Студопедия — Hygienical value of soil
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Hygienical value of soil

The value of soil for the health of population is great. It is stipulated by the role of soil in forming of various terms of habitat and vital functions of man.

Soil is the that object of environment, on that the necessary is grown to the man vegetable and it is mediated animal food turns out, in this connection a large value has her fertility.

Chemical composition of soil determines chemical composition of other objects of environment on this territory - water, vegetation, got 171продуктов, and also composition of fabrics and organs of organism of man, in this connection a natural defect or surplus of microelements in soil entails development of endemics.

Under ventileness understand ability of soil to skip air through the layer. The ventileness depends not on porosity, and from the size of pores, therefore the good ventileness is possessed by coarse-grained coarse-pored soils. If all pores are filled by water or ice,

IV. Illustrative material:sliding seats.

V. Literature:

In Russian:

19. the main:

offices. Hygiena: text book. G.I.Rumyanceva. – 2- изд., - –Мedia, 2005.

20. Hygiena: text book. U.I. Кenesariev. –Аlmaty, 2009

21. Bolshakov А.М. General Hygiena: text book. –М., 2006

22. Bolshakov А.М. General Hygiena: book, -2–М.: Мedicine, 2005.

23. Pivovarov U.P., Hygiene and bases of ecology of man: book. –М.: Меdicine, 2004.

24. Kicha D.I General Hygiena. Guidance to laboratory employments: Мedia, 2009.


10. Кrymskaya I.G. Hygiene and bases of ecology of man: book.-Rostov Feniks, 2007

11. Тrushkina L.U. Hygiene and ecology of man: book. -4. –М.: Prospect, 2006.

12. Каtayeva В.А guidance to laboratory practical and independent employments on a general hygiene and bases of ecology man: train aid for students – М: Меdicine 2005.

4. Sharmanov Т. An iodic deficit is in Kazakhstan: the state of problem and way is a decision: Аstana, 2008.

5. Baranovski А.Y. Illnesses are violation of feed. Treatment and prophylaxis:

scitist and technology, 2007.

6. Glebova Е.В. Productive sanitation and occupational health.

Higher school, 2005.

Electronic resources:

16. General Hygiena Torgatova B.К –: 2009- Hygiena book for univer. G.I.Rumyanceva – 2 М:2009

17. Мazaev В.Т. Communal hygiene 1-2: book – Меdia, 2009

18. Reference book of dietitian, Equilibrium, 2006.

19. Кuchma В.R. Hygiene of children and teenagers: book – Меdia, 2010

20. Occupational health N.F.Izmerova – Меdia 2008

VI. Control questions:

1.Which hygienical value of soil?

2.Name the methods of cleaning of soil from liquid bits and pieces.

3.Name sanitary-chemical indexes of soil.

4.Which epidemiology value of soil?



І. Тheme: Hygienical bases of planning and building of the inhabited places.

ІІ. Aim: to acquaint students with hygienical requirements to placing and planning of the inhabited place.

ІІІ. Тheses of lecture: Considerable contamination water objects and soil are exposed to. In reservoirs industrial and communal effluents,, are thrown down the pollutants thrown out in an atmosphere act, and also at the use of reservoirs in different aims. Soil is loaded by domestic and industrial wastes, alienated under building, used for cleaning of liquid garbages, contaminated by pesticides and fertilizers, (см. of head of IV and V). The volumes of the every day saved wastes are great in cities. In these terms one of the most serious hygienical problems of cities are become providing of habitants of city by of high quality water and utilization of wastes. Contamination of air, reservoirs and soil ruinously operates on green plantations, and with partial death them a natural filter is removed, clearing air, and also микроклиматические terms change in city. Reduction of areas under green plantations grows also in connection with the withdrawal of them under building needs. A city grows into a reinforce-concrete citadel

The microclimate of cities changes considerably. The feature of him is an origin of the so-called "islands heats" for that more high, as compared to out-of-town locality, temperatures of air are characteristic. A most difference in temperatures is observed at night, when a temperature in the islands of heat can exceed a temperature in country on 6-8°. Above the centers of metropolises "Island of heat" overpeers on 100-150м. Education of them is related to that building, asphalt and other coverages, heated in the day-time under the action of a sun, cooling off at night, give the got heat to the atmosphere. The increase of temperature is stipulated also by reduction of evaporation on built-up areas, while in the localities located in country, a rain-water, evaporating from the surface of soil, takes away warm and reduces the temperature of air. A large value is had decline of percent of green plantations, to the open 211водной smooth surface and considerable reduction of speed of wind because of the obstacles created by municipal building high

For warning of development of unfavorable effects the correct choice of location and rational planning of settlements have a decision value in these terms.

Hygienical principles of town-planning and making healthy of cities. Choice of place of placing of settlements.

Basic hygienical principles of town-planning are taken to the following.

1. 1. building or reconstruction of settlement it must be done all possible for satisfaction of material, spiritual and hygienical necessities of all population.

2. 2.Must be accepted measures for the removal of sharp distinctions between a city and village.

3. 3.The projects of not only separate cities, settlements and villages but also whole economic districts must be developed, i.e. to come true the so-called district planning allowing most rationally to use natural factors (reservoirs, underground sources of water-supply, green arrays of and other) and place settlements and productive objects.

4. 4.The height of large and superlarge cities must be limited, by creation near-by them cities-companions on 80000 - 100000 habitants each.

5.5.For building of new or expansion of existent city the choice of territory allowing maximally to provide healthy terms at a residence on her must come true, and also her functional zoning must be conducted.

6.The special attention must be spared to building of dwelling zone by the most optimal forms of building - microregions.

7.The developed network of establishments of domestic consumer cultural, medical and athletic services of population, green plantations, must be envisaged in a селитебной zone.

3.All types of the sanitary equipping with modern amenities must be envisaged, i.e. plumbing, sewage system, general chart of collection, moving away and rendering of hard garbages harmless with corresponding building, central heating, газо- and power supply of and other 212

4.Advantage follows in organization of a transport providing

to give to the public transport and from them to facilities that create

less noise, does not contaminate air less dangerous.

5.At development of projects of the inhabited places must

envisaged events on the sanitary guard of atmospheric air, reservoirs and soil, and also on warning of harmful action of noise, concussions, electromagnetic fields of range of radio frequencies

A choice of territory for building of new or expansion of existent settlement is an important task, because plan decisions, future микроклиматические terms in city, sufficientness of ventilation, depend on him, material well-being by water, epidemic safety, decision of questions of utilization of wastes. Territory must not be swamped and inundable at the overflow of the rivers, lakes, during rains and thundershowers. Soil must be dry, clean, with the subzero standing of subsoil waters. Locality must have a small slope (1-6%) for flowing down of atmospheric waters. Pay attention to composition of soils, presence of плывунов, possibility of going down of landslides, сейсмичность of district.

A large value is in creation of микроклиматических terms, terms of distribution of noise and other physical factors, and also has concentrations or dispersions of chemical and biological pollutants of atmospheric air hypsography. So, hollows and valleys, badly getting some fresh air, especially in time

At the choice of territory such natural and climatic factors of locality, as temperature and humidity of air, rate of movement and direction of winds, presence of temperature inversions, are taken into account. Taking into account dominating winds a settlement is disposed so that the sources of contamination appeared in relation to him from a leeward. The special attention is spared by possibilities of airing of city, for what choose such areas that get some fresh air well enough. Knowledge of the temperature-humidity and wind mode is needed also for a choice whiter of optimal architectonically-plan and санитарно-технических decisions: to the orientation of building, their location, planning of quarters, location of streets, thickness of walls of building, depth of bookmark of networks of plumbing, heating and sewage system of and other

In all regions a presence of natural green arrays on the territory planned for building is a very favourable factor, making better микроклиматические terms, step-up a cleanness

A large value has a presence on territory of reservoirs and underground sources. From one side, it is a source of water-supply, on the other hand important health factor. Disposing a settlement is needed upwards on stream of the river, higher than sources of contamination.

The account of all afore-named factors allows yet on the stage of choice of territory for a settlement to provide more optimal terms of intercity environment in future city.

IV. Illustrative material:sliding seats.

V. Literature:

In Russian:

25. the main:

offices. Hygiena: text book. G.I.Rumyanceva. – 2- изд., - –Мedia, 2005.

26. Hygiena: text book. U.I. Кenesariev. –Аlmaty, 2009

27. Bolshakov А.М. General Hygiena: text book. –М., 2006

28. Bolshakov А.М. General Hygiena: book, -2–М.: Мedicine, 2005.

29. Pivovarov U.P., Hygiene and bases of ecology of man: book. –М.: Меdicine, 2004.

30. Kicha D.I General Hygiena. Guidance to laboratory employments: Мedia, 2009.


13. Кrymskaya I.G. Hygiene and bases of ecology of man: book.-Rostov Feniks, 2007

14. Тrushkina L.U. Hygiene and ecology of man: book. -4. –М.: Prospect, 2006.

15. Каtayeva В.А guidance to laboratory practical and independent employments on a general hygiene and bases of ecology man: train aid for students – М: Меdicine 2005.

4. Sharmanov Т. An iodic deficit is in Kazakhstan: the state of problem and way is a decision: Аstana, 2008.

5. Baranovski А.Y. Illnesses are violation of feed. Treatment and prophylaxis:

scitist and technology, 2007.

6. Glebova Е.В. Productive sanitation and occupational health.

Higher school, 2005.

Electronic resources:

21. General Hygiena Torgatova B.К –: 2009- Hygiena book for univer. G.I.Rumyanceva – 2 М:2009

22. Мazaev В.Т. Communal hygiene 1-2: book – Меdia, 2009

23. Reference book of dietitian, Equilibrium, 2006.

24. Кuchma В.R. Hygiene of children and teenagers: book – Меdia, 2010

25. Occupational health N.F.Izmerova – Меdia 2008

VI. Control questions:

1.Which hygienical value of planning of the inhabited places?

2.Name the planning stages.

3.What functional zones?

4.What requirements to building of the inhabited places?


1.Тheme:Feed as factor of health. Modern aspects of rational feed.

II.Aim:to acquaint with a feed, as major factor of life-support of organism of man, and also with the prophylaxis of trophonosiss.

III. Theses of lecture:

A feed is a difficult process of entering organism of substances, necessary for coverage of энергического expense, construction and renewal of fabrics of body and adjusting of functions of organism.

A feed is one of basic factors, largely qualificatory the state of health of man.

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