Студопедия — Eglath n. coll. of egol "The Forsaken", Elves of the Falathrim ◇ WJ/189, WJ/344 see also egladhrim
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Eglath n. coll. of egol "The Forsaken", Elves of the Falathrim ◇ WJ/189, WJ/344 see also egladhrim

* egleria- v. to glorify, to praise ◇LotR/VI:IV, Letters/308

egnas n. 1. sharp point ○ 2. by ext., peak ◇ VT/45:12

ego interj. be off! be gone! This is a strong insult ◇ WJ/365

* egol n. someone forsaken, an Elf of the Falathrim ← Eglath WJ/189, WJ/344

egor conj. or ◇ SD/129-31

eichia- v. to change

eil n. sky (eiliant, eil+iant)

eiliant n. rainbow ◇ Ety/360, Ety/400 ◇ "sky-bridge" see also ninniach

einior adj. elder ◇ PM/358 ◇ an+iaur (?) "very, extremely old"

eirien n. daisy (flower) ◇ SD/129-31 ◇ Q Arien "day-maiden" (AS1)

eitha- v. 1. to prick with a sharp point, to stab ○ 2. by ext., to treat with scorn, insult ◇ WJ/365

eithel n. issue of water, spring, well ◇ Ety/363, S/430, S/433, WJ/85, TC/187

eithro adv. also (VT/50)

Кl pl. elin n.Arch.Poet. star (little used except in verses) ◇ WJ/363, MR/373, RGEO/73, Letters/281 See also elenath

elanor n. a flower, a kind of enlarged pimpernel bearing golden and silver flowers ◇ LotR/VI:IX, UT/432, Letters/402 ◇ кl+anor "star-sun"

elenath n.coll.of кl, starry host, all the host of the stars of heaven ◇ LotR/II:I, RGEO/73-75, WJ/363

Elbereth n. one of the names given to the Vala Varda, 'star queen'

elia- v. to rain

elleth n.fem. elf-maid ◇ WJ/148, WJ/256, WJ/363-364

ellon n.masc. elf ◇ WJ/363-364

elloth n.sing.of loth, (single) flower ◇ VT/42:18 ◇ er- + loth

elo interj. an exclamation of wonder, admiration, delight ◇ WJ/362

elu (elw N.) adj. (pale) blue ◇ Ety/360, X/W

* elvellon n. elf-friend ◇ WJ/412

emel/emil (N. emmel) n. fem. mother ◇ Emeldir S/155, VT/48:17 See naneth for the usual word

emig n.fem.dim. of emel, Play name for the index finger meaning "little mother" ◇ VT/48:6,17

emlin (N. emmelin, emelin) n. yellow bird, "yellow hammer" ◇ Ety/386

emm n. picture, image (indemm)

¶ ᵲ elvennui adj. wondrous, marvellous

en art. of the (genitival article) ◇ LotR/VI:IV, Letters/308 ◇ i+na (?)

enchui (∗ enegui Arch. encui) adj. num. ord. sixth ◇ VT/42:10,25,28

ened (N. enedh) n. core, centre, middle ◇ Ety/356, Ety/376, UT/450, Letters/224, VT/41:12,16 ◈ While the word is written enedh in the Etymologies, it seems that Tolkien considered and reconsidered its form throughout his life. Late rough jottings (c. 1968), as well as the text of letter no. 168 and the fact that the toponym Enedwaith was never changed on the LotR map, seem to imply that ened is the (most) definitive form. See also the possibly related preposition ned, which has sometimes been suggested to mean "in" (while again a prefix nedh- is seen in the Etymologies)

enedhinor n. middle day of the year (in Gondorian reckoning, the 183rd day of the year) ened+оn+aur (Q. loлndл)

enedhor n. noon (ened+aur)

eneg adj. num. card. six ◇ Ety/356, VT/42:25,31, VT/48:6,8

Eneth n. name ◇ VT/44:21,24 see also ess

enethil n. hexagon 'six points'

eng prep. except, save

¶ ᵲ enn n. mead

enna- v. to exist in the universe as a creation of Eru

ennas adv. there, in that place ◇ SD/129-31

enner n. one of the names given to the Vala Tulkas

enni pron. 1st to me ◇ VT/41:11 ◇ an+ni see also anim

ennin n. Valian year ◇ Ety/400 ◇ and+оn "long year"

Ennor n. central land, middle-earth ◇ LotR/E, X/ND2 ◈ See also ennorath

ennorath n.coll. of ennor, central lands, middle-earth ◇ LotR/E, LotR/II:I, RGEO/72-75

eno adv. still VT/50

ephel n. outer fence, encircling fence ◇ S/436, LotR/E ◇ et+pкl

ephola- v. to preserve, hold in memory, remember (VT/50)

er adj. single ◇ VT/48:6

er- pref. alone, one ◇ VT/42:19

erch n. prickle ◇ Ety/356

* ercha- v. to prick ◇ Ety/356

erchamion/erchammui adj. one-handed ◇ WJ/51, WJ/231, ◇ Ety/361, X/Z

erchammon n.masc. one-handed man ◇ VT/47:7, X/Z

* erchion der.pl. of orchAnnerchion TI/114 yrch is the usual plural of orch

ereb adj. isolated, lonely ◇ Ety/356, S/431, UT/422, VT/42:10

eredh n. seed, germ ◇ Ety/356

ereg n. holly-tree, thorn ◇ Ety/356, S/431

eregdos n. holly, holly-tree ◇ Ety/356, Ety/379, Ety/395 ◇ ereg+toss

eregion der.pl. of ereg the land of holly ← Eregion Ety/356, LotR, UT

* eria- v. to rise ◇ Ety/379, VT/46:7

erin prep. on the ◇ SD/129-31 ◇ or+i, MS *њrin

ernil n. prince ◇ LotR/VI:IV, Letters/308, UT/428, RGEO/75

ero adv. alone (VT/50)

* ertha- v. to unite ← Aderthad S/409 See also adertha

eru n. waste, desert ◇ Ety/356

Erui adj. 1. single, alone ○ 2. by ext., first (incorrect use by the Gondorians) ◇ TI/312, WR/436, VT/42:10 ◈ The proper word for first in Sindarin was minui

eryn n. wood ◇ UT/436, LotR/B ◇ OS *oroni- (?), "trees", plural noun, used as a singular.

esbin n. thin thread (PE/17)

esg n. reed, sedge VT/45

esgal n. veil, screen, cover that hides ◇ S/431

esgar n. shore ◇ VT/46:14

ess n. name see also eneth

* esta- v. to name ← estathar SD/129-31

estel n. hope, trust, a temper of mind, steady fixed in purpose, and difficult to dissuade and unlikely to fall into despair or abandon its purpose ◇ WJ/318-319, LotR/A(v), MR/320

estelia- v. to trust

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