Студопедия — An interior in the Indian style
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An interior in the Indian style


Bright colors and ornaments, spicy aromas, light of gold, carved furniture – all these lines of the Indian style which you can recreate in an interior of the country house or the city apartment.

Europeans, in particular Englishmen, showed their interest to this exotic interior, several centuries ago. The citizen of foggy Albion visited India brought home also various intricate bagatelles, figurines, fabrics, ware and so forth, besides spices, delicacies, and tea. So elements of the Indian interior began to appear in the European houses.

Today, it’s not difficult to decorate a room in the Indian style, it is enough to have ideas of its some singularities. We also will talk in this article about them.


A choice of color scale plays a huge role. Compatibility of colors, their interaction with a home decoration and is taken into consideration what psychological influence they will render on hosts.

The Indian style assumes courageous contrasts, bright and juicy colors. Saturated green color, turquoise, orange, gold and all shades of the red receives the wide circulation in such interior. It is also popular: the quiet warm color scale brown, sand, terracotta, color curry.

The room walls can be, painted in bright colors, and remain neutral.

Various fabrics with a stuffed ornament are also used for room design. It can be a tear-shaped or flower ornament, drawings of animals and so on.

Fabrics can be present at a premise in the form of decorative covers for pillows, coverlets, portieres and curtains.

This interior assumes beauty, but it is necessary to remember that the color scale shouldn't irritate, and opposite promote creation of weakening atmosphere indoors.



Carving – it is one of distinctive features of the Indian style. Openwork curls can be seen practically on all elements of an interior, beginning from entrance doors and finishing a ceiling. Even the large-sized furniture decorated by a carving, looks " air" and gracefully.

The carved ornament is also often supplemented with incrustation by various stones, an ivory, nacre and other materials.



The varnished surfaces are other characteristic sign of the Indian interior.

Varnishing carries out not only decorative function it is also very practical - the varnished covering protects furniture from humidity and termites.

Over a varnish drawing paints can be executed which sometimes is put or scratched on the top of varnish coat (the bottom layer, other color should be visible).

Not only the furniture and walls in the Indian house can be varnished and almost all elements of an interior – in this case sun rays are reflected from all surfaces indoors, filling with its pleasant light.



The furniture in the Indian house can be the most different colors, forms and the sizes, but always it is made of a tree.

A nut or a tic is often used to make furniture.

Wooden furniture is decorated by list, incrustations, metal and inserts of a tree of other breeds.

The traditional Indian bed is called «chapra» and it is made so: four fine-molded, polished legs are varnished and fixed to the rectangular frame fitted by an outline. Then multi-colored ropes are laid hardly pulled which form a pattern of bright strips and squares.

The same techniques are applied and for pirri – low Indian stools.

The screen – the next attribute of the Indian interior, as a rule, is made of a tree and decorated by a carving, incrustations and various miniatures.

This element of an interior can be used for room zoning. The screen won't be simply dividing partition – it becomes the present ornament of a premise.



The interior of the rooms stylized under the Indian house, should include numerous decorative details, like dishes, trays and various caskets. Images of characters and scenes are put on such elements from the Indian mythology, portrait miniatures and so on.

The various figures are the most popular for an interior ornament, such as the figures of animals for example symbolizing prosperity, figures of elephants. It can be also the figures of representing horses, cows, antelopes, snakes and crocodiles.

Figures can be executed from the most different materials: from a bone, a tree, nephrite and so on.

Add an interior of the room which has been issued in the Indian style, a graceful chess little table, a hookah, the lamps which have been executed from multi-colored glass, decorative pillows and carpets.

The collection of similar things will create the atmosphere of the colonial Indian house.

Let's notice it’s not necessary to do an Indian interior no – you can pick up some subjects and " enter" them in a modern design of a room.

Elements of the Indian style will present an ekzotichnost and romanticism to an interior of a room.

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