Студопедия — Further discussion. 1. What makes this story different from other Wild West stories or films you have read or seen?
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Further discussion. 1. What makes this story different from other Wild West stories or films you have read or seen?

1. What makes this story different from other Wild West stories or films you have read or seen?

2. Do you think that Jim should have been tried and hanged for murder (as he most certainly would have been in Britain even 20 years ago)? Do you feel sorry for Jelka's cousin?

3. In what ways has Jim-taken over the customs of his wife's country in this story? Do you think he should have taken Jelka's father's advice earlier?

4. Do you think Steinbeck's description of Jelka's personality is fair towards women in general? In what ways has the situation changed over the last 75 years?

5. Do you think the relationship between Jim and Jelka improved after the murder? Give your reasons.

6. " Violence never solves problems". Do you agree or disagree?

7. Give a full stylistic analysis of the text.



Alan Sillitoe


Alan Sillitoe was born in Nottingham in 1928. He comes from a working-class family and grew up during the great economic depression of the 1930s. His father was unemployed until the outbreak of war in 1939. It is therefore not surprising that the theme of most of Sillitoe's works is working-class life in English industrial towns.

He left school at the age of 14 and joined his father at the Raleigh bicycle factory, where he worked for five years before going into the Royal Air Force to do his military service, part of which was spent in Malaya.

In 1958 his career as a writer began. His first novel " Saturday Night and Sunday Morning" shocked many middle-class readers with its brutal realism. " The Loneliness of the Long-distance Runner" was published a year later, and this volume of short stories also included the story " On Saturday Morning" The theme of this story is suicide versus life. No matter how " black" life may be, the first-person narrator of this story is certainly not in favour of suicide!



On Saturday Afternoon


I once saw a bloke[570] try to kill himself. I'll never forget the day because I was sitting in the house one Saturday afternoon, feeling black and fed-up[571] because everybody in the family had gone to the pictures, except me who'd for some reason been left out of it. 'Course[572], 1 didn't know then that I would soon see something you can never see in the same way on the pictures, a real bloke stringing himself up[573]. 1 was only a kid at the time, so you can imagine how much I enjoyed it.

I've never known a family to look as black as our family when they're fed-up.

I've seen the old man with his face so dark and full of murder be-


cause he ain't[574] got no fags[575] or was having to use saccharine to sweeten his tea, or even for nothing at all, that I've backed out of the house in case he got up from his fireside chair and came for me[576].

He just sits, almost on top of the fire, his oil- stained Sunday-joint[577] maulers[578] opened out in front of him and facing inwards to each other, his thick shoulders scrunched[579] forward, and his dark brown eyes staring into the fire. Now and again he'd say a dirty word, for no reason at all, the worst word you can think of, and when he starts saying this you know it's time to clear out[580]. If mam's in it gets worse than ever, because she says sharp to him: " What are yo' looking so bleddy[581] black for? " as if it might be because of something she's done, and before you know what's happening he's tipped up a tableful of pots and mam's gone out of the house crying. Dad hunches[582] back over the fire and goes on swearing. All because of a packet of fags.

I once saw him broodier[583] than I'd ever seen him, so that I thought he'd gone crackers[584] in a quiet sort of way – until a fly flew to within a yard of him. Then his hand shot out, got it, and slung it crippled into the roaring fire. After that he cheered up a bit and mashed[585] some tea.

Well, that's where the rest of us get our black looks from. It stands to reason we'd have them with a dad who carries on like that, don't it? Black looks run in the family. Some families have them and some don't. Our family has them right enough, and that's certain, so when we're fed-up we're really fed-up. Nobody knows why we get as fed-up as we do or why it gives us these black looks when we are. Some people get fed-up and don't look bad at all; they seem happy in a funny sort of way, as if they've just been set free from clink[586] after being in there for something they didn't do, or come out of the pictures after sitting plugged[587] for eight hours at a bad film, or just missed a bus they ran half a mile for and seen it was the wrong one just after they'd stopped running - but in our family it's murder for the others if one of us is fed-up. I've asked myself lots of times what it is, but I can never get any sort of answer even if I sit and think for hours, which I must admit I don't do, though it looks good when I say I do. But I sit and think for long enough, until mam says to me, at seeing me scrunched up over the fire like dad: " What are yo' looking so black for? " So I've just got to stop thinking about it in case I get really black and fed-up and go the same way as dad, tipping up a tableful of pots and all.

Mostly I suppose there's nothing to look so black for: though it's nobody's fault and you can't blame anyone for looking black because I'm sure it's summat[588] I the blood. But on this Saturday afternoon I was looking so black that when dad came in from the bookie's[589] he said to me: " What's up with you? " " I feel badly, " I fibbed[590]. He'd have had a fit if I'd said I was only black because I hadn't gone to the pictures. " Well have a wash, " he told me.

" I don't want a wash, " I said, and that was a fact. " Well, get outside and get some fresh air then, " he shouted. I did as I was told, double quick, because if ever dad goes as far as to tell me to get some fresh air I know it's time to get away from him. But outside the air wasn't so fresh, what with that bloody great bike factory bashing away at the yard-end. I didn't know where to go, so I walked up the yard a bit and sat down near somebody's back gate.

Then I saw this bloke who hadn't lived long in our yard. He was tall and thin and had a face like a parson[591] except that he wore a flat cap and had a moustache that drooped[592], and looked as though he hadn't had a square meal[593] for a year. I didn't think much o' this at the time: but I remember that as he turned in by the yard-end one of the nosy gossiping[594] women who stood there every minute of the day except when she trudged[595] to the pawnshop[596] with her husband's bike or best suit, shouted to him: " What's that rope for, mate? "

He called back: " It's to 'ang messen wi'[597], missis, " and she cackled[598] at his bloody good joke so loud and long you'd think she never heard such a good 'un[599], though the next day she cackled on the other side of her fat face. He walked by me puffing a fag and carrying his coil[600] of brand-new rope, and he had to step over me to get past. His boot nearly took my shoulder off, and when I told him to watch where he was going I don't think he heard me because he didn't even look round. Hardly anybody was about. All the kids were still at the pictures, and most of their mams and dads were downtown doing the shopping.

The bloke walked down the yard to his back door, and having nothing better to do because I hadn't gone to the pictures 1 followed him. You see, he left his back door open a bit, so I gave it a push and went in. I stood there, just watching him, sucking my thumb, the other hand in my pocket. I suppose he knew I was there, because his eyes were moving more natural now, but he didn't seem to mind.

" What are yer going to do wi' that rope, mate? " I asked him.

" I'm going ter 'ang messen, lad, " he told me, as though he'd done it a time or two already, and people had usually asked him questions like this beforehand. " What for, mate? " He must have thought I was a nosy young bogger[601]. '" Cause I want to, that's what for, " he said, clearing all the pots off the table and pulling it to the middle of the room. Then he stood on it to fasten the rope to the light-fitting. The table creaked and didn't look very safe, but it did him for what he wanted[602]. " It wain't[603] hold up, mate" I said to him, thinking how much better it was being! here than sitting in the pictures and seeing the Jungle Jim serial.

But he got nettled[604] now and turned on me. " Mind yer own business" I thought he was going to tell me to scram[605], but he didn't. He made ever such a fancy knot[606] with that rope, as though he's been a sailor or summat, and as he tied it he was whistling a fancy tune to himself. Then he got down from the table and pushed it back to the wall, and put a chair in its place. He wasn’t looking black at all, nowhere near as black as anybody in our family when they're feeling fed-up. If ever he'd looked only half as black as our dad looked twice a week he'd have hanged himself years ago, I couldn't help thinking. But I he was making a good job of that rope all right, as though he'd thought about it a lot anyway, and as though it was going to be the last thing he’d ever do. But I knew something he didn't know, because he wasn't standing where I was. knew the rope wouldn't hold up, and I told him so, again. " Shut yer gob[607]" he said, but quiet like, " Or I'll kick yer out" I didn't want to miss it, so I said nothing. He took his cap off and put it on the dresser, then he took his coat off, and his scarf, and spread them out on the sofa. I wasn't a bit frightened, like I might be now at sixteen, because it was interesting. And being only ten I'd never had a chance to see a bloke hang himself before. We got pally[608], the two of us, before he slipped the rope around his neck. " Shut the door" he asked me, and I did as I was told. " Ye're a good lad for your age" he said to me while I sucked my thumb, and he felt in his pockets and a pulled out all that was inside, throwing the handful of bits and bobs[609] on the table: fag packet and peppermints, a pawn ticket[610], an old comb, and a few coppers[611]. He picked out a penny and gave it to me, saying: " Now listen ter[612]! me, young 'un. I'm going to 'ang messen, and when I'm swinging I want you tо gi'[613] this chair a bloody good kick and push it away. All right? " I nodded.

He put the rope around his neck, and then took it off like[614] it was a tie that didn't fit. " What are you going to do it for, mate? " I asked again. " Because I'm fed-up, " he said, looking very unhappy. " And because I want to. My missus[615] left me, and I'm out o' work."

I didn't want to argue, because the way he said it, I knew he couldn't do anything else except hang himself. Also there was a funny look in his face: even when he talked to me I swear he couldn't see me. It was different to the black looks my old man puts on, and I suppose that's why my old man would never hang himself, worse luck[616], because he never gets a look into his clock[617] like this bloke had. My old man's look stares at you, so that you have to back down and fly out of the house: this bloke's look looked through you, so that you could face it and know it wouldn't do you any harm. So I saw now that dad
would never hang himself because he could never get the right sort of look into his face, in spite of the fact that he'd been out of work often enough. Maybe mam[618] would have to leave him first, and then he might do it; but no –1 shook my head – there wasn't much chance of that even though he did lead her a dog's life[619].

" Yer wain't forget to kick that chair away? " he reminded me, and I swung my head to say I wouldn't. So my eyes were popping[620] and 1 watched every move he made. He stood on the chair and put the rope around his neck so that it fitted this time, still whistling his fancy tune. I wanted to get a better goz[621] at the knot, because my pal was in the scouts[622], and would ask to know how it was done, and if I told him later he'd let me know what happened at the pictures in the Jungle Jim serial, so's I could have my cake and eat it as well[623], as mam says, tit for tat[624]. But I thought I'd better not ask the bloke to tell me, and I stayed back in my corner. The last thing he did was take the wet dirty butt-end[625] from his lips and sling it[626] into the empty firegrate[627], following it with his eyes to the black fireback where it landed – as if he was then going to mend a fault in the lighting like any electrician.

Suddenly his long legs wriggled[628] and his feet tried to kick the chair, so I helped him as I'd promised I would and took a runner[629] at it as if I was playing centre-forward for Notts Forest[630], and the chair went scooting back against the sofa, dragging his muffler[631] to the floor as it tipped over. He swung for a bit, his arms chafing[632] like he was a scarecrow[633] flapping[634] birds away, and he made a noise in his throat as if he'd just took a dose of salts[635] and was trying to make them stay down.

Then there was another sound, and I looked up and saw a big crack come in the ceiling, like you see on the pictures when an earthquake's happening, and the bulb began circling round and round as though it was a space ship. I was just beginning to get dizzy[636] when, thank Christ, he fell down with such a horrible thump[637] on the floor that I thought he'd broke every bone he'd got. He kicked around for a bit, like a dog that's got colic[638] bad.

Then he lay still. I didn't stay to look at him. " I told him that rope wouldn't hold up, " 1 kept saying to myself as I went out of the house, tut-tutting[639] because he hadn't done the job right, hands stuffed deep into my pockets and nearly crying at the balls-up[640] he'd made of everything. I slammed[641] his gate so hard with disappointment that it nearly dropped off its hinges.

Just as I was going back up the yard to get my tea at home, hoping the others had come back from the pictures so's[642] I wouldn't have anything to keep on being black about, a copper[643] passed me and headed for the bloke's door. He was striding[644] quickly with his head bent forward, and I knew that somebody, had narked[645]. They must have seen him buy the rope and then tipped-off[646] the cop оr happen[647] the old hen at the yard-end had finally caught on[648]. Or perhaps he'd even told somebody himself, because I supposed that the bloke who'd strung himself up hadn't much known what he was doing, especially with the look I'd seen in his eyes. But that's how it is, I said to myself, as I followed the copper back to the bloke's house, a poor bloke can't even hang himself these days.

When I got back the copper was slitting the rope from his neck with a penknife, then he gave him a drink of water, and the bloke opened his peepers[649]. I didn' like the copper, because he'd got a couple of my mates sent to approved school[650] for pinching[651] lead[652] piping from lavatories.

" What did you want to hang yourself for? " he asked the bloke, trying to make him sit up. He could hardly talk, and one of his hands was bleeding from where the light bulb had smashed. I knew that rope wouldn't hold up, but he hadn't listened to me. I'll never hang myself anyway, but if I want to I'll make sure I do it from a tree or something like that, not a light fitting. " Well, what did you do it for? " Because I wanted to, " the bloke croaked[653]".

" You'll get five years for this, " the copper told him. I'd crept back into the house and was sucking my thumb in the same corner.

" That's what yo' think, " the bloke said, a normal frightened look in his eyes now.

" I only wanted to hang myself."

" Well, " the copper said, taking out his book, " it's against the law, you know."

" Nay[654], " the bloke said, " it can't be. It's my life, ain't it? "

" You might think so, " the copper said, " but it ain't."

He began to suck the blood from his hand. It was such a little scratch though that you couldn't see it. " That's the first thing I knew, " he said.

" Well I'm telling you" the copper told him.

'Course, I didn't let on to[655] the copper that I'd helped the bloke to hang himself.

I wasn't born yesterday, nor the day before yesterday either.

" It's a fine thing if a bloke can't tek[656] his own life, " the bloke said, seeing he was in for it[657].

" Well he can't, " the copper said, as if reading out of his book and enjoying it. " It ain't your life. And it's a crime to take your own life. It's killing yourself. suicide".

The bloke looked hard, as if every one of the copper's words meant six-months cold[658].1 felt sorry for him, and that's a fact, but if only he’d listened to what 1'd said and not depended on that light fitting. He should have done it from a tree, or something like that. He went up the yard with the copper like a peaceful lamb, and we all thought that that was the end of that. But a couple of days later the news was flashed through to us – even before it got to the Post[659] because a woman in our yard worked at the hospital of an evening[660] dishing grub[661] out and tidying up. I heard her spilling it[662] to somebody at the yard-end. " I'd never 'ave thought it. I thought he’d got tha daft[663] idea out of his head when they took him away. But no. Wonders'll never? cease[664]. Chucked[665] issen[666] from the hospital window when the copper who sat near his bed went off for a pee[667]. Would you believe it? Dead? Not much 'e ain't[668]."

He’d heaved himself at the glass, and fallen like a stone on to the road. In one way I was sorry he had done it, but in another I was glad, because he’d proved to the coppers and everybody whether it was his life or not all right. It was marvellous though, the way the brainless bastards[669] had put him in a ward[670]! six floors up, which finished him off, proper, even better than a tree. All of which will make me think twice about how black I sometimes feel. The black coal-bag locked inside you, and the black look it puts on your face, doesn't mean you're going to string yourself up or sling yourself under double-decker[671] or chuck yourself out of a window or cut your throat with a sardine tin or put your head in the gas oven or drop your rotten sack-bag of a body on to a railway line, because when you're feeling that[672] black you can’t even more from your chair. Anyhow, I know I'll never get so black as to hang myself, because hanging don't look very nice to me, and never will, the more I remember old what's-his-name swinging from the light-fitting. More than anything else, I'm glad now I didn't go to the pictures that Saturday afternoon when I was feeling black and ready to do myself in. Because you know, I shan't ever kill myself. Trust me. I'll stay alive half barmy[673] till I'm a hundred and five, and then go out[674] screaming blue murder[675] because I want to stay where I am.

Understanding the story


1. What effect does the first line of the story have on you?

2. What shocks you about the opinions expressed in the first paragraph?

3. Describe the boy's family background.

4. Why do you think his father often has " black" moods?

5. What explanations does the boy give for the " black" moods in his family? Can you think of an explanation?

6. Why wasn't there much " fresh air" in the town where the boy lived? What sort of a place do you think " our yard" is?

7. What sort of people live there?

8. How does the boy react to the man's statement that he is going to hang himself? Would you have reacted in the same way?

9. In what way does the boy take a practical part in " the hanging"?

10. What was special about the man's look, and what do you think it signified?

11. How did the boy help the man? What else could he have done - and why didn't he?

12. " A poor bloke can't even hang himself these days". What does this comment mean?

13. What is the boy's attitude towards the policeman? Do you think he thinks the same about all policemen? Give your reasons.

14. What happened to the man after his attempted suicide?

15. Why was the boy glad the man had finally succeeded in killing himself?

16. Has the boy learnt anything from his experience?



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