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Following an interview it is customary to send a thank you letter to the person or persons you met while at the company. Anyone who has provided any assistance during a corporate visit should be thanked in writing. It is a matter of professional courtesy, but it also helps to establish a line of communication between you and the company representatives.


606 Central Avenue

St. Joseph, MO 64321


April 19, 2003



Ms. Janice Jones

Vice-President of Public Relations

The Hart Agency

1000 Main Street

Kansas City, MO 64123



Dear Ms. Jones:


Thank you for the interview on Wednesday April 18thwith the Hart Agency. I am very interested in the position as Communications Director and I hope that the interest is mutual.

I would consider it a privilege to join your firm. My background in crisis management along with my experience in political campaigns is parallel to the qualifications you are looking for in a candidate for this position. I know I could make a significant contribution to your team.

If you have any questions, please call me at 816.333.4545. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss further the Communications Director position at the Hart Agency and would welcome the opportunity to show you samples of my work.



Brad Simpson




150 Farmington Avenue

Savannah, MO 64567


April 15, 2003



Mr. Paul Torrence

Kahn Enterprises

1931 W. Willow Drive

Chicago, IL 00078


Dear Mr. Torrence:


Thank you for meeting with me this morning to discuss the media relations position at Kahn Enterprises. I would like to reiterate my interest in the position and your organization.

The enthusiasm I have felt right along about the possibility of working for you has increased with our meeting. I am more certain than ever that I am well qualified to make the kind of contribution to Kahn that you are expecting from your media relations specialist.

I will look forward to hearing your decision regarding my application. In the meantime, if you need any further information please contact me at 816.233.3232.



Jason Tribbett



It is advisable to accept, in writing, any job offer you receive. That is, assuming you really want the job. Do not accept an offer you are not sure of. If you are interviewing with several companies over the course of a week or two, be honest with the potential employer and ask for time to make a decision. You do not want to jump on the first offer you get because the next one may be the to-die-for job. Give yourself a reasonable amount of time to make the best decision. Please note, I said “reasonable”. An employer should be willing to give you a few days or up to a week to decide.


In your letter of acceptance be sure to mention the exact position, the salary and the start date, if known.


James Taylor

44 Lyric Street

St. Joseph, MO 64577


April 15, 2003



Mr. Jon Stewart

Universal Publishers

1000 Cedar Street

Kansas City, MO 64888


Dear Mr. Stewart:


I am writing to confirm your offer to join Universal Publishers as a technical writer. I am pleased to have been selected and accept the position at an annual salary of $30,000.

I understand that my start date will be Monday, May 15th. In the meantime, if you need any further information, you may contact me at 816.456.7777.

Thank you for your consideration over the past few weeks. I am looking forward to this new opportunity wit Universal Publishers.



James Taylor




150 Farmington Avenue

St. Joseph, MO 64500


April 15, 2003



Mr. Paul Torrence

Kahn Enterprises

1931 W. Willow Drive

Chicago, IL 00078



Dear Mr. Torrence:


I am writing to confirm my acceptance of the offer as a Media Relations Specialist at $30,000. with Kahn Enterprises. As we discussed, I will begin on June 1stand will report to Mr. Harrison at 9:00 a.m. on that day.

I am very excited about this opportunity and look forward to being a member of your staff. Should you need additional information before my start date, please do not hesitate to contact me at 816.788.2200.

Thank you for your offer, and I will see you on June 1st.



Jason Tribbett

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