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Exercise 1. Put verbs in the Past Simple Tense, paying attention to the pronunciation of suffix –ed:

To produce, to help, to start, to study, to increase, to talk, to repeat, to improve, to reach, to contract, to wound, to hope, to want, to carry, to remain, to develop, to form, to cause, to observe, to discover


Exercise 2. Translate the following sentences, paying attention to Past Indefinite Tense:

1. Mendeleev’s Periodic Law opened a new epoch in the history of chemistry.

2. M. Lomonosov devoted his life to development of the Russian science.

3. A. Fleming received the Nobel Prize for discovery of penicillin.

4. In childhood he had mumps in a severe form

5. Biologists discovered new kinds of microorganisms.

6. Many years ago mercury was called “liquid silver”.

7. The child suffered from a bad cough.

8. The mixture contained less than 16% of oxygen.


Exercise 3. Write sentences in the Past Tense:

1. Pirogov is the 13-th child in the family.

2. Pirogov takes up an appointment as professor of surgery at the academy of military medicine in Saint Petersburg.

3. Pirogov becomes the student of the Medical Faculty of Moscow University even though he is only 14.

4. Pirogov chooses surgery as his specialty

5. Pirogov’s experience in field surgery becomes well-known abroad.

6. Pirogov is a heavy smoker and dies of cancer.

7. Later Pirogov tests and begins using another anaesthetic – chloroform.

Exercise 4. Open the brackets using the verbs in the Present or Past tense:

1. My mother always (to take) a bus to get to work.

2. We (to enjoy) swimming in the sea last weekend.

3. She (to have) the English lesson two hours ago.

4. His sister (to study) English every day.

5. Yesterday I (to come) home from the University at half past six.

6. Queen Elizabeth II (to become) Queen of England in 1952.

7. He never (to shout) at his students.

8. A friend of mine (to know) English very well.

9. One of her brothers (to make) a tour of Europe last summer.

10. Yesterday I (to get) up late.


Exercise 5. Open the brackets using the verbs in the Past tense:

1. I (to come) from Kiev last year.

2. The tram number 15 (to stop) near our hostel.

3. The girl (to look) strong and healthy.

4. We (to finish) school a year ago.

5. She (to fall) ill every winter when she was a little girl.

6. The child (to drink) milk in the morning.

7. He (to see) a new film yesterday.

8. He (to leave) home at a quarter past eight.


Exercise 6. Make sentences negative:

1. Last lesson we translated a difficult text.

2. Henry arrived at work in time.

3. Mary worked in a nursery.

4. The game of golf originated in the United States.

5. Sally missed a lot of classes.

6. The earthquake hit this area unexpectedly.

7. The chemistry instructor explained the experiment.

8. The news of the president’s death astonished the world.


Exercise 7. Make question to the underlined words:

1. Galen classified teeth into centrals, cuspids and molars.

2. The child was allergic to definite inhalant preparations.

3. Aristotle made a mistake - he believed that men had 32 teeth and women only 28!

4. Tooth became loose and was removed.

5. The doctor examined a newly admitted patient and determined a profound bleeding, a fractured leg and some bruises.

6. In this patient the pulp death happened because of undetected tooth decay followed by sever inflammation which couldn’t be stopped.

7. The doctor administered this patient the digitalis drug because of his slow cardiac tone.

8. The doctor prescribed laxatives, but they didn’t help.


Exercise 8. Open the brackets using verbs in the Past tense:

1. The sick boy (to call) in the nurse.

2. The pain (to last) for several days.

3. She (to have) a heart attack last night.

4. The sick man (to move) with pain.

5. The X-ray examination (to show) that two ribs were broken.

6. The patient (to complain) of earache of two days duration.

7. The doctor (to prescribe) tablets for stomachache.

8. The patient (to suffer) from breathlessness.


Exercise 9. Translate into English:

1. Медсестра зробила хворому укол та він заснув.

2. Одним з найважніших винахідів хімії був сульфаніламід.

3. Хлопчик підсковзнувся та зломав ногу.

4. Учора у неї раптом з’явилася різька біль в лівому нижньому молярі.

5. Менделєєв опублікував свою періодичну систему усіх хімічних елементів.

6. Рентген показав,що у пацієнта було 2 зломаних ребра.

7. Стародавня стоматологія містила у собі лікування стоматологічних захворювань тільки шляхом видалення.

Exercise 10. Put verbs from brackets in a proper tense and translate them:

1. Aristotle (затвердити) that consumption of sweets produce tooth decay.

2. The nurse (зробити перев’язку) the wound next day after the operation.

3. The doctor (прописати) the patient sedatives because he (не може спати) at night.

4. A bite of a dog (призводити) in rabies.

5. The chemistry professor (скасувати) a class yesterday.

6. Scalling (попередити) the onset of periodontal disease and (вилікувати) established cases with shallow gingival pockets.

7. The tooth brush (бути) not possible and people (видаляти) debris by simple mouth rinse.

8. The doctor (забороняти) to use acidic juices with this drug as they could (зруйнувати) its effect.


Exercise 11. Choose the right verb from the list below and put it in the past tense:

Дата добавления: 2015-08-30; просмотров: 447. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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