through the aorta to the systemic circulation.

The blood received from the systemic circulation by the right atrium is discharged out of the right ventricle to the lungs through the pulmonary arteries.

Prolonged research work of many physiologists has given the possibility to estimate the role of the ventricles which serve as the main pump. The atria act as receiving chambers. The contraction of the atria which sends the final portion of the blood into the ventricle is considerably less.


Exercise 7. Read the text and speak about heart diseases and their treatment.


Heart Diseases

There are many ways of classifying heart diseases. The anatomy of the heart forms one group of heart pathology:

1. Endocarditis [,endsuka:'daitis] means "inflammation of the lining of the heart cavities"
but it most commonly refers to valvular disease.

2. Myocarditis [,mai3oka:'daitis] is the inflammation of the heart muscle.

3. Pericarditis [,peri:ka:'daitis] refers to disease of the serous membrane on the heart
surface, as well as that lining the pericardial sac.

These inflammatory diseases are often due to infection. They may also occur secondary to respiratory or other systemic diseases.

Another classification of heart diseases is based on causative factors: 1. Congenital heart disease is present at birth.

2. Rheumatic [rui'maetik] heart disease begins with an attack of rheumatic fever:: childhood or in youth.

3. Coronary ['ко:гзпзгі] heart disease involves the walls of the blood vessels that supp. the muscle of the heart.

4. Heart failure [Теіііз] (недостатність) is due to deterioration of the heart tissues and:• frequently the result of long-term disorders such as high blood pressure.

To treat most heart diseases doctors prescribe digitalis [.didbji: teilis] (наперстянка). Th:; agent slows and strengthens contractions of the heart muscle.

Several forms of nitroglycerin are used to relieve angina pectoris [asn'djaim'pektsr:-(грудна жаба, стенокардія).

Beta-adrenergic blocking agents (бета-адреноблокатори) control sympathetic stimulate -of the heartbeat.

Anticoagulants ([^ntikau'asgjulants] - антикоагулянти) also are valuable drugs for hei-patients. Today there are a lot of medicines used to treat heart patients.

Exercise 8. Communication situation: At the Cardiologist's.

You work as a cardiologist at a polyclinic. You are talking to a woman who complains: heart trouble. Interview her according to the following plan:

a) General data: 1. Her first name, surname. 2. Her age. 3. Her profession. 4. The conditio" of her work. 5. Her living conditions. 6. If her husband is well. 7. If she has any children. 8 / her parents are living and well.

b) Her previous diseases: 1. If she has been ill formerly. 2. If she has had any wouni (contusions). 3. If she has been operated.

c) Her complaints: 1. What she complains of. What she suffers from. 2. When she fell: 3. What the first signs of the disease were. 4. If her pains depend on the weather or her nerve _■ state. 5. After what she feels worse (better). 6. If she has pains in the heart region.

d) Her last treatment: 1. If a doctor consulted her. 2. If she was treated in a hospitc 3. When and where she was treated. 4. What treatment she was prescribed.


Exercise 9. Learn the expressions by heart.

dear heart - любий, милий, душа моя (у звертанні)

to learn by heart - вчити напам'ять

to take heart - набиратися духу; триматися мужньо

to wear one's heart on one's sleeve - не відзначатися стриманістю

to have one's heart in one's boots - злякатися

to take words to heart - брати слова близько до серця

heart-to-heart conversation - щира, відверта розмова __________________________________


II. Grammar Exercises

Exercise 1. Define the suffixes and prefixes of the words and translate them in:. Ukrainian.

Indefinite, impossible, illegal, irregular, unwritten, misspell, unsuitable, retireme~ incidentally, uninteresting, indifference, noneffective, misinform, demobilize, rewrite, prev. antiatomic.

Exercise 2. Fill in the blanks with the words given below.

1. If you catch influenza, you are attended by a....

2. If your nerves are out of order, you go to a....

3. If you have a toothache, you are consulted by a....

4. If something gets into your eye, you go to see an...

5. If you have a sore throat, you go to a....

6. If you have a heart attack, you call a....

(therapeutist, ophthalmologist, neuropathist, laryngologist, cardiologist, stomatologist)

Exercise 3. Choose the necessary participle. Translate the sentences.

1. The blood vessels (located, locating) on the anterior surface of the arm were dilated. 2. The vessels (carried, carrying) blood to the heart are called veins. 3. The lungs are the inner organs (included, including) in the thoracic cavity.

Exercise 4. Read the following sentences and define instead of what words the substitutes one — one's, that - those are used.

1. The condition of patient M. is worse than that of patient N. 2. The number of the vertebrae in the coccyx is less than the number of those in the neck. 3. The bones of the lower extremities are longer than those of the upper ones.

Exercise 5. Write out sentences with participles I and II from the text "Heart and Vascular System".

Exercise 6. Form the past participle of the verbs given in brackets. State their functions. Translate the sentences.

1. The patient (admit) to the hospital was a 45-year-old female. 2. The inner organs 'include) in the thoracic cavity are the heart and the lungs. 3. The blood (carry) to the lungs is called venous blood.

Exercise 7. Translate into English.

1. Прооперований пацієнт мав серцеву недостатність. 2. Обстежуючи хворого, лікар виявив ваду серця. 3. Кров, повертаючись із легень, входить у ліве передсердя. 4. Артеріальна кров, що повертається з легень, насичена киснем. 5. У читальній залі кардіолог розповідав студентам про цей випадок. 6. Зайшовши у палату, медсестра побачила дитину, яка читала книгу. 7. Перев'язуючи рану вдруге, медсестра побачила, що шкіра навколо почервоніла. 8. Хворі, прооперовані відомим хірургом, швидко одужували.


III. Independent Work: Heart Sounds

Exercise 1. Read the text and say what data important for a future doctor are given in it.

Heart Sounds

When we listen to the heart, we can hear two sounds. The third sound is also heard in some persons.

The first heart sound is the longest one. It is heard at the moment of contraction of fhe ventricles when the atrioventricular valves close.

The second sound lasts for a shorter period of time. It is heard at the moment when the pulmonary and aortic semilunar valves close.

The third heart sound is heard when the blood is passing from the atria into the ventricle?

The first and the second cardiac sounds are heard over all the portions of the heart and ofter over the large vessels. The first heart sound is greater over the surface of the ventricles and it:? the greatest over the surface of the mitral and tricuspid valves. The second heart sound is hearc. loudest over the aorta and the pulmonary artery.

Heart sounds are also heard over some portions of the chest. Normally the first heart sour.:, is heard over the apex of the heart in the fifth costal interspace. The second sound is heard be?-over the pulmonary artery and the aorta, that is in the second left and right costal interspace-The aortic sound is normally louder than the pulmonic sound.

The heart sounds are very important in the clinical diagnosis and doctors determine mar-cardiac diseases by heart sounds.

Exercise 2. Answer the questions based on the text.

1. How many heart sounds do we hear when we listen to the heart? 2. When is the first hea-sound heard? 3. When is the second heart sound heard? 4. At what moment is the third hear sound heard? 5. Where is the first heart sound heard louder? 6. Over the surface of what valve-is the first heart sound heard loudest? 7. Where is the second heart sound heard loudest? 8. I: which costal interspaces is the first heart sound heard best? 9. In which costal interspaces is t':.. second heart sound heard best? 10. Which of the two sounds - aortic or pulmonic — is loude-normally? 11. What do heart sounds help doctors to determine?

Exercise 3. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian, name participle I or II

1. The man examining the patients is my uncle. 2. The infected tooth was extracted. 3. Tr. patient operated some days ago feels much better. 4. The case discussed was very interesting 5. Measures taken in time prevented the spreading of disease. 6. Anatomy is the science:: the bodily structure of living organisms. 7. The arterial blood coming from the lungs is rich -oxygen. 8. From the lungs well-oxygenated blood returns through the pulmonary veins to th: left atrium.





I Speaking Cardiovascular System: Vessels and Blood Circulation
II Grammar Functions of Participles in Sentences (§102)
III Independent Work Cardiovascular Diseases

I. Speaking: Cardiovascular System. Vessels and Blood Circulaton

After careful study of this unit you should be able to:

- name three types of vessels;

- compare the locations and functions of the pulmonary and systemic circuits;

- name the arteries of the systemic circuit;

- name the veins of the systemic circuit;

- explain the physiology of circulation;

- define pulse and blood pressure;

- list disorders of the blood vessels.

Exercise 1. Translate the following indefinite personal sentences.

1. It is known that the blood becomes oxygenated in the lungs. 2. They say that patient Imirnov's health will be restored soon. 3. One knows that pulse rate becomes rapid on physical:\ertion. 4. It is estimated that his body weight decreased considerably during the prolonged. ^ness.

Exercise 2. Read and translate the following sentences.

1. When a muscle fiber contracts so that its length does not change, one of the discs becomes ".orter and the other one - longer. 2 The pressure in the cranial cavity is increased as a result of v.e increase in arterial pressure. 3. In the man the corpuscles may compose from 39 to 50 per.;nt of the blood volume. 4. Can life exist without oxygen? 5. A cardiac cycle is composed of _e wave of contraction and a period of rest. 6. In the human body sex differences exist in the:.ner organs and their functions.

Exercise 3. Read the passages and answer the questions.

1. This substance is composed of plasma, red corpuscles, white corpuscles and platelets.
"hat substance is it?

2. These cellular elements are the most numerous in the blood. They range from 4 to 5

- llion per cu mm in healthy adults. Their color(ing) is red. What cellular elements are they?

3. This blood is brought to the heart from systemic and portal circulations. It enters the

-;ht atrium of the heart. Then this blood passes into the right ventricle. From the right ventricle.':s blood passes into the pulmonary artery. What blood is it?

Exercise 4. Say what heart valve is described in each sentences.

1. This valve connects the atrium and the ventricle of the left heart chamber. 2. This valve nnects the atrium and the ventricle of the right heart chamber. 3. This valve is located at the -::nt of origin of the pulmonary artery in the right ventricle.

Exercise 5. Combine the nouns with appropriate verbs.

The heart, the blood, the artery, contract, pass, dilate, bring, regulate, pump, vary, beat,:npose, work, consist of, discharge, receive, enter, act, serve, send, oxygenate, carry.

Exercise 6. Translate into Ukrainian.

1. The human heart begins to beat and pump blood quicker than usual during emotions stress. 2. The human heart makes 60-80 contractions per minute. 3. On physical exertion th. heart has a short period of rest and the diastole becomes less. 4. The heart acts as a purr.: discharging the blood to the peripheral and pulmonary systems. 5. Ten tons of blood are pumpe: through the heart daily. 6. John Floyer, an English doctor (1694-1734), was the first scientist:: find out the varying rate in men.


Exercise 7. Learn the following words by heart, pay attention to their Latin/Greek equivalents.


English Latin/Greek Ukrainian
artery [a:tari] arteria артерія
aorta [ei'a:ta] aorta аорта
arteriole [a:'tieri,aul] arteriola артеріола
circuit ['s3:kit] circulus КОЛО
vein [vein] vena/phleb(s) вена
venule ['vmju:l] venula венула
pulmonary pulmonalis легеневий
camera, chamber cavum порожнина
inferior [in fiaria] inferioris нижній
superior [sju:'piaria] superioris верхній
capillary vessel [ka'pilari] vas capillare капілярна судина

Exercise 8. Lean the pronunciation of the following words.

respiratory ['respararori] дихальний

lateral ['tetaral] боковий

mediastinum [,mi:dia'stainam] середостіння

pleura ['pluara] плевра

lobe [laub] доля

serous ['siaras] серозний, сироватковий

visceral ['visaral] що стосується нутрощів

subserous [sAb'siares] підсерозний

extend [iks'tend] простягатись

upward [Apwad] вгору

level [levl] рівень

vary ['veari] мінятись; змінюватись

proper ['ргора] правильний, відповідний; властивий, притаманний

Exercise 9. Fill in the blanks, use the words: varies, covered, extends, heavier. 1. The aorta... from the upper part of the left ventricle. 2. The shape of the vessels.. they dilate. 3. The right lung is... than the left one. 4. The lungs are... with the pleura.

-.7. usual during emotiona. : On physical exertion the

T'r.e heart acts as a pumr:-:ons of blood are pumpec. was the first scientist te



rtention to their Latin/Greek







■ апілярна судина



extends, heavier. rape of the vessels... whe:... with the pleura.

Exercise 10. Read the text, translate it.


Blood Vessels and Blood Circulation

The blood vessels together with the four heart chambers form a closed system for the flow of blood. They are divided into three groups: arteries carry blood from the ventricles (pumping chambers) of the heart out to the capillaries in the tissues (the smallest arteries are called arterioles); veins drain capillaries in the tissues and return the blood to the heart (the smallest veins are called venules); capillaries allow for exchanges between the blood and body cells or between the blood and air in the lung tissues. The capillaries connect the arterioles and venules. Aorta is the largest artery with thick walls because it receives blood under the highest pressure from the left ventricle.

All vessels together make up two circuits: pulmonary and systemic. Pulmonary vessels carry blood to and from the lungs. Systemic arteries and veins serve the rest of the body, supplying nutrients and oxygen to all the tissues and carry away waste materials from the tissues for disposal (Fig. 12-1).

We know that the venous blood from the systemic and portal circulation is brought to the right atrium of the heart. When the pressure in the right atrium has increased, the blood passes into the right ventricle from the right atrium.

During the systole of the ventricle the blood is pumped from the right ventricle into the pulmonary artery. When the right ventricle has pumped the venous blood into the pulmonary artery, it enters the pulmonary circulation. The blood is brought to the lungs through the pulmonary artery. In the lungs the venous blood discharges carbon dioxide. When the blood has discharged carbon dioxide, it takes in oxygen in the lungs.

The blood, which has become oxygenated, passes from the enous part of the pulmonary capillary system into the veins, and venules. When the oxygenated blood has passed the four pulmonary veins, it is brought to the left atrium of the heart.

Under the pressure in the left atrium the arterial blood, a hich the pulmonary veins have brought to the heart, is pumped:nto the left ventricle. During the prolonged contraction of the eft ventricle, the so-called ventricular systole, the arterial blood s pumped into the aorta. When the left ventricle has pumped the arterial blood into the aorta, it is carried through the arteries to all ".he parts of the body.

We can control the work of our heart feeling the pulse. It is:he wave of pressure that travels along the arteries as ventricles contract (about 70-80 times per minute). The pulse can be felt in any artery that is relatively close to the surface. We can only press::ie vessel down against a bone. Usually we feel the pulse on the "adial artery on the wrist.

Blood pressure (BP) is the force exerted by the blood -gainst the walls of the vessels. We measure BP with the help of sphygmomanometer [^sfigmsumq'nrjmita], and two variables are measured: systolic, which occurs during heart muscle contraction,

and diastolic, which occurs during relaxation of the heart muscle. The normal BP in adults is 120 to 80 mm Hg.

Exercise 11. Find English equivalents in the text.

Легеневе коло кровообігу, несуть кров до і від легенів, постачаючи поживними речовинами, повертають кров до серця, найвищий тиск, виштовхується з правого шлуночка до легеневої артерії, коли шлуночки скорочуються, можна відчути, просто притиснути, виміряти кров'яний тиск, що з'являється під час розслаблення.


Exercise 12. Read the following sentences and say what they are about.

1. This part of the heart discharges the blood received from the pulmonary circulation through the aorta to the systemic circulation. 2. This part of the heart discharges the blood received from the systemic circulation to the lungs through the pulmonary arteries.

Exercise 13. Read the list of disorders involving the blood vessels. Try to memorize these diseases.

1. Hypertension (high BP).

2. Hypotension (low BP).

3. Aneurysm (weakness of vessels).

4. Arterial degeneration:

- atherosclerosis (fatty deposits in vessels, may result in thrombus);

- arteriosclerosis (hardening of arteries with scar tissue or calcium salts, may result in ischemia and cell necrosis).

5. Hemorrhage (massive loss of blood).

6. Shock (inadequate output of blood from the heart).

7. Varicose veins (swelling of veins in legs and rectum).

8. Phlebitis (inflammation of a vein).

9. Embolus (a piece of clot travelling in the circulation). 10.Pulmonary embolism (a clot lodged in lungs).


Control Tests. Cardiovascular System

1. We check BP with

A. cardiogram

B. tonometer

C. stethoscope

D. fingers

E. palpation

3. Between the right and left heart there is

A. an artery

B. a vessel

C. a septum

D. a valve

E. a wall

2. The greater circulation begins with

A. the right heart

B. the left ventricle

C. the right atrium

D. the right ventricle

E. the left atrium

4. Between the chambers in the heart there are

A. valves

B. boxes

C. walls

D. septa

E. vessels

5 The heart has________ chambers.

A. two

B. three

C. four

D. six

E. eight

n. Where isn't the heart situated?

A. In the chest

B. In the left part of the thorax

C. In the right part of the thorax

D. Above the diaphragm

E. Between the lungs

~. What part doesn't belong to the heart?

A. Chamber

B. Atrium

C. Valve

D. Stomach

E. Ventricle

S. How many blood circulations are there in the human body?

A. 3


C. 5

D. 2

E. 6

3. What science studies the diseases of the heart and blood vessels?

A. Pathology

B. Biology

C. Cardiology

D. Genetics

E. Physiology

10. What valve is there between the left atrium and ventricle?

A. Tricuspid

B. Aortic

C. Venous

D. Mitral

E. Arterious

11. How do we call the valve between the
right atrium and ventricle?

A. Tricuspid

B. Aortic

C. Mitral

D. Venous

E. Arterious

12. How many ventricles does the human
heart have?

A. 2

B. 3

C. 4

D. 1

13. The heart and blood vessels form the_____________.

A. digestive system

B. nervous system

C. urinary system

D. cardiovascular system
C. endocrine system

14. Hypertension is the_________.

A. low BP

B. high BP

C. atonia

D. dystonia

E. lack of vitamins

15. A red blood cell is________.

A. leukocyte

B. monocyte

C. phagocyte

D. erythrocyte

E. granulocyte

16. There are______ groups of blood.

A. 2

B. 3

C. 4

D. 5

E. 6

17.____________________ The largest arterial vessel is.

A. artery

B. vein

C. capillary

D. aorta

E. membrane

18. What medicine is used to prevent the
formation of blood clots?

A. Anticoagulant

B. Digitalis

C. Nitroglycerine

D. Menthol

E. Sedative

19.___________ Leukocytes are blood cells.

A. red

B. green

C. white

D. blue

E. yellow

20.____________ The heart cycle is.

A. tachycardia and bradycardia

B. tachycardia and hypotension

C. systole and diastole

D. tachypnea and dyspnea

E. spasm and relaxation

21. What is the universal group of blood?

A. 0

B. 1

C. 2

D. 3

E. 4

22. How do we call the person who gives his blood to another person?

A. Recipient

B. Patient

C. Doctor

D. Visitor

E. Donor

23. What does hemopoiesis mean?

A. Formation of blood

B. Formation of cells

C. Formation of urine

D. Formation of energy

E. Formation of lymph

24. What is the synonym of thrombocytus!

A. Hemoglobin

B. Protein

C. Platelet

D. Blood clotting

E. Plasma

25. What doesn't belong to the organs of th;
cardiovascular system?

A. Spleen

B. Heart

C. Pancreas

D. Liver

E. Blood vessels

26. What is the role of valves in the heart?

A. To pump the blood from the heart

B. To prevent flow of blood into \:.-.

C. To promote contractions of the hear

D. To promote relaxation of the heart

E. To make beatings of the heart

27._______ The middle, the thickest layer of t':.-.
cardiac wall is_______.

A. pericardium

B. endocardium

C. cardiac membrane

D. cardiac sack

E. myocardium

28. What is the other name of the lesser bk:.

A. Pulmonary

B. Cardiac

C. Gastric

D. Cervical

E. Thoracic

29.________ When the blood is given from one person
to the other, it is________.

A. presenting

B. injecting

C. suffering

D. transfusing

E. carrying

30. The science which studies the causes of

A. Etiology

B. Pathology

C. Psychology

D. Cardiology

E. Cytology

31. What does the blood receive in the lungs?

A. Vitamins

B. Carbon dioxide

C. Hemoglobin

D. Oxygen

E. Bacteria

32. What blood comes into the left heart?

A. Venous

B. Arterial

C. Oxygenated

D. Dark red

E. Scarlet

33. What is the normal blood pressure of
young people?

A. 130 over 90

B. 120 over 80

C. 150 over 100

D. 140 over 90

E. 200 over 110

34. What does the heart pump?

A. Plasma

B. Lymph

C. Urine

D. Water

E. Blood

35. What is the normal heartbeat in adults?

A. About 60-70 beats per minute

B. About 100 beats per minute

C. About 110 beats per minute

D. About 60-70 beats per hour

E. About 50 beats per minute

36. Where do we usually check the pulse?

A. Over the radial artery

B. Over the temporal bone

C. Over the knee

D. Over the elbow

E. Over the cardiac area

37.____________ The blood of greater circulation returns to
the heart by means of________.

A. arteries

B. veins

C. lungs

D. vessels

E. mechanisms

38. The person to whom the blood is given.

A. Doctor

B. Nurse

C. Obstetrician

D. Donor

E. Recipient

39.__________________________ The pulmonary circulation begins with.

A. the left heart

B. the right ventricle

C. the right atrium

D. the left ventricle

E. the left atrium

40._______________ The blood cell has no.

A. enzymes

B. leukocytes

C. platelets

D. erythrocytes

E. plasma

41. The function of the blood doesn't include

A. regulation of body temperature

B. transporting nutrients to cells

C. production of hormones

D. immunization against foreign particles

E. supplying oxygen to cells

42._____________________ The inflammation of veins is.

A. arthritis

B. chondritis

C. phlebitis

D. cystitis

E. carditis

43. The blood vessels which have the

lowest BP.

A. Arterioles

B. Venules

C. Capillaries

D. Arteries

E. Veins

44.______ When body temperature is 1 ° higher, the
pulse rate is_______ faster.

A. 2-3 beats

B. 4-6 beats

C. 7-8 beats

D. 1-2 beats

E. 8-10 beats

45. What does arterial pressure mean?

A. Pressure on the arterial walls

B. Pressure on the venous walls

C. Pressure on the capillary walls

D. Pressure on the vessel walls

E. Pressure on the walls of the heart

46. What symptom isn't characteristic of
cardiovascular diseases?


B. heartache

C. sneezing

D. stomachache

E. cough

47. What information is given in the
temperature chart?

A. Pulse. t°, BP

B. Pulse. t°

C. t°, BP

D. Pulse, BP

E. Only t°

48. What is bradycardia?

A. Slower heart rate

B. Normal heart rate

C. Faster heart rate

D. Work of the heart during sleep

E. Work of the heart after exercises

49. What is tachycardia?

A. Slower heart rate

B. Normal heart rate

C. Faster heart rate

D. Work of the heart during sleep

E. Work of the heart after exercises

50. What does the term "arythmia" mean?

A. Slower heartbeat

B. Normal heartbeat

C. Faster heartbeat

D. Absence of heartbeat

E. Changes in heartbeat

il. Grammar Exercises


Exercise 1. Form adjectives using the suffix -able, translate them.

Consider, change, depend, vary, eat, question, work.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-27; просмотров: 2017. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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ПУНКЦИЯ И КАТЕТЕРИЗАЦИЯ ПОДКЛЮЧИЧНОЙ ВЕНЫ   Пункцию и катетеризацию подключичной вены обычно производит хирург или анестезиолог, иногда — специально обученный терапевт...

Ситуация 26. ПРОВЕРЕНО МИНЗДРАВОМ   Станислав Свердлов закончил российско-американский факультет менеджмента Томского государственного университета...

Различия в философии античности, средневековья и Возрождения ♦Венцом античной философии было: Единое Благо, Мировой Ум, Мировая Душа, Космос...

Шов первичный, первично отсроченный, вторичный (показания) В зависимости от времени и условий наложения выделяют швы: 1) первичные...

Предпосылки, условия и движущие силы психического развития Предпосылки –это факторы. Факторы психического развития –это ведущие детерминанты развития чел. К ним относят: среду...

Анализ микросреды предприятия Анализ микросреды направлен на анализ состояния тех со­ставляющих внешней среды, с которыми предприятие нахо­дится в непосредственном взаимодействии...

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