Студопедия — Phrasal Verbs 4 year
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Phrasal Verbs 4 year

И греют чай, и греют чай

Дождевые капли барабанят в стекла,

И Луна, отчаявшись, от дождя промокла.

За окном играл старинный призрачный оркестр

Хорошо с друзьями, значит, плохо без.

Рукой взмахнул усталый дирижер,

Оркестр играл заученно мажор.

А я спешу туда, где принимают

Меня старые друзья,

И где скучают, если долго не был я,

И греют чай, и греют чай.


Phrasal Verbs 4 year

soak up to absorb a liquid, information, knowledge, punishment This thirsty plant soaks up all the water. Это ненасытное растение поглощает всю воду. soaking up advice принимая к сведению советы
tell off to speak angrily to someone who has done smth wrong (to find fault with) That fellow needs to be told off Этому парню пора сделать втык She told me off in front of everyone Она отчитала меня перед всеми
beat up to hurt someone badly by hitting and punching They beat him up. Они избили его
break up to stop   The police broke up the fight. Полиция прекратила драку.
cross out To draw a line through something that you have written Cross out the last two names зачеркнуть
calm down To become or help someone to become less excited and tense He calmed her down
tear up to destroy something by tearing He tore up the letter
check in to report about smb’s arrival To check in at the airport, at the hotel
fill in fill out (амер) to complete a form to fill in/out an application form
look out watch out be careful Look out, that step's not safe
plug in connect smth to the electricity supply it's not plugged in opposite: unplug
take up to begin to study, practice or do smth   he took up painting  
brush up to improve your knowledge, skill of smth you used to know or to do I must brush up my French. — Мне нужно освежить в памяти французский язык.
go against 1) compete 2) contradict We are going against that team Their actions go against the words they have said
pass away/on/ over to die He passed away
die out to disappear completely They died out long ago. – Они давно вымерли That style of music died out ten years ago
turn into to become magically She kissed a frog and it turned into a prince.
hang in stay positive Hang in there! It'll soon be over!
mix smth/smb up confuse two or more things I mixed up the twins' names again!
own up to to admit your fault He owned up to drawing a silly picture. - Он признал, что нарисовал глупую картинку. He owns up to his fault. He owned up to having broken the window.
let out to allow a person or an animal to leave Let the cat out. - Bыпусти кошку. Let me out!
get away with to do smth wrong without being punished or caught He got away with robbing the bank She'll get away with a fine Она отделается просто штрафом You won't get away with it Тебе это так даром не пройдет
let down to disappoint smb   She let him down - Она подвела его
take smb out pay for someone to go somewhere with you My boyfriend took me out for dinner and a movie.
fall through to fail to happen The plan fell through – План провалился The deal fell through — Дело не выгорело
bring someone down make unhappy This sad music is bringing me down
catch up with get to the same point as someone else You'll have to run faster if you want to catch up with Marty
turn down 1) to refuse or reject 2) to diminish the speed, volume The company turned him down Turn down the radio, please
  cut smth out 1) remove a part of something 2) to fit by nature I cut this ad out of the newspaper.   I'm not cut out to be a teacher.
hang out spend time relaxing Instead of going to school we are just going to hang out at my place
go over something review Could you go over this report and correct any mistakes? Let's go over these lines one more time
pass out faint He passed out with the shock
put together assemble We put together a new bookcase. Put your thoughts together
save up save money to buy smth I’m saving up for my summer trip


blow up 1) to destroy by explosion 2) to explode They blew up the bridge. - Они взорвали мост.
burn down destroy by burning The house burned down
wear out to exhaust It wore me out. - Это утомило меня. I am worn out = I am exhausted.
cut down on to reduce in size or amount He cut down on smoking - Он стал меньше курить
run out of to use all of something and have no more left We’ve run out of coffee/ patience
break into to enter somewhere illegally A burglar broke into my house
get through to finish smth He got through with his papers - Он закончил с документами (наконец-то)
slow down to go or to make sb/sth go at a slower speed Don't wait for me - I'm only slowing you down
get off smth to leave smth you travel in (a bus, train, plane) The bus stopped and three people got off  
get on get into a train, bus, plane etc. The bus stopped to let more people get on
get on (well) to have a friendly relationship with somebody We are getting on Do your children get on? Твои дети ладят? She seems to get on with everybody
put smb off disgust smb The smell of garlic puts people off Her face quite puts me off. Её лицо меня отталкивает.
have smth on to wear smth She didn't have any lipstick on
leave out not to include smth or smb either by chance or on purpose You've left outthe 'a'. We had to leave this paragraph out of the text. Нам пришлось выкинуть этот абзац из текста.
put smb out to cause problems or extra work for somebody I didn't want to putmy aunt out,so I only stayed one night with her
sell out to sell everything They sold out the tickets. The tickets were sold out.
throw away put smth in the rubbish Throw it away!
turn up (show up) to arrive He turned up late, as usual
turn smth up To increase volume or flow of smth turn up the music/ hot water
wave back to smile back at hit smb back get back to pay back do the same in response 1) махать в ответ 2) улыбаться в ответ 3) ударить в ответ 4) перезвонить, ответить на письмо 5) мстить, возвращать долг


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