Студопедия — Ex 19 Study the following chart
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Ex 19 Study the following chart

I     Shehas been waitingto see yousince morning. Theyhave been studyingEnglishfor three years.  
II       When I came to work at the Institute shehad been teachingtherefor ten yearsalready. She said that shehad been workingat this factorysince 1980. He had been living in Leningrad up to 1981 and then he moved to Moscow.  
III       By this time next year hewill have been lecturingon the subjectfor five years.*  


Ex 20 Ask questions indicated at the end of the sentences.


1. I have been working on the problem for three years. (How long?) 2. We had been walking for hours before we saw the lake. (How long?) 3. It has been raining since morning. (Since when?) 4. I don't want to go out this evening. I've been working in the garden all day. (Who?) 5. We have been making chemical experiments for the past few days. (What experiments?) 6. By the time she comes, he will have been staying at the hotel for two days. (How long?) 7. He said he had been taking English lessons since he was a boy. (Since what time?) 8. You have been hiding from me lately. (Why?) 9. For the past few minutes he has been trying to make her understand that she is wrong. (What?)

Ex 21 Use the Present Perfect Continuous tense form in the following sentences, make use of the adverbial modifiers suggested in the brackets (watch the change in meaning).


Model 1: He has already written this letter, (since morning)

He has been writing this letter since morning.


1. They have already built the theatre, (for two years). 2. We have discussed all these problems (the whole month). 3. I've helped her with her work. (since she came to this office). 4. He has just read this book. (all week). 5. She has taught them how to do it. (for years). 6. What has happened here? (while I have been away). 7. Has he read the book? (long). 8. I've looked through today's newspapers, (since the postman brought them).


Model 2: They are playing tennis now. (since lunch time)

They have been playing tennis since lunch time.


1. It's snowing hard. (since early morning). 2. I am looking for a book which I've put somewhere, (since I returned from the office). 3. She is wearing a brown hat today, (for three years). 4. They are making tractors at this factory (since 1935). 5. They are translating an article from the Morning Star now. (for two hours). 6. The baby is crying, (all morning). 7. I am reading David Copper field now. (this week). 8. She is waiting for you in the hall. (for twenty minutes).

Ex 22 Answer the following questions, using the Present Perfect Continuous. Tense. *


Model: Why are you looking so hot? (to run all the way)

I've been running all the way.


1. Why are you so excited? (argue). 2. Why are her eyes red? (cry). 3. Why does he look so tired? (work hard lately). 4. What's so funny? Why are you laughing? (Peter, fell his funny stories again). 5. Why do you keep silent? (sorry, think over your words). 6. What are you doing here? (wait for a friend). 7. Why do you look so pale? (smoke too much today). 8. Why are you late? (walk all the way, something has happened on the trolley-bus line). 9. Why are your hands covered with paint? (paint the door).

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