Студопедия — Exercise 22.Write a letter
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Exercise 22.Write a letter

a) Last month, you replied to an advertisement in the newspaper and you received this letter back.

Dear Sir/Madam

Thank you for your recent letter, concerning the post as Sales Supervisor at Excel Industries. I am pleased to enclose the application forms that you requested. I would be greatful if you could complete them and return tnem to me as soon as possible. If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours faithfully

P Vang P Wang (Mr)

Personnel Dept.


You have been ill so you could not reply immediately. You want some more information about the post (holidays, working hours and starting salary), write a letter asking about these things. Follow this plan:

- thank Mr. Wang for his letter

- apologies for not replying before now

- say why you did not reply

- ask for further details

- ask, in particular, about holidays, etc.

- close the letter

b) You work at Central Business Consultants, 16 Hyde Towers, Hong Kong. The people who rent the office next to you play very loud music all day and every day, even though the contract for the offices says "no radios". It is impossible for you to work. Write a full letter to them, making a strong complaint. Follow this plan:

- say what you are writing about (the noise from their office)

- say exactly what is wrong

- make a point connected with this (the contract)

- demand immediate action

- give them a warning (you will contact the landlord).

c) You are a sub - manager of a bank. There has been a change in government regulations. Interest rates have increased to 12% -for deposits and 14% for loans. Write a short letter to:

a) customers who have deposit accounts at your

b) customers who have a loan from your branch. Follow this plan:


Dear Sir or Madam

- First, put a heading.

- Next, say what you are writing about.

- Then give the good or bad news. Say what you have had to do or can do.

- Give the reason.

- Close the letter.

- Finally, sign it and give your name and title.

d) Your factory is closed due to cold weather. This is costing you over 10,000 a day. It isextremely important that you get a new heating unit as soon as possible. Write to Aqua Warm BV (Beulingstraat, 23, Amsterdam, Holland) to find out when they can deliver a new one and at what price. Letter plan:

- say what you are writing about

- tell them what has happened

- tell them about your factory now

- ask them for the information you need

- close the letter

e) Your business is in serious financial difficulties. You owe 250,0008 so you cannot settle your account with Lumino Ink. (The bank refused your last cheque.)

To stop legal action against you, have told you to go into liquidation, They will write to all the companies involved soon.

Write to Lumino Inks:

- put a heading

- refer to their letter

- tell them about your present situation

- give the bad news about their bill

- say what you have had to do

- tell them about your lawyers

- apologize and close the letter


Section 1.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-17; просмотров: 1325. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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