Студопедия — Exist, develop, active, frequent, behave, courage, imagine, expect, explain, relate, know
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Exist, develop, active, frequent, behave, courage, imagine, expect, explain, relate, know

When did the first toys come into 0__ EXISTENCE __ and what led to their 1___________________? Did they represent an attempt by adults to make children happy, or did they arise from the various playful 2___________________ of children themselves? As everyone knows, the young 3___________________ copy the 4___________________ of their elders, and, in their play, they often adopt objects used by adults for entirely different purposes. These objects 5___________________ the child's 6___________________ and lead to games in which everyday articles often play unusual and 7___________________ roles.

It is rather surprising that for an 8___________________ of the origin of toys, we cannot turn to folk stories. However, no traditional tale 9___________________ to the origin of toys exists, and so our 10___________________ is restricted to archaeological study and limited evidence from documents.

10. Ответьте на вопросы. Напишите сочинение, используя предложенные вопросы как план:

1. Have you got a hobby? If so, what is it?

2. How long have you had this hobby?

3. Is it an expensive hobby?

4. Why do you like it?

5. How much time do you spend on your hobby?

6. Is it a common hobby in your country?

7. Write down three other common hobbies in your country.

11. Speaking 3. Work in pairs. Think about the following question:

1. How much free time do you have?

2. Do you prefer indoor or outdoor activities?

3. What’s the latest craze among young people in your town?

4. Do you spend a lot of money/too much money on your hobby?

Discuss a hobby you have now or have had in the past. Use expressions from the box below. Compare your answers with your partner.

Useful language:

be into smth spend time/money on get tired of/bored with smth the trouble is,…. be mad about smth be an expert (on) smth be a waste of time be good at smth

12. Family Photographs. Заполните пропуски в тексте, выбрав из предложенных слов и выражений подходящие по смыслу:

a, away, everybody, for, how, in, it, so, something, to, what, when, which, whole, without, up

A family portrait is a valuable picture - 1 _______________ is fun to look at now, it's great for relatives far 2 _______________, and it will bring back memories in the years to come. Families change quickly as children grow, 3 _______________ don't wait, whatever your position in the family - photograph your family group now, and plan to make this 4 _______________ regular event. Your family album isn't really complete 5 _______________ this record of all of you together.

Getting the 6 ______________ of the family together isn't always easy, and so you will need to plan ahead to be sure 7 _______________ has time to pose. A relaxed, friendly feeling is 8 _______________ makes the picture, and you can't expect people to relax 9 _______________ they're in a hurry to do 10 _______________ else. Make your plans when you're all together and 11 _______________ a cheerful, friendly mood - say, during a meal, and set a time convenient 12 _______________ everyone.

A family portrait takes some technical planning, too. Make 13 ______________ your mind in advance 14 _______________ room you want to use; choose your camera position and check the lighting. If you want to be in the picture, make sure you know exactly 15 _______________ the self-timer on your camera operates. With most cameras, you'll have from eight 16 _______________ twelve seconds to get into the picture after you press the shutter button.

13. A Busy Family. Заполните пропуски в тексте, выбрав из предложенных слов и выражений подходящие по смыслу:

to, in, one, nothing, as, has, was, make, no, every, ago, their, when, well, on, up

In the front room of 1 _______________ home, the Henry family gathered around their TV set 2 _______________ a popular soap opera began. 'Look, there's Mum!' shouted 11-year-old Kathy, pointing 3 _______________ the screen. 'She's sitting at that table 4 _____________ the corner.' Sure enough, there was Julia Henry, enjoying a relaxed drink in 5 _______________ of the country's most famous TV programmes.

Julia's family see 6 _____________ unusual in her job 7 _____________ a 'bit-part' actor, or 'extra', because they are all doing it. Her husband, Tony, 8 _______________ been in several drama series as 9 _______________ as numerous adverts, while Kathy and her 13-year-old brother, Robin, have also appeared 10 _______________ TV countless times.

It all started four years 11 _______________ when Tony, an amateur actor from Lancashire, decided to leave his job and take 12 ____________ acting professionally. At the age of 41, it was a big step to take, but he has 13 _____________ regrets about it at all. Soon the whole family were being offered chances to play small parts just like him, though Tony admits there are times when he wishes he 14 _______________ a star. 'We really enjoy our lives,' says Tony, 'although it is difficult to 15 __________ plans. A couple of phone calls can turn our week upside down, but we love 16 _______________ minute of it!'



Дата добавления: 2015-08-17; просмотров: 2038. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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