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Чтение дат

Годы, в отличие от русского языка, обозначаются количест­венными числительными:

1907 — nineteen seven (или nineteen hundred and seven)

1983 — nineteen eighty-three (или nineteen hundred and eighty three)

Даты обозначаются порядковыми числительными:

18th September, 1986 - the eighteenth of September, nineteen eighty-six September 18th, 1996; September 18, 19% — September the eighteenth, nine­teen ninety-six


20. а) Прочитайте вслух следующие слова:

[е] — 'many, 'member, head, 'readily, effective, 'president

[э] — 'foreign, 'modest, 'knowledge, 'prominent

[ae] — a'cademy, 'rapid, 'rapidly, ex'tract, es'tablish

[э: ] — re'search, re'searcher, work, 'working, Earth

[a] — con'duct, 'country, crust, 'Russian, 'study

[a: ]— part, re'mark, re'markable, branch, 'charming

[ei] — 'detailed, ere'ate, cre'ator, cre'ation, em'brace, mainly

б) Прочитайте следующие слова и запомните их произношение:

entire [m'taia], equal ['irkwal], epoch ['i: pok], committee [ks'miti], palaeontology Lpaelion'tolidsi], palaeozoic [, paeliou'zouik], stratigraphy [stra'tigrdfi], microscope ['maikraskoup]

21. Прочитайте следующие слова и сочетания слов 1-2 раза про себя, затем
вслух и постарайтесь запомнить их.

abroad [э 'bro: d] adv за рубежом foreign [ 'form] а иностранный

confirm [kan'farm] v подтверждать; former [Тэ: тэ] с прежний

утверждать investigate [in'vestigeit] v исследовать;
consider [kan'sids] v считать, пола- изучать

гать, рассматривать justly [ 'djAStli) adv обоснованно, по
contribate [ksn'tnbju: t] v вносить праву

вклад; contribution [, k3ntri'bju: Jn] prominent ['prominent] а знаменитый,

л вклад выдающийся, известный; syn re-

crost [krASt] л земная кора markable, outstanding

detailed [*di: teild] а подробный, де- regularity [, regju'laeriti] л закономер-

тальный ность

elect [i 'lektj v избирать, выбирать (го- significant [sig 'ninkant] а значительный;

лосоеанием); назначать (на долж- significance [sig 'niftkans] л значение,

ность) важность; exhaust [ig 'zo: st] the sig-

embrace [im'breis] v охватывать; об- nlficance исчерпывать значение

нимать society [sa 'saiati] n общество

entire [in'tais] а весь, целый; полный; staff [sta: f] n персонал; личный состав;

syn whole штат

exist [ig'zist] v существовать, быть; rariousl'veariss] a различный, разный,

жить разнообразный

to advance the view высказывать мнение (точку зрения)

to be interested in быть заинтересованным (чём-л.), интересоваться

to take (an) interest in заинтересоваться (чём-л.)

22. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод прилагательных
с суффиксом -ел/ (-ant):

1. Lomonosov founded the Russian school of mining.

2. Prospecting is an applied geological science which studies different
methods of discovering deposits of useful minerals.

3. Scientific research institutions solve important problems.

4. One of Karpinsky's significant works is about the formation of the
Donets Coal Basin.

23. Определите по суффиксам, какой частно речи являются следующие слом,
• переведите их:

create — creator — creation; elect — election; investigate — investi­gator — investigation; recent — recently; significant — significance; con­sider — considerable — consideration; encourage — encouragement; found — founder — foundation; manager — management; exist — existence

24. Прочитайте следующие сочетания слои и переведите их:

iron deposits extracting of useful minerals

discovery of salt existing conditions

to design effective mach- to forecast the deposit

ines for underground to investigate different systems

and open-cast mining the prominent scientist

an entire epoch remarkable works

scientific activity industrially experienced engineers

equal skill the Earth's crust movement

the origin of platinum significant results


25. Определите значения выделенных слов по сходству их корней с корнями
соответствующих слов в русском языке:

President of the Academy of Sciences; academician; the history of geology; detailed geological map; the new stratigraphy of Russia; the regularity of the Earth's crust movement; petroleum deposits; the intro­duction of the microscope; the best lecturer

26. Прочитайте текст Б. Назовите области геологии, в которых А.П. Кар­
пинский был первооткрывателем.

ТЕКСТ Б А.Р. Karpinsky (1847-1936)

V.A. Obruchev, I.M. Gubkin, A.Y. Fersman, V.I. Vernadsky and A. P. Karpinsky were the prominent Russian scientists who laid the founda­tion1 of the Russian school of geology and mining.

An entire epoch in the history of Russian geology is connected with Karpinsky's name. One of the greatest Russian geologists, he was a member and for some time President of the Academy of Sciences of the former USSR and a member of several Academies abroad. The Geological Society

of London elected him a foreign member in 1901. His greatest contribution to geology was a new detailed geological map of the European part of Russia and the Urals.

For many years he headed the Russian Geological Committee the staff of which was made up of2 his pupils. He was one of those geologists who embraced the whole of geological science.. He created the new stratigraphy of Russia. He studied the geological systems in various regions of the country and was the first to establish3 the regularity of the Earth's crust movement. His paleontological studies are of no less importance, especially those on palaeozoic ammonoids. He also took an interest in4 deposits of useful minerals and gave a classification of volcanic rocks. He advanced the view that petroleum deposits existed in Russian, which was confirmed later. He studied some ore and platinum deposits and may be justly considered5 the founder of practical geology of the Urals. He was the first Russian scientist who introduced microscope in the study of petrographic slides.

Karpinsky was a prominent scientist, an excellent man and citizen. He was one of the best lecturers at the Mining Institute in his time. He was also one of the greatest Russian scientists who later became the first elected President of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Students were attracted to him not only because he was a great scientist but also because of his charming personality and gentle manner.

Every geologist and every geology student knows very well Karpinsky's most significant work An Outline of the Physical and Geographical Conditions in European Russia in Past Geological Periods.


1 to lay the foundation — заложить фундамент (основы)

2 to be nude up of — состоять из

3 was the first to establish — первым установил

4 to take an interest in — интересоваться, увлекаться чем-либо

5 may be considered — может считаться (сочетание модального глагола с
пассивной формой инфинитива)


27. Укажите, какие предложения соответствуют содержанию текста. Под­твердите свои ответы фактами из текста.

1. Karpinsky was the first President of the Academy of Sciences.

2. He worked at the Mining Institute in St.Petersburg.

3. Karpinsky was a member of many Academies abroad.

4. Karpinsky made up a detailed map of the Asian part of our

5. He headed the Russian Geological Committee.

6. Karpinsky created a new branch of geology, namely stratigraphy.


7. He only tried to establish the regularity of the Earth's crust

8. Karpinsky may be justly considered the founder of the practical
geology of the Urals.

28. Ответьте иа следующие вопросы:

1. What society elected Karpinsky a foreign member and when?

2. Did he head the Russian Geological Committee or was he a
member of that Committee?

3. Did Karpinsky investigate various regions of the Russian territory?

4. Which of his works are the most remarkable?

5. What can you say about Karpinsky's investigations in petrology?

29. а) Найдите в правой жолонже русские эквиваленты следующих сочетаний

1. the Earth's crust а) земная кора

2. prominent scientist б) составить подробную карту

3. deposits of useful minerals в) замечательные работы

4. to make up a detailed map г) выдающийся ученый

5. remarkable works д) залежи полезных ископаемых

6. to advance the view. e) научное общество

7. scientific society ж) избирать председателя

8. to head a Committee (to be at (президента)

the head of a Committee) з) заложить основы школы

9. to lay the foundation of и) интересоваться геологией

10. to elect chairman (president) к) высказать точку зрения

11. to take an interest in geology л) возглавлять комитет

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