Студопедия — Unit 5. Double-deck train concept
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Unit 5. Double-deck train concept



bilevel/ double-deck - двухъярусный/двухэтажный

passenger capacity - вместимость пассажиров

derived from - производное от

a gauge - колея

he centre of gravity - центр тяжести

entry - выпуск, производство

access - вход, доступ

a ramp - пандус

a carriage building factory - вагоностроительный завод

seat-back entertainment systems - мультимедийная система в спинке кресла

wheelchair facilities - устройства для инвалидных кресел

a snackbar - бар-буфет

bulky luggage - крупногабаритный багаж

CCTV - система видеонаблюдения

The bilevel car (AE) or double-decker coach (BE) is a type of rail car that has two levels of passenger accommodation, as opposed to one, increasing passenger capacity. In some countries such vehicles are commonly referred to as dostos, derived from the German Doppelstockwagen. Bilevel trains are claimed to be more energy efficient, and may have a lower operating cost per passenger.

The height of the cars can limit their use, especially in countries with low loading gauge. In some countries such as the UK new lines are built to a larger than standard gauge to allow the use of double-deck trains in future. The high passenger capacity can create flow and problems at train stations when much larger numbers of passengers try to board or get off at the same time.

The double-deck design usually includes lowering the bottom floor to below the top level of the wheels, closer to the rails, and then adding an upper floor above. Such a design will fit under more bridges, tunnels and power wires (structure gauge). For cost and safety, this design also minimizes car height and lowers the centre of gravity.

Depending on train station platform heights, three designs can be used for entry - high platforms require use of a " split level" car design, where the doors are located on a middle level, with access into the upper or lower level branching off - with stairs or ramps going both up and down. For low train station platforms, a " two floor" design with level entry onto the lower floor is used. Occasionally a third, very tall " two floors over-wheel" design is used. This is a traditional single floor car " with a second story" design with, when using low platform, requires steps up to a traditional floor height and then internal stairs up to the upper floor.

In 2012, a prototype double-decker rail carriage was made at the TVZ Tver Carriage Building Factory for the RZD Russian Railways company. This prototype carriage is a sleeping car with four-berth compartments and a total capacity of 64 passengers. Russian Railways ordered double-decker sleeper carriages from Transmashholding for the Adler-Moscow train service.

Transmashholding is expected to begin the production of 160 km/h double-deck trainsets for inter-regional services in 2014, with the first trains used on routes from Moscow to Tver, Yaroslavl, Vladimir, Ryazan, Tula and Kaluga.

Each train will comprise between six and 12 double-deck coaches from TMH's Tver works. According to TMH, the height of double-deck stock means there would be no roof or under-floor space for the electrical equipment needed for an electric multiple-unit. The air-conditioned coaches will have three classes, business class featuring seat-back entertainment systems, standard class having a 2+2 seating arrangement and economy class 3+2. There will also be wheelchair facilities, a snack bar, space for bulky luggage and CCTV.



1) Find the English equivalents in the text:


1) двухъярусный/двухэтажный вагон

2) размещение

3) линия электропередач

4) нижний этаж

5) (построенный) на разных уровнях

6) двухуровневый вагон

7) спальный вагон

8) 4-х местное купе

9) межрегиональный

10) вагоны с кондиционерами



2) Read the text again and say if these statements true (T) or false (F):


1) The bilevel trains are designed to increase the speed.

2) The journey on double-deck trains are cheaper than on one-deck ones.

3) The great amount of people carried with the double-deck trains may cause some difficulties at train stations.

4) The car design depends on the platform length.

5) The Russian double-decker sleeper carriages can carry 64 passengers.


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