Студопедия — Ex. 5. Read the sentences and translate them into Russian
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Ex. 5. Read the sentences and translate them into Russian

1. The wooden sleepers are treated with creosote to prevent them from decay.

2. Box cars are used for carrying various kinds of freight, which require protection against unfavorable weather conditions.

3. Periodically, ballast is to be removed and replaced with clean ballast to ensure adequate drainage, especially if wooden ties are used.

4. The main disadvantages of steel sleepers are their high cost and the noise caused by trains passing over them.

5. A barbed-wire (колючая проволока) fence separates the railway embankment from the meadow to keep the livestock away from the track.

6. There are practically no curves and gradients (уклон) on the Paris-Lyon high-speed line.

7. Two gangs have been working 12-hour shifts to restore the section of the track damaged by the flood.

8. The main function of ballast is to drain the water away and to distribute (распределять) the load evenly over the track.

9. All first carriages had three main disadvantages: they were built of wood; they were heated with stoves, and they had an open platform at each end that was especially dangerous in case of an accident.

10. To ensure maximum stability of railway embankment, the earth must be put in layers and each layer is to be thoroughly compacted before the next is placed.

11. In Japan, railways play an extremely important role in passenger travel, although they continue to give way to competition from road and air transport.

12. Concrete crossties first appeared in Europe in 1868, mainly due to the shortage (нехватка) of durable wood in some countries.

13. Irish Rail has ordered a fleet of 67 new coaches from CAF, Spain, at a cost of Euros 117 million.

14. The aim of a tilting mechanism (механизм наклона кузова вагона) is to ensure fast and smooth running of the train on curves.


Ex. 6. Complete the sentences with a required verb from the list. Mind your grammar!

1. They arrived at 7.30 as they had ___. 2. The swimming pool is ___ and cleaned every winter. 3. Italy’s government ___ a plan to restructure the Italian Railways’ management. 4. Officials plan to ___ a monument in Lindbergh's honor. 5. Critics argue that the tax cuts (снижение налогов) will only ___ large companies. 6. Regular servicing ___ the smooth operation of the engine. 7. The company was ___ to pay compensation to its former employees. 8. Several vehicles were ___ in the accident. 9. In some luxury trains, passengers can ___ dinner directly to their compartments. 10. You will need to ___ the central heating system before you replace the radiator. 11. Police have ___ barriers across the main roads into the town. 12. I’ll try my best to get tickets, but I can’t ___ anything. 13. We should spend the money on something that will ___ everyone. 14. Many buildings were badly ___ during the war. 15. This equipment can be ___ directly from the manufacturer. 16. You ___ me the car would be ready on Monday. 17. The train was moving at a high speed when the driver saw that the line was ___. 18. Automatic block and other kinds of modern signaling are used on the railways to ___ safety of train movement at speeds.   a) to approve b) to benefit c) to damage d) to drain e) to ensure f) to erect g) to order h) to promise

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