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Yet in exchange –ко всему прочему;

neck torpor –онемение шеи;

carpal tunnel syndrome –синдром запястного канала;

brought about -- вызванный, послуживший причиной

hours on end – часами напролёт, беспрерывно

wombat - зд. Червь


Word study:

Task 4

Translate the following word-combinations into Russian.

The most health damaging jobs, impossible to avoid, energy lapse, grievous problems, have a negative impact, excessive time, overload of information, to be under a high level of mental pressure, bread and butter, encounter two main problems, reduce the intensity of blood pressure, improve our health, affect the biological processes of our body, to make an ass of oneself, to agree to one’s invitation, in the first place, the latest technological revolution, in a similar fashion, to meet smb over the Internet, slightly less uncomfortable, the main social activity, to sort through all the “losers”.

Task 5

Match the following words with their synonyms.

1. altogether a. method, way
2. notion b. try, make an effort
3. slightly c. completely
4. actually d. disappear
5. attempt e. a little
6. vanish f. really
7. means g. idea, belief, opinion
8. anxiety h. redundant
9. reduce i. surplus
10. counter j. mitigate
11. excessive k. discomfort
12. excess l. face
13. sorrowful m. cause
14. bring about n. fatal
15. 1unavoidable o. ceaseless
16. on end p. grievous

Task 6

Match the following words with their definitions.

1. set out a. to stay or wait in a place
2. freak b. completely full
3. sort through c. begin a course of action
4. stick d. a person who takes a special interest in smth
5. astonish e. not have enough
6. crowded f. place according to kind, rank
7. lack g. that which must or had to happen
8. destiny h. to produce great surprise or wonder
9. anxiety   i. harm or injury to property or a person, resulting in loss of value or the impairment of usefulness.
10. dizziness j. a state of uneasiness and apprehension, as about future uncertainties.
11. exhaust k. a recurrent, often unconscious pattern of behavior that is acquired through frequent repetition.
12. damage   l. a sensation of unsteadiness accompanied by a feeling of movement within the head.
13. habit m. to use all of someone's mental or physical energy; to tire out or wear out (someone) completely.

Task 7

Match the following words as in the text.

1. instruction a. revolution
2. Internet b. express way
3. monthly c. phone
4. digital d. store
5. cutthroat e. scanners
6. dance f. floor
7. technological g. show
8. dial h. payments
9. grocery i. manual
10. cyber j. matchmaking
11.mental k. pressure
12.lack in l. energy
13.negative m. problems
14. grievous n. dizziness
15. improve o. our health
16. feel p. impact

Task 8

Find Russian equivalents.

1. according to вероятно
2. regardless of   a. даже более, кроме того, b. ко всему прочему
3. perhaps c. таким образом
4. yet in exchange d. фактически
5. contrary to e. поскольку; с учетом того, что;
6. in fact f. например
7. thus g. в соответствии с
8. whereas h. в противоположность, в отличие от
9. for instance i. неоднократно
10. in order to j. из-за, по причине
11. because of k. независимо от; l. не принимая во внимание
12. more than once m. для того, чтобы

Task 9

Fill in the blanks using the words given below.

Affected, used, pace, computer, part, interests, next, technology, endless, business, easy, sectors, present, specific, download.

In today’s world of computers the Internet has become _1_ of one’s regular vocabulary. The possibilities are _2_ on what can be done on the Internet. People can _3_ computer programs, talk to other people with related _4_, and send electronic mail all across the world. It is _5_ by thousands of different kinds of people and organizations, like _6_, colleges and universities, and common people with no _7_ purpose to even use it. The WWW has already _8_ our educational, political and commercial _9_. The days where every home will have a _10_ are not far from the present. In order to keep up with the _11_ of the future, you need to catch up with the technology of the _12_. The easiest way to do this is to simply wander around the WWW. It is as _13_ as clicking a mouse. So sit back and explore the WWW at your own _14_, and don’t let yourself get left behind when the _15_ technological breakthrough comes along.



Дата добавления: 2015-08-30; просмотров: 527. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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